Issue: Yaya has boyfriend?! (part 2)









Thunderstorm shouted, slammed his hand down on the table and stood up. He turned to look at the only girl in the house, the cold ruby eyes looked straight into the equally angry caramel ones.

Anyone in the room, except Yaya and Earthquake - who is still unconscious - all felt their hair stand on end at the wrath of Rintis island's scariest boy.

Even the trio trouble makers watched the happenings in silence, admiring their younger littler's bravery. Until now, no one dared to confront directly with the Boboiboy's second son with their hands and feet weren't shaking.

Not to mention that he was in a very bad mood now.

"NO! You can't ban me from hanging out with others!" Yaya resolutely looked straight at the other person. "You're not my boyfriend. Don't stop me from going out with another guy!"

The statement made the other people in the room open their eyes wide in shock, including Thunderstorm. The boy with lighting power did not think that his obedient sister could say such words.

Before everyone could react, Yaya pointed her finger to one of her big brothers who was able to control the wind, causing him flinched.

"That's what Cyclone said!" She accused.

"H-Hey! Why are you dragging me in?" The person called out panicked, completely unwilling to be dragged into the fray of the two most intimidating people at the moment.

As expected, Thunderstorm immediately turned to him, red lightning appeared on his clenched fist.

"What does this mean CYCLONE?"

"Errrr ... rrr." Cyclone scratched his head, feeling the killing intent radiating toward him not only came from his elder brother but also from his younger septuplets.

He chuckled miserably. "It seems like last week ..."


"Cyclone, stop it immediately!"

Yaya angrily slammed her fist on the table, causing the trays to rattle. Every sound in the cafeteria dropped instantly.

Despite all the attention that was pouring on her, the pink hijab girl looked down at her brother who was flirting shamelessly right in front of her. From teasing to being fed, who could eat with that screen right under their nose?!

"How can you always say such a thing to any girl you meet?"

"Now now, lil sis~ No need to be fussy~" One of female students in Cyclone's fanclub purred, her long fingers seductively pressing her idol's cheek.

Yaya glared. Both that female student and the other fans shuddered at the sharp gaze, which was equal to Thunderstorm. Wordlessly, all the girls stood up and left with their tails between their legs.

Not done yet, everyone else in the canteen startled when that glare swept over them warning. They rushed back to chat, eat and drink, pretending not to have seen anything.

Why did they react like that? Because whoever rubbed the Boboiboy's youngest sister up the wrong way was no different than digging their own grave.

First, Yaya is the vice president of the student council. Anyone who was listed by her would surely have to sit and drink tea with a teacher who was more frightening than the devil.

Secondly, the black jacket with the red lightning pattern she was wearing was an implicit warning. Touching her was touching its master. Thunderstorm was well known for not holding back on anyone daring to hurt his favorite littler sister.

One way or another, the ending for the daredevil who messed with Yaya was definitely nothing happy.

Watched his sister flopped into the chair after taking the cafeteria back to its normal noisiness without a word never failed to amuse Cyclone.

"Come on princess, you're jealous ~" He smirked.

Putting a hand on the table and resting his chin on it, the sky blue eyed boy knew how much his only sister hated to be called by "princess" in public, but he still said it anyway.

Seeing the lovely face of her was getting red with embarrassment and annoyed was always more interesting than being surrounded a bunch of girls wearing heavy makeup.

The blue vest boy didn't care much about the fact his fans had been scared to death. Which might affect his popularity since Cyclone was still vying for the number of fans with his brothers, even if no one of them actually cared.

"I'm not, I just try to help you had a healthier life." Yaya folded her arms across her chest, turning her face away. She unconsciously puffed her cheeks, a habit when she was annoyed.

Cyclone really wanted to reach out and pinch those cheeks, see if they were as soft as their appearance.

"If you're too free to spend time flirting like that, take care of the housework for big brother. You know how busy Quake is."

And that was gone Cyclone's happy mood.

Rarely did he have the opportunity to sit alone with Yaya (as the others had something else to finish off), the boy had intended to enjoy as much as he could in this golden opportunity. But his eldest brother's name escaped from those small lips had ruined it all.

Cyclone didn't hate Earthquake, Quaky was the best brother he could ask for in this world. The hat wearing boy just dislike Yaya dispersing her attention on others.

Today she had lunch with him alone, she should have focused on the person sitting opposite her right now!

"Always Quaky this, always Quaky that, you never care about me at all." Cyclone grumbles. "Besides, princess, you are my sister, not my lover, you can't stop me from flirting with the other girls."

"Ah, I forgot. A girl more fierce than a lion like you don't ever has anyone to purse."

