
Yoon Doo Joon Facts; 

♥ one of doojoon's nicknames was General 

♥ couldn't sleep when Hyunseung, Kikwang, Dongwoon, and 4minute Gayoon and Jiyoon were about to take their college entrance exams 

♥ "i will pack up in three days" doojoon always says that. Interviewer: "does he pack up?" no it's all the same 

♥ has a habbit of throwing things aroudnt he step, around the corridor and the main door 

♥ if you hear head-bagging in the night, that would be doojoon / he bangs his head agains the top of the bed while sleeping 

♥ doojoon states that they can't even dream bout it(BEAST and 2NE1 together) 

♥ Doojoon has neat handwriting, he said he won an award for neat handwriting while he was still in school 

♥ Doojoon has a crush on Sung Yuri from Fink.K.L 

♥ Doojoon said once Yoseob acted cute towards him, Junhyung followed after batting his eyelids and smiling making aegyo sounds 

♥ Doojoon, when he finds a pretty place, or when he is bord, pulls out his phone to take selcas 

♥ Doojoon said once he called Kikwang up and he rolled off his bed onto the floor, instead of getting up properly 

♥ he was aked by the interviewer to show is 'cutness' which after he did, he made the other members want to walk away 

♥ out of all the members Doojoon loves to go online the most 

♥ Doojoon double checks with problems, even when they are solved 

♥doojoon was out with ok taecyeon when he was still a trainee under jyp. at the time, ok taecyeon was experiencing high popularity and fans only crowded around ok taecyeon. a bored doojoon therefore started to dig his nose (-.-ll), when he turned to face eye to eye with that fan. doojoon was speechless. that fan was also speechless. 

♥a fan brought a bag of 왕꿈틀이 for doojoon during fansign. doojoon awkwardly smiled and rejected her kind offer. seeing the fan’s disappointed reaction, doojoon: “errr… we’ve 3 boxes of 왕꿈틀이 in our dorm…” 

♥doojoon originally wanted to make chicken porridge for dongwoon when he was down with a cold. however, he ordered fried chicken in the end as he didnt know how to cook it… 

♥when beast upgraded to a better dorm, doojoon phoned his mum and excitedly told her, “the dorm’s living room is so huge to the point that i can play soccer in it!” 

♥A fan gave doojoon a bread and asked him to pass to yoseob. doojoon: “yoseob doesn’t eat bread” and then, ate it… 

♥Doojoon was ranked top as the male celebrity with a good body figure on Sixth Sense along with After School’s Gahee as the female celebrity chosen. 

♥Doojoon does not believe in quitting after a failure. 

Jang Hyun Seung Facts; 

♥ likes the attention from fans 

♥ dongwoon continued saying that Hyunseung's alarm clock ended up waking all the members up, execept for Hyunseung, w ho was still fast asleep 

♥ "Hyunseung hyung was looking for food to be serve, but he got off the KTX not looking very pleased" [laughs] (Dongwoon said this) 

♥ Hyunseung (while in LA) tugged Junhyung to go into a hat store 

♥ Hyunseung once exchanged soft drinks to water in the fridge. He was worried about the boys health, due to practicing 

♥ (goes with the junhyung breathing problem joke) followed after Junhyung and said that his vision is blocked because of his hair 

♥ Hyunseung is naturally skinny, even though he's a junk food fanatic 

♥ during their debut days, their mission was to make Hyunseung gain weight 

♥ because he was so hungry, Hyunseung drew himself with glasses and a hungry expression 

♥ Hyunseung makes a special day and calls it, "pizza day" 

♥ in the waiting room, whenever you go and see Hyunseung, he'll always be in the middle of eating something 

♥ Hyunseung speaks with eye contact to his fans 

♥ Yoseob called Hyunseung into BEAST 

♥ Hyunseung's likes to wear scarfs and neckwear, especially in winter and fall - the scarfs come in handy to him 

♥when hyunseung wants to board the bus/car, but was blocked by the vast number of fans, hyunseung chicly said: “excuse me…” fans immediately made way for him to pass. 

♥K-fans named Hyunseung, The Eye Prince cos his feelings are always unpredictable. Also, he always communicate through his glowing eyes. 

♥Hyunseung loves to mix-match classic and sporty clothes together. 

♥Hyunseung's Kfans call themselves 란덕 or Ran-duk. Ran comes from Rancho and duk comes from a Korean word that means"otaku". 

♥-Hyunseung says he could entrust Yoseob with his younger sister since Yoseob has the least interactions with women 

♥-Seo Taiji and Boys had inspired Hyunseung to form an idea of becoming a singer. He thought it was "inspirational". 

♥Hyunseung wants to do R&B 

♥-Hyunseung thinks music takes time. "It is something you need a lifetime to complete." 

♥Hyunseung wanted to get a tattoo when Junhyung was getting one. However, his company didn't allow him. 

♥Hyunseung has his own ways in taking care of his throat. He drink pear juice in every two days to maintain his voice/throat 

♥When Hyunseung is stressed. he just wants to be left alone. 

♥Hyunseung's method of working: Work to the best of your ability, rest (for a long time) to the best of your ability. Members questioned Hyunseung's concerning method but laughed it off. 

"Hyunseung will, no joke, rest to the best of his ability." 

♥Members called Hyunseung “Prince Jang” because he is a 

perfectionist. "I just pursue that if anything is perfect, there is no 


♥"Hyunseung has a pair of eyes that is as beautiful as his singing." 

-Big Bang Docu Ep 1 

♥-Hyunseung watches what he eats very carefully. He realised he had to lessen his portions due to the pain when he was exercising. 

♥Hyunseung's ideal 'dating' place is a bowling alley. "When me or her strike, we can have a victory hug." - Hyunseung 

♥Jang Hyun Seung's sister name is Jang Geu Rim 

♥Hyunseung messed up his lyrics twice during the mission in MTV B2ST Documentary 

♥On a radio show, the members revealed that Hyunseung only had one girlfriend in his whole life. 

♥Hyunseung says Doojoon was easy to get close to when they met. "He's definitely the best choice for a leader." 

Yong Jun Hyung Facts; 

♥ picky about the bathroom, "It's a place of hygiene, so it must be kept clean" 

♥ each of the members have a different color toothbrush and so Junhyuung l ikes to rearrange them according to the rainbow 

♥ he makes sure that there is enough shampoo to be used weekly and makes sure they never run out of shaving cream 

♥ Junhyung is actually really cute and tactful when off stage, on stage he shows a more serious and charismatic image 

♥ second laziest to get out of bed 

♥ Junhyung funs around the house and goes up to the members whispering while starring at them "I'm the Joker" 

♥ liks how there is enough space for them to eat together, interact together and communicate together 

♥ calls dongwoon and doojoon "affectionate idiots" 

♥ one time Junghyung hadn't return to his home in quite sometime, his dog couldn't recognize him 

♥ everyday, he would be hogging the computer. until very late, he will only go to sleep 

♥ Junhyung said that none of BEAST members have the personalities to approach a women first 

♥ earned the 'hip-hop minded god' title 

♥ he said that during a performance, his sunglasses came down and covered his nose. he jokingly said he had breathing problems 

♥ instead of singing int he shower, Junhyung raps in the shower 

♥a fan uploaded MTV B2ST (or is there a MTV beat???) junhyung cuts on beast official cafe. junhyung replied, “junhyung oppa is so handsome, suave!!” 

