
@sncjjcjwjfjc requested this and thank you so much for the idea!
I'm writing this on my phone and laptop so if it look or seems different that's why.
Disclaimer: I don't own MTV's Scream!


Y/n pov

It's about the middle of my junior year, and Emma came home a while ago. Kieran was also caught and killed a while ago. But that doesn't change the fact that my brother is dead and one of my best friends... though my "friends" didn't really like or trust him... Kieran killed them ... Jake and Eli...

My brother Jake was a jerk but he had his moments... he was sweet to me. I wouldn't have changed him because he was the perfect big brother for me...

My parents were forcing me to do the Lady of the Lake Pageant and me and Brooke were the last two called. We decided to stand together and then the banner unfurled... and Jake's body dropped... that was the worst thing that ever happened to me... never mind the fact that I have almost gotten killed multiple times and drugged... Brooke may have taken it hard... but she didn't feel like that her whole world shut down. But that's what happened for me... my friends barley talked to me and I have a hard time talking with people, my parents they have never been there for me in my life... Jake was all I had and now he is gone...

Now Eli, I met him on his first day... his actual first day that is. We have... had... most of our classes together with the exception of a few of our elective classes. In everyone of the classes we sat relatively close to each other, so naturally we started talking and became good friends.

When he died... I was right there... only I couldn't do anything... like Audrey I was chained up... and unlike Emma and Audrey I wasn't really surprised when we found out that the killer was Kieran... I kind of put the pieces together and figured it out... but no one not even Noah believed me when I told them. The worst part was I really liked him... but he liked Emma so I backed off and he had found out about my crush that I have had for years on Audrey.

After I lost my brother and Eli I shut down, I changed my look and cut off all of my friends. I didn't want to talk to anyone and it seems like no one that was my friend wanted to be my friend... I never got invited anywhere any more and even before everything happened I was really shy I didn't like to talk.

Well all except Audrey... she tried to get me to go places... but at the time I didn't feel ready to come out of my brothers room or the house or my room... I didn't feel like eating so I certainly didn't feel like trying to talk and have people ignore me or at least that's how it feels and I most certainly didn't feel like going places. Audrey was persistent though... until she stopped being persistent at least...

School has started back again for me and all of my "friends" and I am at my locker getting my stuff for the first class, then going to class, and that's how it went for the rest of the day getting my crap together and going to where I had to go. That's how it went for days... weeks... almost months... until I got confronted or they tried to confront me at least...

They started to walk to me after last period, I saw them though and started to speed walk towards my car and got it started and left breathing and thanking god that I got out of there when I did.

That was a week ago and now it is the end of the day I can finally get out of this place that is hell on earth. I am putting my stuff in my locker and out of the corner of my eye I saw Audrey walking towards me. Oh no it is going to be hard to get away from her now she is close and getting closer. I start to walk fast hoping by some luck that I would get out of there.

Nope I feel a hand grab my arm and I immediately knew that it was Audrey... I have memorized her touch... ok maybe it's more than a crush... I turn around knowing that I am most likely not going to get away soon, so I turn around and face her...

"Y/n why are you avoiding us... why are you avoiding me?" Audrey asks in the most heart broken voice I have ever heard.

At the sound of her voice I immediately start to get choked up... I miss her and the rest of the guys so much and when she asked why I was avoiding her tears start to flow heavily down my cheeks and Audrey pulls me into a hug knowing that I needed one after all that had happened.... I hadn't let it out since Jake and Eli died...

"I-I" I tried to explain to her why I have been avoiding her and the rest of my friends but I couldn't get anything out. Audrey just shushed me and told me to let it out and after a little bit I felt her shake her head and concerned hushed whispers... I knew it was my friends. Before I knew it I had cried myself to sleep.

Audrey's pov

After I had asked her why she was avoiding everyone, she started to sob; and that when I realized that she hasn't let it out since her brother and Jake died. I may be in love with her but I don't really want to risk ruining our friendship so I just keep quiet. Anyway I wrap my arms around her pulling her into a hug and also told her just to let it out... everyone in the school had left anyway.

Soon I see our friends coming down the hallway and before they were about to speak I slightly shook my head telling them no. Soon after they arrived I felt her crying slow down and her breathing settle, she is asleep. I pick her up bridle style and took her to her car Noah grabbed her bag and jacket that she had with her and Brooke said that her keys were in the pocket of her jacket. I drove her home and stayed with her the rest of the night, the next morning all of her friends came while she was still asleep and I explained everything. What I didn't know was that she heard me say that I love her and if she left I would not know what to do with my life.
Took awhile to to finish this but here it is. Sorry this is short I am in algebra finishing this.

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