The boy looked at her with mockery and the hijab girl only gawked at her brother in disbelief.

Actually Cyclone didn't mean it. He said so just to provoke Yaya as he was too upset. But if he took a little more notice, he would see the hurt in her eyes...

However, the caramel eyes quickly tinged with anger.

"I-YOU! Fine, you just wait!"

Yaya stood up and left, leaving her brother alone at the table, wondering if he had gone too far.

>>>End flashback>>>

"I-I-I I I I- I swear It was not purposeful Thurndy!" Cyclone panicked, looking up at his elder brother's dark face.

He had tried to run out of the front door, but sadly, Thunderstorm had been quicker. He had grabbed the boy's collar and not hesitated to throw his younger sibling into the corner of the living room.

"I was so upset that I said it! I didn't think Yaya would actually do it - !!!"

"I HAD WARNED YOU IF YOU DID SOMETHING STUPID, DON'T DRAG EVERYONE WITH YOU!!!" Thunderstorm bellowed, swinging his hands to summon his beloved red sword.


"AAAAAAAA ... !!!"

Blaze winced slightly at the tragic cry that echoed throughout the house.

"Ouch, that must hurt ..." He muttered.

Even though he knew that his third brother deserver to be punished but the boy still felt sorry for him.

The electric shock "given" by the thunder controller earlier on him was still ached.

Clicking his tongue, Blaze shook his head and turn away. Except Earthquake and Yaya, there is no one else in this house could stop Thunderstorm when he went crazy.

One was unconscious, the other just stood still, watching without any sign of intervention. After all, it was Cyclone who made himself suffer this fate.

Blaze covered his mouth and whispered to the rest brothers. "I still can't believe someone dared to cross the ' three steps' wall. I remember we had ensured any boy on the island knew about it."

"What do you think, Ice?" The boy wearing hat high glaced at the septuplet shared same egg with him, and was also the smartest one in two of them for opinions.

"I'm also wondering about it..." Ice mumbled. He raised his head and call his sister.

"Yaya, the day you was confessed, who went with you?" The boy asked.

The girl had been paying attention to the massacre of the corner that she couldn't hear the questions of her fifth brother. She looked at him confusedly. The icy blue eyed owner caught that and he patiently repeated the question.

"Ah, Ying and big brother Solar." she answered honestly.

The youngest septuplet watching at the "trial" was startled and turned around. He pointed at himself in surprise.

"Eh, eh? Me?!"

>>>Flash Back>>>

A brown haired boy silently observed the group of friends behind the wall. There were two girls were chatting with each other, while an orange glasses boy, sitting next to the girl wearing a pink hijab, was aggressively surfing his finger on the phone screen.

Taking a deep breath, he nodded to himself before heading straight there.

But as the boy was about three meters away, he suddenly stopped, as if in front of him was an invisible wall. Maybe it was because of the other boy's appearance, or the brown jacket she was wearing, which was very much like the student council president's jacket. Whatever it was, it successfully made him feel like under a great amount of pressure to the point he couldn't breathe regularly.

So this was the power of the holy 'three steps' wall in rumors.

But there was something he settled in mind that even if he was beaten to death, he would still do it.

The boy swallowed his saliva. He closed his eyes and took a step forward. While passing the invisible boundary, he could hear his heart beating loudly in ears.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds had gone.

He waited, and waited, and waited, fearfully for his life...

... But nothing had happened. The boy still didn't feel any single pain.

Unable to bear it anymore, he risked his eyes open and looked around. The scenes at school's backyard remained the same. Bird was singing, wind was blowing, the girls were continuing to chat and the boy was still glueing to his phone.

He quickly touched himself, checking from top to bottom. His limbs were still attached to his body, and his face had no scratch.

Finally the boy could let out a sigh of relief.

Feeling more confident, he walked to the person he risked to cross the legendary "three steps" wall to meet.

The new appearance startled two girls. They simultaneously raised their heads.

"Hello? What can I help you?" Yaya opened her mouth first. She looked curiously at the boy in front of her. It had been quite a while since she last talked to a boy this close.

Contrary to her, the boy suddenly felt awkward. All of his precious bravery had somehow flew away. He squirmed under her gaze before stuttering.

"Ya-Yaya Yah! ... I-I-I'm V-V-Vanny Omar, next to your class. I had liked you for a long time and I want to give you this! Ihopeyouwillreaditlate!"

After finishing the last part in one breath, the boy hastily thrust into her hand an envelope sealed with a red heart

Yaya stared down at the object in her hand, her mind was a complete blank.

Isn't this how girls often do to confess to their crush?

