[P-11] Coffee and Handcuffs
Author: SoThatHappened
"Can I say something, without you getting defensive?" Root asked and Shaw glared at her.
"You seem a little up and down" Root said and Shaw just stared at her.
"I'm not" she said through gritted teeth.
"Sam" Root said. "As a human who feels feelings I think that qualifies me to be of some kind of help."
"Root, if you say one more thing I'm gonna have kill you with chopsticks" Shaw said.
"And now you're being defensive" Root said as if it were a predictable situation.
"Stop it" Shaw said and Root looked amused.
"Fine." Root said, and Shaw was momentarily shocked that Root had stopped so easily. "I just feel like we've both been a little weird lately."
"What does that mean?" Shaw asked staring across the table at Root. Root could feel those dark eyes on her, waiting, listening. The way Shaw always did, Shaw always gave her the time of day when she knew it was important.
"You stitched me up," Root said "and then I slept over, and then we had sex," Root paused. "And then I didn't see you for days, and now it seems like we don't know what to do with each other."
"You said we didn't have to think about it" Shaw pointed out and looked at her noodles, poking them with a chopstick.
"Well I don't know about you, but I'm thinking about it" Root said, now it was her turn to stare at Shaw, while Shaw looked away.
"You're gonna overthink yourself into a grave" Shaw said and Root nearly smiled.
"Sam" she said quietly. "What are we doing?"
Shaw didn't reply for a moment. Root could see she was thinking about what to say. It didn't make Root nervous, even as she watched Shaw's eyes run around the rim of the bowl, the way her arm muscles flexed as a little as she shifted position, and then the way her dark eyelashes lifted so she was looking at Root.
"Each other?" Shaw said simply.
Each other. The words rang through Root's head all of that night. They circled her mind even when Shaw came back to hers after noodles. They circled her mind as Shaw was leaving instead of staying over. They stayed in her head for days after that too. All she wanted was Shaw, and she had that. So why didn't it feel like enough?
She knew why. She might have even admitted it to herself once as she sat in the dark of her apartment one night. But she couldn't say it out loud, she could barely even think it. This wasn't meant to happen. So what, maybe they were perfect for each other, that didn't mean anything. It couldn't. Shaw was technically a sociopath. You can't have a relationship with a sociopath, Root. But that doesn't mean you can't fall in love with them anyway.
She had been mad at Shaw for sleeping with Tomas, and when that finally came right Root felt like all she was doing was keeping Shaw at arms length. And while Root was still trying to play it cool, Shaw had convinced herself that maybe their little agreement was going to work after all.
"Root, you there?" Shaw's voice was in Root's ear.
"Always" Root answered immediately and almost heard Shaw cringe.
"I need you to do something for me" Shaw said.
"Of course Sameen, what do y-"
"I need you to hack into the IRS" Shaw said cutting Root off and Root just smiled.
"Gosh Sam, you could have at least given me a challenge" Root bit her lip, glad that Shaw couldn't see her face.
"If I thought it was going to be challenging I wouldn't have asked you" Shaw pointed out.
"Why's that?" Root asked already halfway into the system.
"You have about 5 minutes" Shaw said and Root raised an eyebrow.
"Well if you tell me what I'm looking for, you'll have it in 3" Root said and could almost see the smirk on Shaw's face.
"What are you doing later?" Shaw asked suddenly and Root's fingers froze above the keys for a second as those words processed through her brain.
"I don't know, any ideas?" Root said trying to keep her focus.
"You could come over." Shaw said. There was no further explanation needed, they both knew what for. Root stayed silent for a moment.
"Root?" Shaw asked.
"No." Root replied. "But you can come to mine."
She heard Shaw exhale.
Root rattled off the information that Shaw needed and wondered if they were going to have an ounce of a normal conversation too, but she wasn't so lucky. Shaw's voice disappeared from her ear and she was left to herself again. Kiss kiss to you too, she thought as she listened to the blaring sound of silence in her ear.
She picked at one of her nails, deep in thought. She couldn't keep doing this to herself. If she didn't start emotionally distancing herself from Shaw she would end up too far down a path she wouldn't be able to come back from. Root thought about the first time they slept together, she had felt exhilarated and happy. Her flirting with Shaw was a playful game, that was intended for the sole purpose of getting a rise out of the sociopath. She was able to keep her emotions in check, yeah, she had liked Shaw for as long as she could remember, but that never used to effect all of her interactions.
That's what she needed to get back to, Root decided. If that was even possible.
Root sighed. It had been a long day. She wasn't even sure that letting Shaw come over tonight was still a good idea. She patted down her pockets for her keys to her apartment as she walked down the hallway.
It's not that she needed to get over Shaw, it's just that she needed to get over Shaw. For her own sake. And usually that required distance, not sleeping together.
