I was looking through different imagines online and found this and decided to turn it into and imagine for this book.
Please give me ideas.
this is my first imagine like this so sorry if it isn't very good
Authers note
Audrey is the vampire in this story
Y/N pov
I'm at Audrey's house and we are just watching a movie, but we are still bored out of our minds. I know Audrey's secret, she's a vampire to be honest when I found out that just attracted me more to her... if that's even possible... but there are some complications... I am human. No she doesn't know that I like... no love her, i'm scared to tell her I don't know how she will react.
No ones pov
Y/N is so lost in her thoughts about her feelings about Audrey that she doesn't realize that Audrey is acting off. She is quiet, normally she's talking about what's on her mind. Really it depends on what's going on, she might talk about the past some days, the present, random thoughts, or something else.
Audrey pov
I like Y/N... or maybe love, I don't really really know. I have never felt this way about anyone before. When ever I look at her I get butterflies in my stomach, I also get this strong urge to grab her face and kiss her. But I am a vampire I don't want to ever hurt her... Oh my god I do love her... I've got to tell her. But what if... no she needs to know if she doesn't want anything to do with me I will figure out what to do if that happens.
Y/N pov
I hear Audrey says my name... she sounds nervous... and I turn towards her butterflies invade my stomach. God I am in so deep, she could tell me that she killed one of my best friends or one of my family members and I would still never leave her.
Realizing that I haven't answered her yet I said "ya" indicating her to continue what she was going to say.
Audrey pov
"I-" I am so nervous I can barley speak. I take a deep breath... not that I need it but it does help me calm down. I think back to when Y/N first found out that I was a vampire.
We were in the park... it was cloudy but the sun started to peak out of the clouds and I start to panic... she's never seen me in the sun before.
Vampires don't exactly sparkle like in the Twilight movies but we also don't burn up in the sun. The light does burn us but more like a bad sunburn, and light does bounce off of us but... it's hard to explain. Because we are dead vampires don't tan... it just looks like we got a bad sunburn and about a day or so later back to our pale self.
Oh god she's looking at me... wait she is looking at me confused not scared what the...
"come on lets get you out of the sun" Y/N says to me.
"ya thanks... Y/N theres something I need to tell you..." I said and she hummed indicating me to continue "maybe we should wait till we are at my house I don't want to get you into a crash".
"Mk" Y/N says and continues driving to Audrey's house.
time skip b/c I don't know what to put
We are now at Audrey's house and she sat down and took a deep breath and just said rushed and scared "I am a vampire, your one of my best friends and I really don't want to lose you". If I could cry I would have been then I was so scared almost as scared as I am now. Thankfully she accepted me for who I am.
Flashback over
That was one of the best days of my life I know that I could tell her anything.
Y/N pov
"About what I saying earlier it's nothing... I mean I don't know how to tell you... I love you" Audrey told me.
She likes me wait no she said love! We love each other....
Audrey pov
She hasn't said anything... she doesn't like me back ...
Y/N pov
"I-" I started to tell her that I love her but she interrupted me.
"You don't have to say anything... I get it you don't love me back" Audrey said looking so broken.
"That's not true..." I told her then quickly kissed her.
Audrey pov
It felt like there was sparks running in my body, she makes me feel so alive!
I moved my lips to her ear and whisper "I've found my mate", after I said that I moved my lips and kissed her lips which easily got heated quickly. Knowing that she needed air I move my lips and begin to kiss behind her ear and all the way down her neck, stopping at where a vampire bites a human either drinking them dry or turn them by injecting my venom into there body changing them stopping there heart, I began to kiss, suck, and gently nip at her sweet spot on her neck. She suddenly moans and I smirk knowing she is enjoying this, for me it is risky because I could bite her accidentally but right now I am taking that risk, I love her so much I don't know what I would do if I hurt her.
Y/N pov
This feels so good, I am in a state of bliss. Audrey is the only one who I will let go like this, she is the only one who gets to make me lose control like this, she gets to hear me like no one has ever before.
I moan her name, a few moments later I feel a sharp pain in my neck and I scream her name, I am in excruciating pain but I can make out something being injected into the small bite. Audrey pulls back and looks like she wants to hurt herself and cry. I don't know what is going on and I am so scared!
Audrey pov
I-I bit her...I wan't to hurt myself so bad. There isn't a way to stop the effects of the bite after a person is bitten, the venom begins its work on changing the person immediately. She has no idea what is happening right now...she is so scared... I-I better explain and hope she doesn't run out on me.
"Y/N I-I accidentally bit you and injected my venom, there isn't a way to stop the effects, your going to be a vampire... I am so so sorry" I said if I could cry I would have I feel so bad for biting her she didn't have a choice.
Y/N pov
I don't care that she bit me I love her so much I really am in deep... I love her so much that I don't care that she ended my human life because of this I get to be with her forever. Despite all of this pain that I am in I have to tell her that I love her.
"Auds I-I lo-ve you" I say in between winces and screams.
Audrey smiles happily and holds me in her arms and I am writhing in pain with the transformation. I am seeing black now, I'm about to pass out. 'I'm going to be with the love of my life forever, soon", as I think this the room turns completely black and I pass out. I can't wait to be with Audrey forever soon.
Hope you enjoyed this!
Please give me ideas!
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