"Eh ... Err ... Well ... Vanny isn't it? I appreciate your feelings, but I'm not sure if my brother will allow..." The girl wearing a pink hijab scarf peeked at the person sitting next to her, half expecting to see her brother in a position of preparing to eat alive the reckless boy before him.

After the incident with Cyclone and Thunderstorm, Yaya, despite not liking his brother's overreaction, was expecting it to happen for the first time.

However Solar's eyes were royally fixed on the phone screen, completely unaware of the event taking place right in front of him.

Disappointed, the younger sister muttered in frustration. "...Or not at all."

Suppressed the cramped feeling in her heart, Yaya turned to the boy, forcing herself to smile as best as she could.

"Thank you, Vanny, I will definitely respond to you as soon as possible." She replied.

Needless to say how happy the boy was. He beamed before literally skipping all way back to his class

After the boy left, Ying looked worriedly at her friend's trouble expression. Irritated, she walked around Yaya and smacked the narcissist boy upside the head so hard that he almost dropped the phone to the ground.

"Solar, you're such an idiot!"

The glasses wearing boy rubbed the lump behind his head, puzzled as he looked at his pigtails friend, not comprehending why he was hit.

>>>End flashback>>>

The killing aura in the room immediately directed towards the youngest son. Solar sweatdropped, hurriedly tossing his phone on the table. He mustered the most innocent face to look up at his big brothers, or more precisely, the two brothers holding opposing power.

Thorn was inquisitively poking at Earthquake's cheek, who is still kissing the floor, while Thunderstorm was busy "taking care" of Cyclone.

"He he ..." Solar smiled wryly. He shrugged. "Oopsh?"



Less than five seconds later, the place Solar used to sit was no different from a battlefield, with him being only one who had fallen.

Ice glared at the scorched object that once had been his youngest septuplet on the floor. The shadow of his hat covered the icy blue eyes made it even more cold.

Blaze clenched his fists, his fiery colored eyes glowing furiously, a big X mark appeared on his forehead.

"How disappointed, here I thought you were the smartest one in this house but you had to make this stupid mistake." The boy growled.

"Go and reevaluate yourself." Ice simply said, but the words were bitter cold just like his name.

"HEY! Yaya has a boyfriend who is not my fault!"

Solar put one hand on the chair, tremblingly got up. "If it wasn't for that idiot Cyclone provoked her, there would be nothing happened!"

The third brother had just been beaten that he couldn't ever stand up, once again heard his name mentioned. It was true he started almost everything, but it doesn't mean his younger siblings had the right to blame him. They weren't completely innocent either.

"Who you are calling stupid huh?!!" Cyclone hissed.

"I said you! You idiot good for nothing bother!!" Solar exclaimed. Because of who he had suddenly received full blow from two powerful moves. The feeling of bones chilling coldness and then being grilled instantly were no comfortable at all.

"Oh you littler, how-"

"ENOUGH! Haven't you know your faults yet dare to fight?!" Thunderstorm roared.

Outside the dark clouds came, the thunder resonated with his scream, effectively cut off the argument about to beak out.

The said two boys fell silent and bowed their heads in shame, but still stealthily glared at each other.

Thunderstorm stroked his face tiredly. He couldn't believe he shared the same blood with these two clowns.

"Cyclone will be banned from talking to any girl and Solar, no more phone or tablet for one month. You two will also spare with me every afternoon in the next month." The rudy eyed boy gritted his teeth, he emphasized. "Don't think about disobeying the order, I will break bones of whoever went again it."


"B-But big brother Thunderstorm..."


Thunders outside the window slashed a red streak across the sky, enough to show how furious Thunderstorm was.

The two septuplets immediately accomplished their brother's threat, fearing for their lives.

"Hehe, sever you right." Blaze grinned sarcastically, ignoring the bullets glare from two pairs of eyes, one blue, one orange shot straight at him.

Yaya sweatdropped, unknowing what to say with her big brothers.

Suddenly realizing this was her chance, she wordlessly sneaked up the stairs. She really wanted to get out of her dirty school uniform.

"Stop right there, Yaya, don't think I forgot you." The cold voice rang out. The pink hijab girl quietly cursed before turning down to face her brother.

Thunderstorm continued. "I won't accept that you're having relationship at this age, break up with the kid."

"It's not fair! There is no way I will break up with Vanny!" Not care the color of her brother's face darkening when she said directly her lover's name, Yaya pointed out. "Beside the biggest one in the house is big brother Earthquake, not you! You can't just order me around!"

"I am currently the oldest in this house because big brother Earthquake hasn't regained consciousness yet!" Thunderstorm snapped, his voice was low like a wounded animal.