Root slammed her key into the door and pushed it open, running a hand through her hair in frustration at herself. She had barely taken two steps inside when she looked up and saw Shaw stretched out on her couch. Her mouth fell open and she came to a halt at the sight. Shaw had her feet kicked up on the coffee table, Root's coffee mug in her hand, and she was wearing... one of Root's tops?
"Are you going to make a habit of breaking in to my place?" Root asked and Shaw glanced over at her looking fairly satisfied with herself.
"Maybe" Shaw answered with an amused smirk and Root just rolled her eyes.
"Some people would consider that rude" Root shrugged and kicked the door shut. "Is that my shirt?"
"Good thing you're not some people" Shaw said and then glanced down at her chest. "Yeah this is yours, I got blood on mine."
Root walked into the kitchen and frowned when she saw Shaw's blood stained shirt tossed into the sink.
"Make yourself at home, why don't you" Root said sarcastically.
"You'd like that wouldn't you?' Shaw said appearing behind her making her jump. Root turned around and stared at her.
"What are you doing here?" Root asked and snatched her mug from Shaw glancing at the substance inside it. She'd made herself coffee too.
"You invited me over remember?" Shaw said.
"So you broke in?"
"I called it a day when I got hit by a bullet." Shaw shrugged and Root glanced at Shaw quickly trying to figure out where she got hit.
"It's not bad, don't worry" Shaw said catching Root's eyes giving her the once over. Root stared at her for a moment trying to figure her out.
"I wasn't worried" Root muttered and Shaw just rolled her eyes, knowing that wasn't true but deciding not to comment.
"So did you run out of shirts at your place, and coffee?" Root asked and Shaw scoffed.
"You've seen where I live." Shaw said. That was the entire answer. Root brushed past Shaw and collapsed back onto the couch, leaning her head back and staring up at the ceiling. She heard Shaw come in after her, but what she didn't count on was Shaw climbing on top of Root and straddling her lap.
Root lifted her head, Shaw was very much on top of her. And very close to her face.
"Long day?" Shaw asked and Root just nodded. Shaw lifted up Root's hand and for a hot second Root's heart started racing at the idea that Shaw was going to kiss it. She immediately relaxed as she watched Shaw simply pulling the hair band off her wrist instead. Root didn't say anything, she let Shaw brush the hair from her face and gather it up, before tying it up loosely so it was out of her face. It wasn't so much a romantic gesture as it was routine, they had come to a conclusion that her hair kept getting places that it shouldn't be. And she would have to start tying it up so they wouldn't have to eat it. And in this instance it was probably just a sign of Shaw hinting that she was ready to go. But she never tied Root's hair for her, she usually just demanded that Root get it up now or she would walk.
"I can't tell if you're just that horny, or if you're trying to be cute" Root admitted and Shaw just stared at her.
"Why would I be trying to be cute?" she asked and Root raised an eyebrow.
"Sameen, you broke into my house, you're wearing my clothes, drinking from my mug... you may as well greet me with a kiss and we'd be doing better than most couples."
Shaw just looked at her. Root couldn't tell what she was thinking, or whether she had way overstepped or not. Not that anything she said wasn't true.
Their eyes were locked, but Root could see Shaw thinking. Then suddenly Shaw moved forward and kissed her. On the mouth. Properly. Softly. And then bit down firmly on Root's lower lip before pulling away.
"Like that?" Shaw asked and Root's hand went up to touch her lip, glancing at her finger to see if Shaw had drawn blood. Shaw just smirked.
"You're not bleeding, Root" Shaw said. It was the way Shaw was looking at her that threw Root off. Her eyes seemed warmer than usual today. There was no judgement, there wasn't anything. Shaw was just looking at her, like she was an actual person, an actual person who maybe she was feeling something for. Stop it. Root told herself. You can't do this.
"What is it?" Shaw's voice cut through her thoughts and Root looked at Shaw. "You seem far away." Shaw said and Root silently wished Shaw would stop picking things up. She wished Shaw would stop noticing, and more than that, getting it right.
Root didn't know what to say. Yeah Sam, actually I can't concentrate because I'm trying not to fall in love with you. That would go down well.
Root leaned her head back, banging it on the back of the sofa and staring up at the ceiling. She could feel Shaw's weight on her, and couldn't believe she was doing this. She stared at the blank ceiling. Her hands weren't even on Shaw, they were rested on both sides of her.
Before she could have another single thought, she felt Shaw shift on her, and seconds later there were lips on her neck. She opened her mouth to protest but Shaw's teeth pinched her skin in a light bite. Root let her eyes shut, and kept her head back on the sofa. Shaw's lips, soft, dragging up her neck, sucking, biting. Root knew Shaw was just trying to wind her up. It was usually always Root that led, and if something was up, Shaw knew how to get her going.
