Home...at last
Well, although the help of the nurses at the hospital was great and all, it was all gone to fast. Beau and I were finally home, where we belonged with our girls. Ella and Clarissa were sleeping in their cribs, which were in their brand new nursery, which I had no idea they were going to have.
I came back from the hospital and it turns out that mine and Beau's parents had spent the last 5 days working on the guest bedroom to make it into a joint nursery in one of the rooms of the apartment above the garage, for the girls. All equipped with the gifts that I received from the school baby shower just a couple of weeks ago, which seemed like forever ago. But now the guest bedroom was a princess pink color with all new bedding for the cribs and new curtains and everything. Mom and Dad must have done some shopping while I was in the hospital.
The first week at home went okay, Beau was off because of his leg, but it was Monday again and Beau was required to go back to school. I had had help this past week with the girls with Beau being home so I'm kind of scared to be home all alone with the girls. We were
"Mom?Are you still home?"I called down the hall from the nursery, trying to be quiet because I was holding Ella.
"Yes Anna, what do you need?"She asked.
"Well, I was wondering if you could possibly stay home, just for today, to help take care of the girls when I need it. It will give you some time to get some sleep to."I said, adding a pouty face, not that she could see me.
"Anna, you know that you are going to have to get used to taking care of the girls alone."She replied.
"I know that. That's why I said 'only when I need it.' You can sleep in the meantime because I know you've gotten about as much sleep as me."I explained.
"I guess one day off from work couldn't hurt especially being able to sleep."Mom replied.
"Thank you mom!I love you."I yelled to mom
"Love you too honey. I'm gonna call into work and then go back to bed." Mom said, heading down the stairs.
I laid Ella back into her crib after feeding her. Singing softly as she drifted to sleep. I had noticed over the past couple of days that Ella always curled up when she slept. Even cradled in blankets she would always find a way. Clarissa was exactly the oppostie tho, she always slept basically flat on her back with her pink baby blanket laying over her legs and long torso. When Ella was alseep I went and checked on Clarissa. She was stretching in her crib, her mouth creating a long oval as she yawned. She opened her eyes and stared at me when she looked up. I grabbed her out of her crib taking her downstairs to the dinning room where my mom was sitting.
"Hey mom, I thought you were going back to sleep."I said, suprised she was still awake.
"Well, I tried but I couldn't fall back asleep. I'm to used to waking up early. But it is nice to be able to sit down and enjoy my coffee," she replied, then looking at a now wide awake Clarissa in my arms.
"Can I?"Mom asked, reaching out to Clarissa.
"Of course mom. You don't have to ask you know," I said, handing Clarissa to her. "I'm gonna go back upstairs. I'll be in my room. I'll be back out soon to check on the girls. Love you mom, and thanks for handling everything so well." I said, looking at mom with a grateful face.
"Of course honey, anything you ever need I will always be here. Love you too."
Since Beau's leg was still healing we were staying in the main house so that my parents could help us adjust. So as I headed back upstairs, I went to my room and layed down on my bed, which was covered in baby clothes and my own clothes that I haven't had the chance to pack up to move to the apartment yet.. Beau had been staying at his house at night because of his leg so I had no reason to clean anything up, but tonight he was coming back here to be with and the girls. I decided I better clean and pack up my stuff.
After about ten minutes of cleaning I was already exhausted. I had my bed cleared off so I layed down and turned on the tv on low volume. I could feel myself drifting off, not realizing how tired I really was.
"Anna? Anna, honey. Wake up, you have to take care of your girls,"Mom whispered.
"Omigosh, how long have I been asleep?"I yelled.
"Settle down Anna. You were only asleep for an hour. I saw you passed out on the bed and figured that I should probably let you sleep for a little bit. Your daughters where getting antsy though so I came to wake you up since you had a good hour of sleep."Mom explained.
"Oh mom, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep and I didn't really realize how tired I was. Where are the girls now?"I asked
"They are both sleeping in their cribs. They both just ate so they should be okay for a good hour. But we have some work to do around the house,"Mom said, looking directly as my floor, which you could barely see. "Anna, you need to get this room clean, especially if your going to have the girls in here."Mom explained.