♥junhyung originally specialises in B-boy. after dislocating his shoulders the 3rd time, he switched to popping… 

♥Junhyung blamed Dongwoon as the reason to why he used to get edited out on screens. 

♥The thoughts of quitting had few times crossed Junhyung’s mind. However, because of his strong passion towards music, he started to evolve a “this or nothing at all” perspective. 

♥Junhyung admits that G-Dragon is one of the person he looks up most to. 

♥Yong Sama & Yongjun are among Junhyung’s most popular nicknames. Yong Junhyung was misheard as ‘Yongjun hyung’ by some of the fans. That was how the name Yongjun came up. 

♥Junhyung always wants to be with BEAST. Apparently, he can't be separated from the other members for more than a week 

Yang Yo Seob Facts; 

♥ Yoseob spent his Children Day replying to B2UTIES on his YOZM 

♥ Yoseob has a habbit of beat boxing while sleeping (hyunseung revealed that) 

♥ Yoseob thanked Doojoon and Kikwang who get lots of attention and because of that BEAST gets recognized more 

♥ nickname earned 'mischievous god' 

♥ Yoseob use to wake Junhyung up by standing by his bed singing and dancing (hyunah change song) 

♥ Yoseob said that he is not cute, but after knowing the members, it was like he was trained to be cute 

♥ Yoseob mentions they only have one video game 

♥ Yoseob expressed a lot of feelings towards Doojoon, saying that if Doojoon wasn't in BEAST then BEAST wouldn't exist 

♥ Yoseob searches for himself online and asks the other members to do the same 

♥ Yoseob doesn't get embarrassed when he performs, instead he makes the best out of it 

♥ Yoseob says his manly side is disappearing 

♥yoseob was angry after a fight with his sister. he placed sands inside his sister’s shoes and tell on her: “mum! looks like sister skipped lesson to play~” 

♥yoseob forgot it was april fools’ day. when he saw hyunseung’s pictures on his fanpage, he went “ahhh… i’m dead… my fans have became hyunseung’s…” 

♥during primary school, yoseob’s parents were called to school as he exposed the fact that his teacher was wearing wig… 

♥when yoseob was about to fall down on the stage, he grabbed doojoon’s pants, putting it down and revealed doojoon’s underwear. (=.=ll) the other members burst into laughter at the back. yoseob quickly fled, but an angered doojoon caught up with him and attacked yoseob’s butt with his knees (i dont know what’s the word for 臀踢-.-ll) 

♥yoseob was awed when gikwang showed his muscles. gikwang therefore asked him to try hanging on it, but yoseob fell within 0.3 seconds 

♥one day a fan passed yoseob a stack A4 papers, “oppa! this is beast’s fanfic. please take a look”. as yoseob was all smiley when he reads it, doojoon: “what’s so interesting? let me read it too” and snatched it. afterwhich he did not talk a single word with junhyung nor yoseob for a week… because it was a junseob fic. 

♥subsequently, another fan gave yoseob a fanfic. doojoon furiously commented why is it a fanfic again… its another junseob fanfic… yoseob smiled when he accepted the fanfic and gave the fan a 90 degree bow. 

♥Yoseob was once known as the ‘Church Oppa’. 

♥Yoseob might only feel full after eating one bowl of rice, ramyun and 7 sausages. 

Lee Ki Kwang Facts; 

♥ Kikwang opened for lady gaga's korean showcase on june 17th 2009 

♥ Kikwang thinks 2NE1 is too good for them 

♥ gained the nickname 'six god' cuz of his body 

♥ druing shock practices, Kikwang asked Hyunseung to go to the gym afterwards. Hyunseung answered, "we just work out by dancing" 

♥ Doojoon and Yoseob once tried to ru in Kikwan'gs excercising session by eating chips while he was doing sit-ups 

♥ Kikwang radiates heat off his abs 

♥ KiKwang wasn't allow to have a cellphone during his AJ days 

♥ Kikwang wouldn't sleep on desks but he would hug the music stand and sleep 

♥a tall female fan attended beast fansign and told gikwang: “gikwangie, nuna height’s 1**!” gikwang: “wow that’s really tall! please give some to yoseob!!” 

♥during summer, yoseob bought a foot warmer and lied to gikwang: “president wants you to insert this into your shoes” although gikwang was about to die from the summer heat, he still stuffed it into his shoes… 

♥Kikwang threatened to cancel his patbingsoo’s debt he owned Doojoon after he lost in a game bet. But eventually he ended up buying it for everyone. 

♥The members told Kikwang not to do any adlibs. Instead, they told him to ‘just rip your clothes on stage’. 

Son Dong Woon Facts; 

♥ bernard werber is dongwoon's favorite author 

♥ "i think Dongwoon draws pretty stars" (Kikwang said this) 

♥ at the time of debut, Dongwoon's fashion sense was beyond the attention of other members 

♥ took the title 'tall god' as he is 181 centimeters tall 

♥ Dongwoon is nice to the camera crew 

♥ states if he doesn't get into WGM he would want to experience fake marriage life with an older woman 

♥ once Yoseob fell asleep on Dongwoon's shoulder. However, he was not woken up and Dongwoon ended up sitting there until his hyung woke up 

♥ Dongwoon likes to read fan letters 

♥ In MTV B2ST Documentary ep 1, Dongwoon's entrance into Beast already been decided but he need to reenacted for that episode 

♥Everyday without fail, Dongwoon would organize fan-letters and gave out to the individual members for them to read theirs. 

♥Dongwoon’s father, Son Illak, is a professor of international manners for hotel administration at Cheongju University. 

Group Facts; 

♥BEAST members blood types~ 

doojoon is A 

hyunseung is B 

junhyung is O 

yoseob is B 

kikwang is A 

dongwoon is A 

♥ all members of BEAST are sensitive to a glimpse of light and sound. that's why when Kikwang sleeps thus, other members are able to sleep 

♥ they ended up with a conclusion, all girl groups are too great for them, they should stick to 4minute since they are both in CUBE ent. 

