ttlh, loc 2778, completed

*a conversation with a special person about a special book.

John was right, well he always is actually, nothing and everything happened in ttlh.
because i think, well, life, life happened in ttlh.
in the end you can only see it as a fragment of eternity, moments of life.
time passes people think people live time passes people die time passes people think people live time passes and then she told us things that we already know by heart but would rather left unspoken.
with such subtlety indeed.
i'm fine btw how bout u.
define fine.
of all the dynamic thoughts and emotions, something seems to stay static for me, for how a moment can feel like eternity while eternity can slip right through one's fingers.
it's worth noticing that death was just a sentence in brackets, out of context and blurry among the things that, though were also subject to time, still outlast a person just to "perish, each alone" eventually.
i haven't seen many authors who use brackets. i had to look up its usage actually.
[you should get pizza for dinner]
see how it emphasized and diminished your sentence at the same time.
[still think you should get pizza for dinner tho]
and i think i get that, how a moment seems to last forever, regardless of whether we want it to or not, since sometimes i feel like i'm still in those moments when i lost someone i love.
we don't move on from the loss but just hide it away instead, trying to prepare ourselves for the day the memory of it surfaces again, sometimes only to find ourselves in the same amount of horrendous pain again.
but on the bright side, people say that the frequency of it resurfacing would certainly lessen over time.
define time then.
the socially constructed one or the one in the spacetime continuum.
you should put that in brackets.
i can't either way anyway.
but somehow i don't find the book poignant or happy.
there were moments of both.
yes, both of them and more. it's complex but in a way that makes you kind of drift away from reality for just a sec and then instantly kick you off those clouds.
sort of like being on the boat?
yes. on the boat, finally to the lighthouse.

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