"Sam," Root managed, but Shaw's hands just captured Root's wrists, restraining them down by her sides.
"Shut up" Shaw mumbled against Root's neck. Root smiled slightly at Shaw's stubbornness.
"You better leave a scar" Root ended up saying, despite every voice in her head telling her this was a bad idea.
Shaw lifted her head and glanced at Root.
"I've already left a scar" Shaw said and Root arched an eyebrow. "it's right here" Shaw said slipping her hand under Root's shirt, sliding her hand up her stomach, over her chest and stopping, right on Root's left shoulder blade, where she could feel the bullet mark.
Root glanced at where Shaw's hand was under her shirt and couldn't help but smile.
"Right," Root said "how could I forget, you shot me."
"I mean you're kind of irritating" Shaw said, her voice was low, and there was something in her eyes that seemed to look happy, or at least as close to happy as Sameen Shaw could get.
"I think you're horny" Root said and Shaw just watched her.
"What are you gonna do about it?" Shaw asked.
Just kiss her! a single voice in Root's head screamed over and over again, louder than all the other thousands of voices that were telling it her was a mistake.
"I...um" Root stared at Shaw for a second too long and everything slipped from her mind.
"Root," Shaw frowned "Seriously, what is going on with you?"
Root clenched her jaw, trying to hold herself together.
"Lesbian bed death?" Root tried with the smallest hint of humour and Shaw just rolled her eyes.
"Bullshit" Shaw said "You're pupils are massive right now, and I guarantee your underwear will confirm it."
"It's been a long day Sameen," Root said "and i'm tired, and don't really feel like whipping you."
"Well that's a damn shame" Shaw said leaning close enough for Root to smell the coffee and mint on her breath. "Because I was so ready to be submissive."
Shaw was staring right at her. A wicked look in her dark eyes. Root couldn't look away.
"I find that hard to believe" Root said quietly in the small space between their faces. "Coming from the girl sitting on top of me."
Shaw smirked. "I'm just trying to start your engine"
Root rolled her eyes. "What kind of line is that, Sameen?"
"That's the kind of shit I put up with from you, everyday" Shaw said and Root looked mildly amused.
"You like it" Root said.
"Not really" Shaw said.
"You do, or you wouldn't be here."
"I'm here because you're kinky and mean, and for some reason that's hot." Shaw said and Root smiled. Shaw was still sitting on her, their bodies still incredibly close. Their noses almost touching.
"You have a good smile too," Shaw added "which I guess is an added bonus."
"Compliments and neck biting," Root look amused "you must really want it."
Shaw rolled her eyes. "Don't be a dick about it."
Root studied Shaw's face closely, she lifted her hand to trace Shaw's jawline, reaching Shaw's chin and then dragging her finger up over Shaw's lips.
"I can tell by the look in your eyes it's not gonna happen" Shaw said turning her cheek into the palm of Root's hand and pressing her lips against it.
"How can you tell that," Root asked cutely "if you're a sociopath." She meant it as a joke and Shaw knew it too, Shaw smirked a little.
"Sociopath doesn't mean robot" Shaw said "no offence to Her."
"The Machine isn't a robot, Sam" Root pointed out "She feels things."
"She sounds like my other half," Shaw said with a smirk. "Maybe we're soul mates" the word sounded foreign coming off Shaw's tongue and it was dripping with sarcasm, but nonetheless Root looked at her, with those brown dreamy eyes.
"Well you might have to marry me then," Root said "if you ever want to talk to her."
Shaw smirked and looked to the side. "Sure Root, because that would go so well." The sarcasm was more than apparent. Root bit the inside of her cheek.
"Okay, so" Shaw said and looked back at Root after a moment. "We could order a pizza and watch porn?" Root looked at her shocked for a moment. She was serious. She was going to stay, despite the fact Root wasn't being her usual self that Shaw was used to when she came around.
"And if worse comes to worse, I can just go find Tomas" Shaw said and Root's eyes widened.
"Sameen!" Root snapped loudly, pinching Shaw's arm. "You've really lost any chance now."
Shaw laughed. A proper laugh. Root almost tripped and fell straight in love. God she was beautiful.
"I'm kidding." Shaw said. "You know that." Shaw looked back at Root, amusement still playing across her lips, and eyes. But Shaw could still see that flare of anger settling on Root's face.
"That was a low blow," Shaw said and held her hands up in surrender "I take it back."
"Do you?" Root asked and Shaw moved her face closer.
"You know it" she said and lightly bit Root's shoulder. "Now the only question is, how many toppings can you handle?"
"Your pick up lines are getting worse" Root said with a smirk and Shaw winked as she reached for her phone. Yes winked.
Root was almost proud of herself, for managing to abstain.
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