♥ all the BEAST members have been practicing hard with their mandarin skills 

♥ BEAST SHOCK dance move is called as "vtach: which means when seeing an amazing performance that will make your heart stop 

♥ BEAST 'Shock Of The New Era' jacket picture as Photoshopped because of the members' busy individual schedules 

♥ every morning, BEAST would line up to use the bathroom 

♥ sometimes BEAST talk to each-other instead of playing games to entertain themselves 

♥ BEAST thinks the best girl group is 2NE1 

♥ BEAST’s debut album ‘Beast Is The B2ST’ sold around 20K in about a month and a half 

♥ The boys were given permission to have a cellphone each when they got first place 

♥ Their song, Yet(아직은) were banned by KBS because they misheard an exclamation "shh" in the song as "s**t" 

♥ There is an enormous empty feeling when the leader is not around 

♥BEAST’s all-time favorite game is Winning Eleven. Also, it’s the only game that they have in their dorm. When playing games, everyone’s desire to win is higher than the mountain. 

♥as beast members cant be bothered with kikwang since he often comes off as silly, it was rumored that kikwang is being ostracized. fans asked other members to take care of kikwang too, hence whenever kikwang says something, the members go muahhahahahaahaa. president hong passed by them, “i’ve raised a group of lunatics…” … 

♥beast’s “nose digging idol” nickname did not appear out of nowhere. they dig their nose on award shows, on stage, during fansign, during filming, during radio shows … 

♥beast uses AJ’s album to play table tennis…… 

♥There are no Hyungs (older brother) in BEAST as everyone is treated equally. After all, they are all around the same age. 

♥There are adlibs’ consultants among the members who give advices regarding making adlibs, from time to time. This is to improve their adlibs so that the fans won’t get bored with the same adlibs, again and again. 

♥DooJoon is the father to the group while the mother is Junhyung. Yoseob also admits that he is the son of the group. 

♥Junhyung & Hyunseung are known as the fashionistas in BEAST because of their deep interest & love in fashion. 

♥There was a fan who came twice to fan-sign events bringing a whole chicken, which the members ended up using it to make Baeksook (a type of dish). 

♥Believe it or not, Genghis Khan was one of the names they had considered before finally deciding on BEAST/B2ST. Other than Genghis Khan, 6 icons=6con, 300, K6 were also in the list of their group names. 

♥The members all agreed to the fact that Doojoon is the most animal-like member in their group. 

♥Kikwang and Dongwoon are the members who have known each other the longest. Which is, since their JYPE trainee days. 

♥Doojoon beated Dongwoon’s record in ripping pants while filming MVs. Dongwoon did 6, while Doojoon did 9. But if we were to include the recent Mystery MV, Dongwoon now has ripped 7 pants. 

♥Each of BEAST members own atleast one gadget of Apple. Hyunseung owns a 16GB iTouch. Doojoon & Dongwoon owns an iPhone each. Kikwang and Yoseob each owns a 120G iPod. Junhyung owns either iPhone/iTouch/has ipad. 

♥-Hyunseung, Dongwoon are the two that take care of the members the most, whilst Doojoon worries about the others the most. 

♥"Who doe's it like that 

my mom sticks her finger in it" 

- Hyun Seung Dong Woon 

♥Hyunseung, Junhyung, and Gikwang are the eldest among their siblings. 


Yoon Doo Joon Quotes; 

♥ (said on star golden bell) "Sujeong marry me if you've grown up" 

♥ (said shly) "i saw Lee Sang Hwa wear the earrings i gave to her" 

♥ (Doojoon's motto) "be strong and be brave" 

♥ "when i was young i was a cute kid" 

♥ "Do you know how many tunnels our country has?" 

- Doojoon to Kikwang (MTV B2ST Documentary Ep.2) 

♥ "Let's go to walkak country... and walkak a bit more" 

- Doojoon (Cyworld) 

♥ "we are all shy and awkward among girls" 

- doojoon (beast interview in SG) 

♥ "If Yoseob were to trip, it would be cute. 

But when Dongwoon trips, people are serious about it." 

- Doojoon (SBS Jung Sunhee Love FM) 

♥ "That friend looks like Gaara of the desert from the anime 'Naruto.'" 

- Doojoon about Kikwang (MTV Most Wanted) 

♥ "Lately Dongwoon has been hearing that he's good looking." 

- Doojoon 

♥ "This is my first time seeing him so awesome like this, really." 

- Doojoon (To Hyunseung) 

♥ "Oh! During a filming! You can hear Yong Junhyung-goon's cursing." 

- Doojoon (MVT B2ST BTS 87) 

♥ "We're singers... we are singers, we're not trainees anymore." 

- Doojoon (MTV B2ST Ep 10) 

♥ "BANG!" 

- Doojoon (B2ST Almighty Episode 1) 

♥ "Fire the Writer!" 

- Doojoon to Junhyung (B2ST Almighty Ep 3) 

♥ "But still I don't have the greed to be funny. Since there are already people who are funnier than me, I feel like if I try to be funnier it won't be very helpful, so I just say whatever I think of truthfully and dig if they tell me to dig." 

- Doo Joon 

♥ "He's a very sinsitive guy, so we have to closely observe his expressions, with the fear that he might get hurt." 

- Doojoon about Yoseob (Sin Chew Daily, Malaysia) 

♥ "I guess I have that 'love at first sight' style." 

- DooJoon (The Star Interview) 

♥ "We're out of cotton swabs. We're in big trouble." 

- Doojoon (MTV B2ST Ep 9) 

♥ "We will be back to look for you handsomely!" 

- Doo Joon - Beast Almighty episode 8 

♥ "Such a cutie..." 

- Doojoon (about Yoseob) 

♥ "And there's nothing wrong with having met a lot of girls either. But Jun-hyung is quite popular with the girls and he knows how they think." 

- Doo Joon 

♥ " I'm going to expose Yong Junhyung." 

- Doojoon (THE STAR Interview) 

♥ "I wish Yang Yoseob would stop snoring." 

- Doojoon (Pops In Seoul) 

♥ "Teacher: I LOVE BEAST 

Doojoon: You know BEAST? 

Teacher: I'm a Beast" 

- Doojoon (B2ST Almighty Ep. 4) 

♥ "I'm babo, you're babo. Everybody babo. Yeah~" 

- Doojoon (Making of Beast is the Best) 

♥ "I discovered that only when all six of us are 

together we can be a truly an impressive group" 

- Doojoon (MSC #2) 

♥ "Our activity period collides with hibernating season." 

- Doojoon (THE STAR Interview) 

♥ "My cute Yoseobah, there's not much time left let's fight And stop hitting me when you go to sleep." 

- Doojoon (Cyworld) 

♥ "You can see my panties!" 

- Doojoon (Danbi) 

♥ "i'm generally happy most of the times" 

- doojoon (beast interview in SG) 

♥“doojoon oppa has a small head~” … “dont lie” 

“oppa, your eyebags are gone too” … “that’s because i’ve make up on…” 

♥ "I am satisfied with what we are doing now, but if I was greedy I would like to try various things to popularize BEAST more." 

- Doojoon (10Asia Interview) 

♥ ""...i'd rather have less quarrels and peaceful realtionship"" 

- doojoon (beast interview in SG) 

♥ "Do you know how many tunnels our country has?" 