Now he understands why Cyclone was annoyed when his little sister mentioned Earthquake's name, because he himself could feel his whole body burning with envy.

Thunderstorm looked straight into his sister's eyes, his voice unchanged.

"As your brother, I won't allow you to go on a date. No one in this house have a lover before graduating from college!"

Yaya pursed her lips, she hated when her brothers used that demand tone to talk. Besides the fact that they were all the same age and only adopted siblings, it made her feel self-pity.

It made her feel like they took the reason they were her brothers to do whatever they like but they didn't ever really care for her.

In the end, she was only their pet dog.

Yaya smiled bitterly. Ignoring the sour taste inside her mouth, she returned her brother's glare.

"Ohhh, so now you're the oldest, then your words is absolute right?~" She stated.

"It's correct." Thunderstorm frowns at the way Yaya changes her tone. He didn't like it because he knew the girl standing before him was planing something.

Yaya did not pay attention to the discomfort of the opposite person. Still holding a smile that did not reach the eyes, she sweetly added.

"And big brother definitely never do opposite to what he had said right?"

Thunderstorm folded his arms across his chest, unable to guess what her real intention was. He irritatedly responded. "Right."

Yaya said nothing more and merely raised a pink pen with a sheep shape decoration swaying at the end, her favorite pen. The girl pressed down the pen section, instantly a voice came out.

'If Cyclone is allowed to be with a girl, I have the right to have a lover too!'

'Tck, whatever, just do what you want.'

'Fine, you had said yourself! Later don't you touch my boyfriend! '

'That's it. If you no longer care about me, I will find someone who truly care.'

'Yes, yes, whatever. Now get out, you're so noisy. '

The whole living room shanked into dead silence. No noise could be hear, even the thunders outside had stopped even since.

The atmosphere became so dense that a knife could cut through.

But of course, Thorn, the most innocent boy, perked up and asked a question that all the others septuplets were wondering but did not dare to speak up.

"It's just me or the voice from Yaya's pen sound like big brother Thurndy?"

Ice glared worriedly at his second big brother, who was gasping in surprise.

"... I don't think you heard wrong." He inaudibly confirmed.

>>> Flashback>>>

Thunderstorm currently was reading a book in the room, a red coffee cup placed neatly on the small table nearby.

A rare afternoon in which he was allowed to go home early. Earthquake was busy with the student council, Cyclone and Blaze stayed at the school to have club activities, Ice slept in his room like usual, Thorn and Solar worked in the store.

He should have enjoyed the peaceful feeling at home alone and reading if Yaya, the only sister among his siblings, stopped her cute tiny mouth.

"Thunder! Do you believe Cycy- Hey! Are you listening?!" Yaya puffed her cheeks.

She slammed a hand on the table, making the coffee in the red cup seemed to spilt out.

Thunderstorm rolled his eyes, trying to focus on the content of the book. His littler sister had said almost an hour without a pause and the story was still not finished.

So gone his peaceful afternoon.

Leaning his head on his hand, the rudy eyed boy grumbled.

"Yaya, Cyclone is big enough to know what he should do and what he shouldn't."

A "x" mark appeared on the girl forehead.

"So you're saying flirting right in front of his littler sister is what he should do?!' She hissed.

"If he thought it was right, yes." Thunderstorm casually flipped the page.

"Even you don't listen to me!" Yaya was annoyed, looking at her brother who still showed no sign of concern for her presence.

"If Cycy can go seducing girls, I have the right to have a lover too!" She declared.

Sadly, all Thunderstorm wanted now was for his sister to get out so he could enjoy the book he had been holding for months. So that the previous sentence didn't got into his ears a bit.

"Tck, whatever, it's up to you." Is the cool answer the sister got back.

"Fine, you said it yourself! Later don't touch my boyfriend!" Yaya spatted, unable to bear her brother's attitude.

Normally her second brother was always the one who had the most fierce reaction when she me was unhappy, but today, there was no glimpse of it.

Yaya was upset, more than that, she was disappointed. Ever thunderstorm was like this, what about the others? So turns out, she was just an extra sister in the house, one of their pet.

She should have realized this earlier.

With tears in her eyes, Yaya muttered. "That's it. If you no longer care about me, I will find someone who truly care."

"Yes, yes, whatever. Now get out, you're so noisy." Too focus on his book, Thunderstorm did not realize that his words had hurt the person he treasured more than his life.

>>>End flashback>>>

Rudy eyes widened in astonishment. Thunderstorm closed his mouth and then opened it again, repeating the action like a stranded fish.

"I-you-Yaya, you recorded it?!" He was finally able to utter a word.

