dates,bananas,and a whole lot of water

Sylvia: yes yes yes yes

Eve: ?

Sylvia: we got a dare from Thestardragon that we have to go on dates and love triangles also go to

Eve: what about people that don't have a crush

Sylvia:...Go to the movies

Eve: yay

Sylvia informs everyone what the dare is


Zack: I'm going

Wyatt: me two

Eve and Draco: bye

Sam: will you go with me Sally

Sam: yes (hugs him)

Lettuce: flance will you go with me

Flance blushed: s-sure

Lettuce smiled: thank you

Umber: Izzy will you accompanie me

Izzy: yes umber

Sylvia: kite

Kite: I will *thinks why he exists

Sylvia: yay

They go to the ship's restaurant the guys are wearing ties
The girls are wearing dresses

Flance and lettuce sit and talked about some of the legendary Pokemon

Umber and izzabell sat down and talked about grown up stuff

Sam and Sally sat down and talked about each other's interests

Kite and Sylvia sat down and Sylvia just started starring at him

Kite: what are you doing

Sylvia: uh, nothing


The dates ended, then they went back to the main room

Eve: we have another dare from AzzytheDreemurr he want Sam to.. be stuck in a room full of bananas?


Sam is locked in a room full off bananas

Eve: we also have one last dare fro-


Eve:....OK anyways it's from OrdinaryEevee and he dared flance to swim the rest of the way to the island while Zack shouts "your forever alone every 7 minutes

Zack: finally something worth my time

Flance: kill me, now

Flance jumped in and started swimming

Zack: your forever alone

Zack: your forever alone

Zack: your forever alone

Zack: your forever alone

Kite: that is all the time we have thanx, ask and dare us baiiiiiiiiiiiii

Zack: your forever alone

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