- Doojoon to Kikwang (MTV B2ST Documentary Ep.2) 

♥ "My arm hurts, Aiyo!" 

- Doojoon (B2ST Almighty Ep 3) 

♥ "English Teacher: Do you have a girlfriend? 

(Doojoon nods. Then turns back quickly to the teacher) 

Doojoon: Now?!!! No. No." 

- Doojoon (Idol Maid B2ST/BEAST Doojoon's English) 

♥ "A persimmon you can't eat... You can at least touch." 

- Doojoon 

♥"If I had a girlfriend, I want go with her to England and watch Manchester United's match together." –Doojoon 

♥"On Immortal Song Yoseob might not sing that well, but on stage, Yoseob is the best, since he's our BEAST." –Doojoon 

♥"Whether it rains or snows, we love you B2uties!" —Doojoon 

♥"Acting comes after singing. I always want to be with my members." –Doojoon 

♥"I will not be able to do anything for the entire day if there’s a slight mistake right from the start of the day." –Doojoon 

Jang Hyun Seung Quotes; 

(thinks of his anti's) "one day, antis will switch sides, it'll be okay 

♥ he was shy and with a fierce red face, he told them he'll give her two of the sausages. he then created 'the sausage scandal' [They had sausages (4) and Doojoon was given two of them. The MCs teased him and told him to exchange it for Yuri noona's number.] 

♥ "i always see the fans cheers for us, that's why i force myself as gratitude" 

♥ ".. And I hope you've lost some weight when you get back!" 

- Hyunseung (Doojoon's Message Before Trip to Cambodia) 

♥"Hey! Follow me! Right now, you can't lose me." 

- Hyunseung (MTV B2ST Almighty Ep 1) 

♥ "Please love "B2ST ALMIGHTY" a lot~" 

- Hyunseung (B2ST Almighty ep7) 

♥ "Real time chatting fan service! keke" 

- Hyunseung (YOZM) 

♥ "If you make me do weird things, I'm really going to catch a taxi and run away." 

- Hyunseung (MTV B2ST Almighty Ep 8 ) 

♥ "Ah! Oh My God. Oh My God. Oh...My God." 

- Hyunseung (B2ST Almighty Episode 6) 

♥ "By laying a wet towel over your head, it doesn't form eye crusties in your eyes once you wake up ^^ keke" 

- Hyunseung (YOZM) 

♥ "Doojoon appeared, with nothing on!" 

- Hyunseung (MTV B2ST BTS 86) 

♥ "I respect Usher and Omarion so much that no matter how busy I am, I'll always watch their videos and my dancing has been influenced by them a lot. So I want to be able to put on a performance where I can perform like them." 


♥ "It's fine to call me a male god, because it's 100 times better than calling me a goddess!" 

- Hyunseung (Sin Chew Daily, Malaysia) 

♥ "Personally I don't really like being called beautiful. And I think after I cut my hair, I don't hear people saying that I look beautiful often. That is good for me. It's kind of complex for me." 

- Hyun Seung 

♥ "Through long years as a trainee, all of our skills are even. We're often envied by others, because we don't have a flawed member in our group." 

- Hyun Seung 

♥ "See the cars~ See the house~" 

- Hyunseung (MTV the M - BEAST Cut) 

♥ "You didn't die on the way here?" 

- Hyunseung to Kikwang - PKL Starry Night 

♥ "Kikwang: I think I’m the least funny out of the 6. 

HyunSeung: No, I’m the least funny. Really." 

♥ "Wow, I never thought he'd be such a goofball." 

- Hyunseung about Yoseob (The Star Interview) 

♥ "Please give each of us a solo song~!" 

- Hyunseung (BEAST in Malaysia) 

♥ "i'm the quiet person in the team 

and i;m the sleppyhead in the team.. 

...all i care is about sleeping" 

- hyunseung (beast interview in SG) 

♥ "Junhyung: Hey, don't talk informally!" 

- Junhyung to Hyunseung (MTV B2ST Almighty Ep 1) 

♥"Hello my babies who never harm me when i keep them in my eyes kekeke" 

- Hyunseung [YOZM] 

♥“We will also go if there’s a letter from Africa.” - Hyunseung (BEAST Almighty Ep. 2) 

♥-"Junhyung loves songwriting so much, sometimes he changes our lyrics and puts in his own words!" - Hyunseung 

♥"A youth going through a hard time after breaking up, gaining 

encouragement from the true taste of curry, and walking out of his 

misery." - Hyunseung. (BEAST Almighty Ep 3) 

♥-"I like a girl that ties her hair up prettily like a princess." - Hyunseung 

♥-"Whether it was to grow through talents, hardwork or friendship - Becoming brothers makes me happy." - Hyunseung 

♥"When I’m quiet, I’m quiet. When I’m fooling around, I can cause a havoc” - Hyunseung 

♥“Sometimes we found out that the bathroom door is locked for ages. It must be Doojoon hyung who is taking selcas.” - Hyunseung 

♥“Men are sexiest after they sweat it out after dancing on stage.” - Hyunseung 

♥"My hair concept is.... Tetris." 

- Hyunseung (BTS 2nd Mini Album Photoshoot) 

♥"I was scared of Junhyung when we first met. He looked mysterious and gave me scary stares." - Hyunseung 

♥"Doojoon doesn't clean at our dorm." - Hyunseung. 

♥“If you give up just because something is difficult, then exactly 

what in this world isn’t difficult? It’s not over yet, I believe, as 

you have to believe that you will make it- wake up smiling and then 

practice again” 

- Hyunseung (Big Bang Documentary) 

♥"BEAST is the family I’ve always wanted. I love them.” -Hyunseung 

♥"Very naughty. He is a real man and is really reliable, but he is delicate too." -Hyunseung on Yoseob 

♥"A girl who has eyelids on her small face, big eyes, and a cat-like face is my ideal." -Hyunseung 

♥"I thought a lot about how if someone is missing from the group, we can't perform as a group." –Hyunseung 

Yong Jun Hyung Quotes; 

♥ "p/s Hyunseung is jjang (darum post) wonder why? but still he is jjang!" 

♥ "koreans live from rice" (Junhyung's first post on in their darum cafe) 

♥ "Don’t talk. Because of you, I keep getting edited out." (Junhyung to Dongwoon) 


- Junhyung (B2ST Almighty Episode 5) 

♥ ""My Precious?!"" 

- Junhyung (B2ST almighty ep. 7) 

♥"Even though I have a bad personality, and I complain a lot 

I'm grateful for the members accepting it so maturely." 

- Junhyung (MTV B2ST Ep 1) 

♥ "Yah, Don't press the curry too hard. Because we're going to refund it after filming..." 

- Junhyung (To Dongwoon about the curry) (B2ST Almighty Ep 03) 

♥ "I don't interact well with kids" 

- Junhyung (B2ST Almighty Episode 7) 

♥ ""...But actually i prefer bad girl, 

nice girls are good, but i think bad girls have their appeal too..."" 

