Time comes with a purpose
Halfway through month seven. I think I've gained like 30 pounds, its insane.
It was Tuesday morning and I was so desperate for something to do. I called Kirsten even though she was in school.
"Hey momma girl!"Kirsten said excitedly answering the phone.
"Omigosh!Hi, you wanna come over?I'm kinda of lonely over here."I replied.
"Of course!I'll be right over," she replied.
"Do you mind bringing over a couple movies and some snacks? Because I'm not allowed to leave the house at all," I asked.
"Yeah no problem. I'll see you in a bit. Bye."
"Bye," I said hanging up the phone.
Ten minutes later Kirsten and I were hanging out in my room watching The Notebook. My favorite movie of all time.
After eating lunch we headed back upstairs to watch another movie.
"OMIGOSH!Ow,what the hell?omigosh!AHHH!"I screamed, sitting up in my bed, feeling like I'm about to die.
"Anna? Are you okay?"Kirsten said worriedly.
"I don't know. Can you dial my mom for me?"
"Yeah, where's your phone?" Kirsten replied.
"On the desk. Hurry up!"I explained.
Kirsten handed me the phone while it was ringing.
"Hi Anna, what's up honey?"Mom said answering the phone.
"Mom? Can you come home? I just had this really sharp pain and I'm not sure what it was. Please call dad and come home." I sobbed.
"Anna?what's wrong?I need to know whats wrong before I leave work."Mom said, concerned, back into the phone.
"Mom!I don't know whats going on!And you shouldn't need to know whats wrong if I'm balling my eyes out when I call."I yelled back at her.
"Okay honey, I'll call your dad. Is anyone home with you?"Mom asked.
"Yeah, Kirsten kinda skipped school and came to hang out with me. She is talking to Beau right now."
"Okay, I will be home in 10 minutes. Just stay there okay?"Mom asked.
"Well of course why the heck would I go anywhere. I'll see you in a bit."I said hanging up the phone.
"Anna, you need to talk to Beau. He won't pick up his phone. I mean I know that he has school, but I called the school too and they said he wasn't there." Kirsten told me, sounding worried.
"I'm gonna call him. If he doesn't answer can you please drive me to the nearest hospital becau-OWWW Omigosh!Omigosh!"I screamed.
After the pain went away Kirsten went to get me some food and I called Beau. The phone rang until his voicemail picked up.
"Hey, you've reached Beau. Sorry I'm not available to take your call right now. Just leave me a message and I'll try to get back to you."
I really wish he would learn to answer his phone.
"KIRSTEN!"I yelled down the stairs.
"Let me get the car, meet me down here," she yelled back.
On our way to the hospital I called my mom to let her know I was going to the hospital to see if Beau was there and maybe to check myself in if the pains kept coming. After that I called the hospital
"Hello, Waukesha Memorial Hospital. How may I help you?"the recepcionist answered the phone.
"Hi, my name is Anna Marshall. I was wondering in a Beau Mitchell has been checked in the this hospital?"I asked worriedly.
"Let me check that for you," she said. A couple seconds later she replied. "We do have record of a Beau Mitchell getting checked in around 11:30 last night."
"Thanks. And do you think I could check in over the phone? I'm pregnant with twins and I've been having these really sharp pains every so often."I confessed to the receptionist.
"Oh deary, get yourself here soon. Sounds like those sharp pains could be contractions. I'm working at the front desk. My name is Delia, why don't you come and talk to me when you get here." she replied happily to me.
"Okay Delia. Thankyou." I said hanging up the phone.
Beau's POV
"What the hell?"I said groggigly when I took in my surroundings of the hospital room.
"Goodmorning Mr. Mitchell. How are you feeling this morning?" the nurse said greeting me.
"Um, okay I think. Uh, could you possibly tell me what I'm doing here?"I asked.
"Oh of course. You have a mild concussion and a broken leg. Last night you were in a head on accident. The other driver was drunk and hit you head-on after crossing the center line. Your injuries were minor. We had to do a small surgery on you leg because a few of the tendons removed themselves from the bone. But in a couple of months you should be up and moving like normal again. You have to use a wheelchair for the next couple of weeks. No lift anything over 10 lbs. and obviously don't walk or use your leg for anything. Is that all?" the nurse said answering my question.
"Yeah, but could you possibly tell me what time it is?"
"Yes. It is 3pm right now."she replied.
"Thanks."I said.
"Oh, and you had two visitors earlier today. One by the name of Anna I think?"she said, shocking me.
Omigod Anna. She had to be worried sick cuz I hadnt answered any phone calls or contacted anyone. I don't remember anything that happened before the accident. I just remember driving home to Anna's on my way from some college interview and seeing some guy come speeding down the highway, the rest was all hazy to me. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and called Anna.
"Hello?"she said answering the phone.
"Hey its me. Where are you?"I replied questioning her.
"I'm right down the hall. Hows you head?"She said quickly.
"My heads fine. What do you mean you're right down the hall?"
"I mean I am right down the hall from your room. I have been here since like12:30 this afternoon. They are monitoring the babies because I started having contractions. They think that I am in labor and they want to take me for a C-Section. But there is one thing. You aren't allowed to leave your bed so I'm trying to convince the doctor to let you come."
"Are you kidding me?I'm sorry but I better be able to come."I yelled back into the phone.
"I know babe. But just go with it. We don't need two parents crippled with a newborn around the house," she replied.
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