"I learned from the best." She replied in a monotone voice. "Thanks for watching Zootopia with big brother Thorn.

"Thank you big bother." Yaya smiled with the said boy.

Thorn just grinned, reflexively scratching his blushed cheeks slightly.

"You are welcome. I really like watching movies with Yaya too!"

Yaya chuckled with her brother's cuteness. Sometimes she wasn't sure between she and Thorn, who was bigger.

Turning back to the person who was still frozen on the spot, Yaya reminded in a clearly fake cheerful voice.

"So everyone else please remember doing what BIG brother had said." She deliberately emphasized the word "big". "It's done now, I'll take a shower."

"Please excuse me first ~" The pink hijab girl waved her hand, then ran up the stairs before anyone could react.


"Thunderstorm ~"

A hand laid down on his shoulder not so gently, completely effective in shut Thunderstorm up and causing him to brace himself to bear the pressure. The hair behind his neck had risen up when he heard the familiar "affectionate" call.

Thunderstorm's face turned pale. He slowly turned around, facing the owner of the two above things.

"E-Earthquake! When did you regain consciousness? Are you okay?"

"Well, I was sleeping very well until someone's scream wakes me up." Earthquake said softly, turning his golden eyes to look at the three criminals.

"You guys had one job and look at what you did to let your littler sister become so upset that she has to go out with another guy." he gritted his teeth.

Although the tone did not change, every words that came out still made Cyclone, Solar and Thunderstorm, who had never been afraid, shivered.

The second brother swallowed his saliva, tried to explain. "Big brother, I can-"


Earthquake, in an effort to control his emotions, punched the nearest wall. The hit left a large hole with spider web shape cracks on it. His younger brothers automatically shut their mouths, fearing that if they let out a smallest noise, they could end up the same fate as the wall.

"One month without allowance and cleaning all toilets, all three of you. Thunderstorm's punishment for Cyclone and Solar remains the same." Earthquake smiled. "You are fasting tonight. Any object and you will eat only rice for a month."

Thunderstorm, Cyclone and Solar stayed still. The angel smile of their big brother right now looked more scary billion times than the devil one.

From the start, the others septuplets witnessed Earthquake's action had unconsciously moved away. Blaze and Ice used twin telepathy, one reached out covering Thorn's eyes, the other covered his ears. Despite the younger brother protested, they lead him out to the garden in order to flee from an impending murder.

"And now..."


Earthquake hummed a familiar melody in his memory, putting the food on the table. Finished, he stood under the stairs and called up.

"Yaya! The dinner is ready!"

"I'm coming down!" Accompanied by steady footsteps of the girl running down.

"Waaaaaaa, so much food. Do we have a party tonight?" Yaya was delighted to look at the dishes on the table, they were all her favorite.

Earthquake, Blaze, Ice and Thorn just smiled while watching her. The oldest brother had deliberately made all dishes she liked as their apologies.

Eagerly sitting down, Yaya noiticed that there were still three people absent.

"Eh, where are big brother Thunder, Cycy and Solar?"

"Now I realize, where are three other grandsons of mine? No wonder why tonight is so quite." Tok Aba also asked. He turned left and right as if finding his missing grandsons.

Ice picked up his chopsticks, calmly answered. "Well ... they're sparing at the gym."

"Then let me call them!" Yaya volunteered. Although she was still sad about how they had treated her, it was the past now. And she had a boyfriend, there was nothing more to be upset.

Beside, if only Thunderstorm or Solar skipped dinner, it was understandable. However Cyclone was also in, it would be a different story. That boy never shut up how his stomach was always empty, there was no way he skipped his precious meal. What if he somehow fainted at the gym or doing something stupid that made three of them lost unconscious on the way back?

Yes, after everything that had happened, Yaya still deeply cared for her big brothers.

"NO- I mean, it's not necessary Yaya, they told us to eat first." Earthquake hastily waved her off. "Besides, they are 'busy' a little bit so they don't want to bother."

Yaya looked at him questioningly. But this was her big brother Earthquake talking. If he had said ok, she probably didn't need to worry right?

Hesitantly, the girl sat back down. "... All right? Then let's dig in!"


At the gym next to the house, there were three boys that had been buried until their necks howling. The power watches were removed and frozen inside a large ice cuber on the table next to them.


"Quaky! I had known my fault! Let me eat something, I'm so hungry ..."

"Huhu, big brother Earthquake, I didn't mean it ... please give back my phone ..."

Unfortunately (?) the gym was designed by Solar himself that its soundproof was very good. So everyone sitting inside the house could enjoy the dinner without being bothered by all the screaming.


Vanny Omar, I don't ever remember why I chose that name

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