- junhyung (beast interview in SG) 

♥ "JunHyung: "The kids.." 

-Says hi to a boy- "See.. Totally ignored me." 

-Says hi twice to a girl behind him- "Ignoring me.. Seriously."" 

- JunHyung (B2ST Almighty Ep. 7) 

♥ "I uh, this is red lips Yong Junhyung." 

- Junhyung (Choi Hwa Jung's Power Time Radio) 

♥ "Actually, I'm saying this because he's not here... But he actually has really low standards! Strangely low standards, really!" 

- Junhyung about Kikwang's ideal type (The Star Interview) 

♥ "I really like it when people say that we are a team without any holes." 

- Junhyung (10Asia Interview) 

♥ "*high pitched* YEOBO!!" 

- Junhyung (Maybee's Volume Up Radio) 

♥ "People who don't need sleep shouldn't sleep then." 

- Junhyung (THE STAR Interview) 

♥ "junhyung : "yoseob didn't do anything wrong~ it's all my fault.."" 

- b2st almighty ep. 6 

♥ "The best part is that we can eat altogether in the living room..." 

- Jun Hyung 

♥ "Receiving the "Newcomer's Award" is BEAST's dream." 

- Junhyung (MTV B2ST Ep 10) 

♥ "Before, our living quarters felt more of a place to just sleep at. But now I can actually rest. It feels like home." 

- Jun Hyung 

♥ "Don't take it out when there are people looking! There's panties and everything. What's your problem?" 

- Junhyung to Yoseob (MTV B2ST BTS 13) 

♥ "As for the tattoo, I didn't get it because I needed it for our concept or fashion, but I had just wanted one for a long time." 

- Jun Hyung 

♥ "*looking into the camera* Wowww, being a celebrity is easier than I thought!" 

- Junhyung (Pre-BEAST ski-trip) 

♥ "The Yoon Doojoon at our dorm is someone who plays soccer wearing only his underwear." 

- Junhyung (SGB) 

♥ "A strong man doesn't mind getting down on his knees." 

- JunHyung (BEAST Almighty EP2) 

♥ "Noona, our bodies don't belong to us, they belong to our fans~" 

- JunHyung to BongSun (Idol Maid EP4) 

♥ "my 'mother-in-law' (kikwang) and 'daughter' (hyunseung) are the big babies.. 

we just have to take extra care of them.." 

- junhyung (beast interview in SG) 

♥ "Usually, since my hands aren't pretty, I don't put accessories on my hands. 

But now that I've put them on... they seem pretty nice...." 

- Junhyung about his rings (MTV B2ST Ep 6) 

♥ "I recently did a video interview and Doojoon told me to lift up both hands and feet and then said, "He can't count the number of girls he has dated even with all his fingers and toes!"" 

- Junhyung (10asia Interview) 

♥ "When I wore sunglasses while I was dancing, it would come down and cover up my nose. Before it was hard, because of the breathing problems, but now I'm so happy that I got to take it off." 

- Jun Hyung 

♥ "Don't talk. Because of you, I keep getting edited out." 

- Junhyung to Dongwoon (MTV B2ST BTS) 

♥ "It's so bothersome that I have to become the leader if Doojoon leaves." 

- Junhyung (Doojoon's Message Before Trip to Cambodia) 

♥ "BEAST...goes to their truck!" 

- Junhyung (MTV The M - BEAST) 

♥ "Yes, hello! Currently in charge of nagging, this is Yong Junhyung, and raps on the side." 

- JunHyung (The Star Interview) 

♥ "We planned to go karaoke, but this bas- I mean, Hyunseung didn't want to go!" 

- Junhyung (MTV B2ST Ep 7) 

♥ "I said that it's best if it is mouth-to-mouth instead of using an oxygen mask. I've said that many times but she's too young so i got rejected" 

- Junhyung (Idol Maid Ep12) 

♥ "I have met more girls than these guys have. And such experiences help in writing lyrics. The more you know about love, it helps in singing and creation." 


♥ "Right now, Lee Ki Kwang and Yoon Doo Joon are active in variety programs, but all six of us are talented and are really funny."

- Jun Hyung 

♥ English teacher: When was the last time you study English? 

Junhyung: ??? Huh? What? kkk~"- Junhyung (Idol Maid) 

♥“I really hate two-faced people, it’s hard to choose which face to slap first.” 

- JunHyung” 

♥"We've been attached to each other so much that our outside social life is almost non-existent." –Junhyung 

♥"Becoming a singer wasn't my dream from the start. In the end, I chose to become a singer." -Junhyung 

♥"Altho the impression is that I'm full of charisma and swagger on stage, in actual fact I'm just a gentleman." -Junhyung 

Yang Yo Seob Quotes; 

♥"i like singing live. i'm actually very confident and i want to give the best to my fans" 

♥ "he sometimes eats my food" (Yoseob about Hyunseung) 

♥ "Because of him(Kikwang) I was able to join BEAST." 

♥ "i would just throw on clothes carelessly and i couldn't act silly" 

♥ "If the four of us stand together, even from far away people say, “Oh, they’re a family!” 

♥ "The truth is that my mom and dad look similar too." 

♥ "We both. Secretly. Shower. Together!" 

- Yoseob (MTV B2ST BTS 15) 

♥ "Lee Ki Kwang hyung! The hyung with a lot of abs!" 

- Yoseob to Ki Kwang (MTV B2ST BTS 67) 

♥ "I wanna take the train! Must we sit with a kid? Why does it look so fun? Let's ride! Let's ride!" 

- Yoseob (B2ST Almighty Ep. 7) 

♥ ""MC: It's exhausting, right? You want to quit, right?" 

"Yoseob: Ahh, NOO~"" 

- Yoseob (MTV B2ST Documentary BTS 32) 

♥"Show me what you got!" 

- Yoseob (MTV B2ST Ep 10) 

♥ "Feel like (I've been) released from prison." 

- Yoseob (Finishing up Bad Girl MV) (MTV B2ST Ep 9) 

♥ "B2UTY and the B2ST" 

- Yoseob 

♥ "See you next week! *waves*" 

- Yoseob (Star Golden Bell) 

♥ "Uh, that's okay, I have Doojoonie." 

- Yoseob to Kikwang (Inkigayo Mobile Ranking) 

♥ "If you suddenly want me to act with Son Dongwoon one-on-one, forget it!" 

- Yoseob (B2ST Almighty Episode 3) 

♥ "Yoseob: My proud... 

Ah, not proud. I mean, my pitiful egg roll. 

Its close to the color of my hair right?" 

- Yoseob [Manager Selfcam BEAST is the B2ST Vol. 2] 

♥ "KiKwang-goon became a bear at this moment." 

- Yoseob (The Star Interview) 

♥ "There isn't any resort in Uijeongbu! It's spam, spam!" 

