Chapter 10

After all of Zack's friends visited all of them drove back up to campus for some school activity going on. Beau ended up getting his parents to move all of his stuff into the apartment over the garage while the guys were here and since that was all that was left to do we moved the girls up there and spent the night in our new home.

"So, how'd you enjoy your day?"Beau asked as we were watchin The Notebook.

"It was okay, I was exhausted though, even though it's only Monday. How was yours?"I said, laying my head and arms on his chest. I could feel him taking smooth, deep breaths. It was relaxing.

"I'm going to admit that I loved seeing you yell at Ricky, but otherwise it was okay, I missed you and the girls a lot though. I missed being able to sleep in, hold the girls in the rocking chair, lay in bed with you all day, feedin the girl..."That was the last thing I heard before I drifted off, relaxed by the sound of Beau breathing.


I woke up startled in the morning to the sound of Beau's alarm. Yawning, I got up and threw my hair in a ponytail, grabbed my red silk robe off the end of the bed and walked down the hall in to the girls' room. The first thing I saw when I walked in was Beau sitting in the rocking chair holding Ella, both of them were out cold. I cautiously and quietly took Ella from Beau's arms and placed her in her crib. After that I grabbed a blanket and covered up Beau because I didn't want to wake him up. Next, I called school.

"Hello, you've reached Madison Area High School, this is Elise. How may I help you?"Elise answered.

"Hey Elise, it's Anna Marshall I just wanted to call to let you know that Beau Mitchell won't be at school today,"I said.

"Thanks for calling to let me know Anna. How are you doing with being at home with the babies?"Elise asked, just as Clarissa started to cry.

"The babies and I are doing great, and as we speak one of them just woke up so I have to go. Thanks again!"I said, then hung up the phone.

When I turned around, Beau was behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and urgently pressed his lips to mine. I could feel the intensity in the way he moved his lips around mine. His breathing was rapid and I could tell that something was wrong.

"Beau,"I whispered between our lips.

"What?"He groaned back.

"What's going on?"I asked, trying to break away from him. "This isn't like you."

"What, I can't kiss my girlfriend and mother of my kids without her asking questions?"

"Yeah, you can, but this isn't your normal behavior, trust me, I'd know," I said, trying to pull away with my head, Beau's fingers digging in to the back of my neck, "Beau, let me go, you're hurting m-," That was all I could get in before his lips were crashing down on mine again. His lips moved down my face, to my chin and down my neck, then back up to my lips and the tip of my nose.

"Beau, what the hell is going on?" I whispered into his ear, then let go of him to go grab Ellla from her crib.

"I just don't ever want to lose you Anna, I love you too much,"He said.

"I love you too Beau," I said, then realized what he said before that. "Wait, why would you be so worried about losing me? I can't believe you'd think that I'd be leaving you!"I said, stating quiet but slowly escalading to yelling, and all Beau did was stand there. "What? You actually thought that? Why would you think that?!"I yelled back at him.

"Because, what if something happened or one of us did something and you got dissapointed and left with the girls because of it?"He yelled back, causing Ella to start crying.

"Okay, there was no need for yelling because now I have to go get Ella settled down. And Beau, no matter how bad whatever you did wrong was, I would never take our girls away from you," I said, with a bit of anger in my tone, then I left the room to go get Ella a bottle. By the time I walked downstairs, through the garage, and into my parents house I hysterical and Ella was asleep. Now I just have to get myself settled down.

"Mom?Are you home?"I asked up the stairs between sniffles.

"Oh honey,"she said when she saw me at the bottom of the stairs. "Whats wrong?" she asked, giving me a hug, then grabbing Ella from me.

I sat down with mom and blubbered everything to her. I heard my phone ring but seeing it was Beau I hung up. I can't believe he can't get off his lazy ass to talk to me, he has to call when he's right upstairs. Then the house phone rang.

"Don't answer that,"I snapped at my mom.

"Anna, don't you use that tone with me. And I get that you are mad at him, but you need to talk to him. I will watch the girls and I want you too to go out and talk. That isn't a suggestion, that's an order from your mother," my mom snapped back.

"Fine, Clarissa's asleep in the nursery upstairs,"I said, turning around heading up to the apartment.


"Beau?"I yelled into our bedroom. "We need to talk so meet me in the car in five minutes, your driving."

"Fine."he replied.


We drove in silence for the first five minutes. I was so angry at him. I have no idea why he would say something like that, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be mad at him forever.

"Beau?"I asked, not looking over to him.


"I still love you, if that makes a difference,"I replied.

"I love you too, but I just don't get why you overreacted,"he replied.

"You know why? Becuase you made me feel that you did something wrong, or that you were accusing me of going behind your back and doing something I shouldn't have, which I didn't. You saying that made me feel like you wer lying to me and it scared me,"I replied. Tears came to my eys and it took all I had to hold them back.

"Anna, I'm so sor-"Out of the corner of my eye I saw a large semi-truck about to speed throught the redlight, right about to hit us.

"Beau watch ou-"Was all I could get out before some crashed into the passenger side of the car.


Hey all readers!

1) I know I'm far into the story, but I need to know what you think of this story because I'm not sure about continuing with it, so please comment if you like it or vote. If I don't get at least 2 or 3 comments on this chapter, then I don't think I'm going to continue the story, but I'm not completely sure yet.

2) If I get enough comments and do another chapter, then I was thinking of doing the next chapter in Beau's POV. but I need y'all to let me know via comments.

3) If someone could also create a new cover picture for the story because I dont know that i like the current  one that i made that would be great! thanks:)

Please vote, comment, and keep reading


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