"I know mom, I'm sorry. I'm gonna get this cleaned up, then I'm gonna take a quick shower, get dressed and cleaned up, and then I'm gonna take the girls out for a drive just so that I can get out of the house for a little bit. Is that okay?"
"That's okay, but make sure you keep the girls bundled up, it is only February. They don't need to be getting sick so young,"Mom said worriedly.
"I know mom." I said, turning around to start cleaning.
"Alright Anna. What are you planning to do with all of this?"mom asked.
"Well, I was planning on moving most of my clothes and stuff to the apartment. I figured I'll keep a couple of changes of clothes here. My bed and dressers are staying here because all the furniture is up there already. And this way Carrie has a place to sleep when she comes down next."
The last time Carrie came down to visit was while I was in the hospital with the girls. We talked about school and how we were both doing. Bryce had ended up stopping in to see Beau, apparently the knew each other through family friends. Carrie was happier than I have ever seen her so Bryce must be a good guy for her. Zack ended up not being able to down, with the new semester just starting he didn't want to be behind so he was going to come down after I had been home for a while. But Carrie didn't care if she was behind, she wanted to see the girls so bad. I had actually made the decision about god parents when she got there.
"So, I was wondering if you would be Clarissa's Godmother?"I asked, scared of how she would react.
"Omigod, yes of course. I'd be honored Anna!"Carrie exclaimed. "Who is the god father, and what about Ella?"She asked.
"I haven't asked anyone else yet. Beau and I were thinking that one of our good friend's Blake would be Ella's Godfather. He was really good with her yesterday when he came to see me, and he's one of those jocks that say he isn't a mushy type of guy, but when he walked in and held Ella you could totally see a mushy guy behind all the muscle,"I said laughing. "I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna aske Kirsten to be Ella's Godmother, she has been here anytime that you or Beau haven't. I haven't talked to Beau about this yet, but I think I either want Zack or Ethan to be Clarissa's Godfather. I'm leaning more towards Zack though."
"I like your choices," Carrie replied, smiling, "And I've met Blake and he's is such a sweetheart, he'll be good for Ella."
"Thanks, I knew I didn't want to pick anyone that was so far away that they couldn't see them often. I already knew you would be coming down as much as you could, but I don't know if Zack will be the same way. He hasn't really talked to me at all since I told you guys I was pregnant. I don't know if it's because he's mad at me or something, but I really want to be able to have my big brother here to help me, I miss having him around."I replied with tears rolling down my face.
"Oh Anna, don't cry. I know Zack hasn't been the most supportive and I know that he hasn't really talked to you, and if Zack is mad at you for some insane reason he is going to get an earful from mom, dad and I,"Carrie explained harshly.
Thinking about that day made me realize that Zack still hadn't called since way before the twins were born. He hasn't even contacted mom and dad to say conratulations or to see how things were going down here.
About and hour later I had finished everything on my list of things to do. I had gotten alot of my stuff moved into the apartment. I got a lot of the girls clothes moved back into the apartment, along with diaper, wipes, bottles, etc. I also had my mom watch the girls for about fifteen minutes while I ran to Wal-Mart to get a new microwave and coffee machine for the apartment, along with all the cleaning supplies I would need, and hooks to put on all the cabinets for when the girls start to crawl.
Around lunch time I decided I wasn't gonna take the girls out because I was exhausted. I was sitting at the kitchen table when I heard the front door open and close.
"Hello?"I yelled down the hallway, "Someone there?"
I heard footsteps coming down the hallway.
"Tell me who's there right now."I yelled toward where the footsteps were coming from.
No answer, then someone appeared out of the hallway.
"Tell me who's there or I'm calling the cops. I've got the phone in my hand ready to dial. Show yourself or I'm pressing send!"I yelled, on the verge of tears.
"Anna, its just me," I heard a familiar voice say from the hallway. I saw Zack walk out of the hallway with a hilarious, but concerned look on his face.
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