- Yoseob 

♥ "Yeah. He would always sleep. He wouldn't sleep on the desks, but he would be sleeping while hugging the music stand." 

- Yo Seob(about Kikwang) 

♥ "Staff: "The banana is eating a pizza" 

Yoseob: *looks at the staff* *continues to sniff the pizza*" 

- Staff to Yoseob (Making of Bad Girl) 

♥ "k k k k k k k our Doojoonie, I love you" 

- Yoseob (Cyworld) 

♥ "I always get these kinds of things. I'm always full of charm or cuteness. These things just come. Just come." 

- YoSeob (The Star Interview Part 1) 

♥ "How about we have them say SHOKE, then SHOCK, then SHOKE, then SHOCK?" 

- YoSeob (Making of Shock Fanchant) 

♥ "Allubyu, B2UTY" 

- Yoseob (Cyworld) 

♥ "*Sits on the floor, kicking and whining* I wanna sleep!~ I wanna sleep~!" 

- Yoseob (B2ST Almighty Episode 3) 

♥ "Let me talk!" 

- Yoseob (MTV Most Wanted) 

♥ "BEAST became BEST." 

- Yoseob (MTV B2ST Ep 10) 

♥ "if someone confess her love to me, i'll be very happy. do i need state a person? i don't have one...kekeke" 

- yoseob 

♥ "Should I feed Hyunseung too?" 

- Yoseob (MTV B2ST Ep 5) 

♥ "I'm probably the worst at games. I don't really like computer games either. And when I lose, I won't go again but just say I don't want to play anymore." 

- Yo Seob 

♥ "Better not cheat on me~" 

- Yoseob (Cyworld) 

♥ "We'll always be hard-working BEAST, like a cow (bull)." 

- Yoseob (Individual Star Interview) 

♥ "Give me food. I'm hungry. We're supposed to eat and live. Please give me food!" 

- Yoseob (MTV B2ST Documentary BTS 55 - In the Studio pt.9) 

♥ "Car Wash Self Costumer is King" 

- YoSeob (B2ST Almighty ep. 7) 

♥ "-Watches HyunSeung posing during photo shoot- YS: I've fallen for him." 

- YoSeob (MTV B2ST Documentary Ep. 6) 

♥ ""Look at hyunseung , no motivation , he might be even dozing off. It's better for hyunseung to be a scarecrow...kekeke"" 

- Yoseob (B2ST Almighty Ep. 5) 

♥ "Be careful of a cold..." 

- Yoseob (Star Golden Bell) 

♥ "For me, all mother in the world are my goddesses." 

- Yoseob (Chew Daily Newspaper Malaysia) 

♥ "Where am I? Baby, I'm stuck in your heart!" 

- Yoseob (Mr. Daniel's "How to hook up with someone" 

♥ "i am a two-sides person.. 

when i'm happy , i can be really perky 

but when i am felling down or unwell.. 

i can be really very down..." 

- yoseob (beast interview in SG) 

♥ "Everyone has something they want, but BEAST moves together as a group." 

- Yoseob (Interview for Welcome to BEAST Airline) 

♥ "I am smaller in size compared to everyone else. But my dreams are bigger than everyone else." 

- Yoseob 

♥ "No! Doojoon is coming over here with nothing on!" 

- Yoseob (MTV B2ST BTS 86) 

♥"B2uties are the most precious thing to me in this world." —Yoseob 

♥"BEAST is very happy because of B2UTIES.. Thank you those who love and care for us.." —Yoseob 

♥"People who challenge themselves are beautiful. You can make it. Fighting!" —Yoseob 

♥"B2UTY~ Let's be happy for a long long time!" –Yoseob 

♥"I don't smoke, drink alcohol well, or play games. But I watch dramas. It is hard to quit." –Yoseob 

♥"Once brothers, always brothers." –Yoseob 

♥"B2uty and Beast, Beast and B2uty, Let's get older together." –Yoseob 

♥"Care, protect, love, trust. Always keep smiling." –Yoseob 

♥"For me, my dad is the best hero in the universe..." –Yoseob 

Lee Ki Kwang Quotes; 

♥" 2NE1 is always working hard showing their unique colors" 

♥" colorful is my favorite color" 

♥ "our BEAST members always be happy" 

♥ "my mother, father, my little brother, my family, i want them to be happy" 

♥ "i regret our mission before the debut" 

♥ since everybody chose me, i had to follow the majority" (he wanted to deny his laziness) 

♥ "BiDongGaeDul" 

- Kikwang (MTV B2ST Ep 9) 

♥ "I think I'm the least funny, because I lack the speed." 

- Ki Kwang 

♥ "We actually went to Ahyun High School together too for about a year. So we're just destined to be..." 

- Kikwang about Yoseob (10 asia Inteview) 

♥ "Since this was my first time bleaching it, my scalp really hurt. Of course not as much as YoSeob's." 

- Ki Kwang 

♥ "I wasn't even cute when I was young. I was really ugly. Becoming like this is lucky. I wonder how much they (his parents) wanted to beat me." 

- Kikwang (MTV B2ST Almighty Ep 7) 

♥ "Hyunseung is our stage rascal. Hyunseung, the stage rascal." 

- Kikwang (MTV Most Wanted Interview) 

♥ "All of us have the talent and the sense." 

- Ki Kwang 

♥ I thought it was Dancing Shoes. *Doojoon stares at while Kwangie is laughing!*" 

- Kikwang to DooJoon (MTV B2st Ep 7) 

♥ "*Dance dance dance* Hi-yum!! Good Mo-oorning!!" 

- Lee KiKwang 

♥ "Colorful is my color!" 

- Kikwang 

♥ "BEAST! Let's be number 1!" 

- Kikwang (MTV B2ST Ep 5) 

♥ "Whenever I'm bored, I look at the celebrity news on the internet." 

- Kikwang (MTV B2ST Documentary BTS 48 - In the Studio pt.2} 

♥ "Park Myung Soo: So, you mean to say, these people dance in the streets like that? 

KK: Yes! And sometimes they go sideways *dances sideways*" 

- (about Kikwang's sexy dance) 

♥ "I want to bring one home. It'll be perfect to sleep with!" 

- KiKwang (about the big red bear) (The Star Interview) 

♥ "What a relief!! (당연히!!)" 

- Kikwang (MTV B2ST Ep 4) 

♥ "I'm not a yadong freak!" 

- Kikwang 

♥ "Hyunseung and I are going to get married." 

- Kikwang (MTV B2ST Ep 9) 

♥"Friends tease us because they care. Sometimes, we have to rely to those who are beside us." –Kikwang 

♥"BEAST! Let's be number 1!" –Kikwang 


Son Dong Woon Quotes; 

(teasing fans) "pack your food well, and don't cheat on me" 

♥ "Just watching B2UTYS eat, I get full." 

- Dongwoon, 1N2D Trip 

♥ "Now I will idol-ly make BEAST an idol." 

- Dongwoon (B2ST Almighty) 

♥ "Should i update my picture or not~ 

Which picture do you want to see? 

A nude upper body..?" 

- Dongwoon (YOZM) 

♥ "Yeah, to Kikwang it said, "Your abs are amazing." But I don't have abs so I'm going to reply, "I don't have abs sorry." 

- Dongwoon (UFO Town - BEAST Reply Session) 

♥ "But if you cheat on us, what do we do?" 

- Dongwoon (2010 New Year Message) 

♥ "I, the maknae Dongwoon who lives in loneliness." 

- Dongwoon (MTV Most Wanted) 

♥ "Jiyong hyung is unfair, and MTV is unfair." 

- Dongwoon (MTV B2ST Almighty Ep 1) 

♥ "fat pikachu please give me pas~" 

- dongwoon's rap (b2st almighty 6) 

♥ "You must brush your teeth after eating. You can't have chili in idol's teeth." 

- dongwoon 

♥ "Bbi-rong bbi-rong, bbi-rong bbi-rong." 

- Dongwoon (MTV B2ST Ep 6) 

♥ "I want to do radio, reality shows and variety shows! I really want to do those things. I want to show my natural state off stage."

- Dong Woon 

♥ "I don't think there should be anyone that is scary. We're all members of a single group. There's no pushover either -- they're all just my members and older brothers." 

- Dong Woon 

♥ "hi, i am dongwoon , the baby of the group 

i am very friendly and the chatterbox of the group 

but i will remember for a long time, 

if somebody says something bad about me" 

- dongwoon (beast interview in SG) 

♥ "An upper body picture, a terrific picture, and I also have a two-shot photo of Kikwang and Junhyung that you guys would like..."

- Dongwoon (YOZM) 

♥ "I ripped two (pants) already!" 

- Dongwoon (Bad Girl MV BTS) 

♥ "My legs aren't weak, it's just that my shoes are slippery!" 

- Dongwoon about tripping (SBS Jung Sunhee Love FM) 

♥ "I'm the maknae Son Dongwoon who is in charge of BEAST's vocals and I am the eldest of this (group)" 

- Dong Woon (MTV Most Wanted) 

♥"Since my skin wasn't in good condition, I put on some Trouble Makeup." –Dongwoon 

♥"The darkest time of the day is right before the sun rises. That's Son Dongwoon's life motto!" -Dongwoon 

♥"A girl looks sexiest when she wears an over sized men's shirt." –Dongwoon 

♥"Do you guys remember when Bad Girl ended up in the 10th place? Really felt like flying during that time..." —Dongwoon 

♥"Whenever we are in hardships, we will think of our army (B2UTIES) and keep going!" —Dongwoon 

♥"My b2uties are the best. I........................ L o v.................e you" —Dongwoon (DAUM) 

(in english) DW: "Are you ready?!" -B2UTIES: ♥"ASDSKFHJSDFYEAAAHHHHH!!!" -DW: "But I'm not ready I need to drink water first.

Group Quotes; 

♥ “If the opportunity arises, we would like to make our choreography, rap, songs, the entire album ourselves.” 

♥ "Dongwoon: Since we all like the hot springs, I want to go to the hot springs. Together holding hands?? 

Yoseob: Holding hands? 

Doojoon: Alright! Then let's come and visit Japan together holding hands. 

Junhyung: I don't want to hold your hands!" 

- Interview with Japan magazine KBOOM 

♥ "Doojoon: *beat boxing* 

Junhyung: Uh yeah x10 

Doojoon - Wait, can you speed it up?" 

- Doojoon & Junhyung (MTV Most Wanted) 

♥ "Doojoon: Yong Junhyung, act cute once too. 

Junhyung: Ah~ why act cute~ I really can't do it. 

Kikwang: Why! Don't be 'bbulmon' Junhyung. Be cute. 

Junhyung : Aigoo~ I can't do it..." 

- Doojoon, Junhyung, Kikwang (B2ST Almighty Ep. 3) 

♥ "DW : This is a wish for Dongwoon oppa, I wish you would have a Yaja time and release your role as a maknae... 

YS : -grabs wish from Dongwoon and throws on the floor- 

HS : Ah ! You scared me. 

(Yaja time is a time when you ignore your age completely and have a sibling rivalry. )" 

- Dongwoon (B2ST Almighty Ep 03) 

♥ "Noona, all the best~ we will always be here~" 

- BEAST (B2ST Almighty Ep. 7) 

♥ "Junhyung: I don't think he has any memories of school. Honestly, I bet you only saw Ki-kwang sleeping. (laugh) 

Yoseop: Yeah. He would always sleep. (laugh" 

- Junhyung and Yoseob about Gikwang (10asia interview - part2) 

♥ "YoSeob: It could've been a dog. 

DooJoon: Huh? 

KiKwang: What are you talking about? 

JunHyung: You need to be hit! *hits YoSeob in the head with the sign*" 

- YoSeob, DooJoon, KiKwang, JunHyung (The Star Interview Part 1) 

♥ "Yoseob: Aren't we being stuck up? 

Junhyung: No, we're not being stuck up." 

- Yoseob & Junhyung (MTV B2ST BTS 22) 

♥ "Yoseob: The B2UTIES will want to have one. 

Dongwoon: A large army of 66,000. 

Yoseob: *laughs* Army? Did you say 'army'? 

Dongwoon: *nods*" 

- Yoseob & Dongwoon (White Day With BEAST) 

♥ "Junhyung: I'm photogenic. 

Yoseob: Oh~ You are! 

Junhyung: Being a star is easy!(laughs)" 

- Junhyung & Yoseob - Beast & 4minute Ski Trip 

♥ "Hyunseung: I've been inspired 

Doojoon: Mmmmph we're inspired by this cake." 

- Hyunseung & Doojoon 

♥ "Dongwoon: Hyung I think I'm crazy. 

Yoseob: Why? 

Dongwoon: (looks at pictures) I look so handsome. Seriously. 

Yoseob: You wanna die." 

- Dongwoon & Yoseob (Mnet Wide Interview) 

♥ "JunHyung: "The kids look shy." 

DooJoon: "Actually, we don't look very friendly and nice. There's even eyeliner, will they like it?" -Points JunHyung's eyes- 

JunHyung: "I look very friendly."" 

- JunHyung and DooJoon (B2ST Almighty Ep. 7) 

♥ "Dongwoon : "Yesterday night, he (Hyunseung) cried so much that my top bunk was about to collapse." 

Doojoon : "But he sleeps on the bottom bunk." 

Dongwoon : "I know, so I meant 'even my top bunk'."" 

- Dongwoon & Doojoon (on their 2nd album promotion ending mess) 

♥ "KiKwang: *doing an impersonation* Hello, I'm Oh Mengran! 

Junhyung: Anyone who knows who he's impersonating, pls leave a message on our website... if you find out who it is, we'll give you Lee KiKwang. We don't need him anymore, we're done recording." 

- KiKwang & Junhyung (BEAST Documentary ep. 8 ) 

♥ "Doo Joon: Hold up! Glad we're able to show a celebration like this for our last MSC! 

Junhyung: Let's go to the night club!" 

- Doo Joon and Junhyung (Junhyung's surprise party) 

♥ "Yoseob : "Why are you still wearing shades at home?" 

Junhyung : "Serious night blindness..."" 

- Yoseob to Junhyung (B2ST Almighty ep 8 ) 

♥ "Hyunseung: In order to safely go to MTV right now, I will guide you guys. 

Junhyung: Guide yourself." 

- hyunseung & junhyung 

♥ "i have nowhere to go if it isn't here, 

i will come back so accept me then.." 

- yoseob and junhyung (pre debut) 

♥ "Junhyung: For me to kneel down in front of a girl. Today's the first time. 

Dongwoon: I've kneeled several times when my mom's scolding me. 

Junhyung: I'm a strong man so I haven't kneeled before" 

- MTV B2ST Almighty epi2) 

♥ "DooJoon: I can't sing like him. 

KiKwang: That's true. Okay, true. I acknowledge that." 

- DooJoon & KiKwang about YoSeob (The Star Interview Part 1) 

♥ "Junhyung: You're throwing me away and leaving?! 

Yoseob: Yes, I throw things away well." 

- Junhyung & Yoseob (MTV B2ST Ep 6) 

♥ ""YS:The Costumer who Washes their car by themselves is the best. 

JH:Who Wrote this Phrase for you? 


JH:I did it for you..Got it?so always think of me 


- YoSeob,JunHyung (B2ST Almighty ep. 7) 

♥ "Doojoon: Yong Junhyung, act cute once too. 

Junhyung: Ah~ why act cute~ I really can't do it. 

Kikwang: Why! Don't be 'bbulmon' Junhyung. Be cute. 

Junhyung : Aigoo~ I can't do it..." 

- Doojoon, Junhyung, Kikwang (B2ST Almighty Ep. 3) 

♥ "JH: Guys! Good Work! But except me, everyone did badly. 

YS: But I did well. 

HS: I did the best. I'm the best! *claps* 

DW: I want to be on TV too. *claps*" 

- Junhyung, Yoseob, Hyunseung, & Dongwoon (MTV B2ST BTS 84) 

♥ "Junhyung: I'm Mommy 

Doojoon: And I'm Daddy. *Looks to Junhyung* Hello my love/wife." 


♥ "Kikwang: We [KK & YS] actually went to Ahyun High School together too for about a year. So we're just destined to be... 

Yoseob: A tenacious relationship! 

Dongwoon: I wouldn't be surprised it you were sick of each other!" 

- 10Asia Interview 

♥ "Doojoon: Have you met any bad girls? 

Dongwoon: Yes I have. All girls who rejected me...are bad girls. 

Junhyung: That's really a bad girl." 

- Dongwoon (B2ST Almighty Episode 4) 

♥ "Doojoon: The bubblegum was my idea. 

Yoseob: It was me! 

Doojoon: The bubblegum was my idea, you ahjusshi!" 

- Doojoon & Yoseob (MTV B2ST) 

♥ "Doojoon: Right now, I'm not wearing anything underneath. 

Yoseob: Oh~ That is erotic. 

Doojoon: No, I'm wearing my underwear." 

- Doojoon & Yoseob (MTV B2ST BTS 86) 

♥ "Yoseob: Right now, I'm sending a signal to Dongwoon. 

Dongwoon: Bbi-rong bbi-rong, bbi-rong bbi-rong" 

- Yoseob and Dongwoon (MTV BEAST ep. 6) 

♥ "Junhyung: No, no it’s okay if they don’t work... 



Doojoon: What?! You wanna pick a maid because of their looks~ … go look at them on your computer. 

Junhyung: (face turns red and slaps Doojoon)" 

- Junhyung & Doojoon (Idol Maid Ep.1) 

♥ "Hyunseung: Why don't we let all our repressed feelings out? 

Junhyung: Sharing this... I don't know. This might end up with me swearing..." 

- Hyunseung & Junhyung (Cleaning dorm) 

♥ "Doojoon:"That gentleman over there, if the temperature rises, he'll remove his clothes. Let's quickly finish filming before he takes off his clothes. He has only this route for his airtime." 

PD:"What do you think?" 

GiKwang:"He's right. I'm taking it off slowly."" 

- Doojoon, PD, GiKwang (B2ST ALMIGHTY EP 5) 

♥ "That's a relief! That's such a relief! *high-pitched voice*" 

- Members mimic Kikwang (MTV B2ST Ep 7) 

♥-"Once brothers, always brothers." - Yoseob. "I was going to say that." - Hyunseung. Junhyung laughs on the side. 

"Sometimes, we find the bathroom door locked for ages. It would be ♥Doojoon hyung taking selcas inside." - Hyunseung. 

To what Hyunseung said, Junhyung joking suggested, "We should have a charge on the amount of time spent in the toilet. 

♥Bongsun: Junhyung, which dish do you like the most? 

Junhyung: Ginseng Chicken. 

Bongsun: Hyunseung? 

Hyunseung: Ginseng Chicken too. 

♥Junhyung: Just give me the dduk! 

Hyunseung: You're so rude. So rude. 

♥“The biggest encouragement comes from the fans love and support.” 

- Beast” 

♥"Now the world refers to us as the rediscovered group instead of the recycled group." —BEAST 

Other Quotes about BEAST by other People; 

♥ "With his clever talking ability in every episode, this award is given to the member that facilitates the show, takes care of the laughter, and helps with editing...but why is Son Dongwoon a nominee? Why!" 

♥ "I you strong.." 

- Tiger Shinsahdong (Cyworld) 

- Shinsadong Tiger (B2ST Almighty Ep 8 ) 

♥ "S.Tiger: The next category is.. 'Best Chic Award" 

Hyunseung: *stands up and raise hand* Ah~~! 

Doojoon: Why are you sure that it is you? 

S.Tiger: I'll tell you ahead of time, you aren't even a nominee. 


Hyunseung: Aren't you guys being too much?!" 

- MTV B2ST Almighty Ep 8 

♥B1A4 mentioned Hyunseung in their thanks to: 

"Thanks to senior BEAST JangHyunSeung who’s cheering us to work hard at practice room. We’ll be a humble and hardworking group." 

♥"You and Junhyung, it seems like your images overlap. They're similar." 

- Hyunseung's mother 

♥Junhyung: No, no it’s okay if they don’t work... 



Doojoon: What?! You wanna pick a maid because of their looks~ … go look at them on your computer. 

Junhyung: (face turns red and slaps Doojoon) 

- Junhyung & Doojoon (Idol Maid Ep.1) 

♥ "What is Valentines? Is it a restaurant name?" 

YoSeob:"It is the name of an American person." 


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