[P-3|RateM] Trouble
Author: SoThatHappened
"Where's John?" Shaw said bursting into Finch's causing him to jump in fright at the sudden sound of her voice. Finch turned around immediately and saw Shaw and Root walking down the hallway towards him.
"He...took the afternoon off" Finch said a frown flickering across his forehead.
"He what?" Shaw repeated and Finch turned back to his computer.
"He does have a life outside of this, Sameen" Finch said and Shaw just raised an eyebrow and looked at Root.
"That seems hard to believe" Shaw said folding her arms and Root just smirked.
"He's probably screwing Zoe" Root said nonchalantly and Shaw turned to her with a frown.
"Will you stop?"
Root raised an eyebrow.
"Just stop mentioning..." Shaw's voice trailed off, she didn't know exactly what it was that she was getting at. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Just stop."
"Make me." Root said and Shaw stepped closer to her, their eyes locked on each other. Finch cleared his throat and Shaw looked away, the moment fractured.
"Everything okay?" he asked and Root's eyes kept following Shaw.
"Sam had a bad dream" Root said "It's been a...tricky morning."
Finch glanced at Shaw who had a stony look on her face, her arms tightly folded across her chest defensively.
"Well I'm afraid it's going to be a somewhat tricky afternoon too" he said and Root walked over to him, leaning over his shoulder to look at what was on his screen.
"New number?" Root said with a slight frown.
"Yes" Finch said "And I'm afraid one of you will have to go undercover for this one"
"No" Shaw said and both Finch and Root turned to look at her.
"Okay" Root said with a slight frown "Looks like I've been nominated."
"Get John to do it" Shaw said and Finch just frowned.
"I'm afraid that's not possible" Finch said and Shaw just stared at him.
"Why not?"
"Well, your cover is...well she's an escort" Finch said and Root just grinned in amusement, while Shaw's jaw fell open and she looked over at Root.
"This is just not my day" Shaw said and threw herself down onto the nearest chair. Root walked over to her, crouching down with her hands on Shaw's knees.
"If he tries to touch me I'll break his hand" Root said quietly and Shaw just glared at her.
"I hate you" Shaw said and Root just sighed.
"You don't."
Shaw stared at her, teeth gritted together.
"Stop me then" Root said softly. "Tell me you want me here and I won't go."
Shaw looked at her, absolutely ready to force her to stay here. It was almost unbearable the thought of Root being an escort tonight for some disgusting guy that would without a doubt eventually try something on her.
"You should go" Shaw said to her and Root almost looked disappointed.
"Are you sure?" Root asked and Shaw just nodded.
"Go." Shaw said pushing Root's hands off her. Root lingered for a moment, wondering whether this mood Shaw was in was because of her, or whether it was just that fucking dream. Still haunting her. Root hoped it was the latter, and got to her feet glancing at Shaw. Shaw looked at her. Root couldn't help it, she bent down and placed a soft kiss on Shaw's lips. She pulled back, and waited for a second their lips still just touching, to see what Shaw would do. A split second later Shaw kissed her quickly, just once then pushed Root by the shoulders to get her to go.
Root smiled to herself as she turned back to Finch.
"Is she..." Finch started, his voice quiet as Root got closer to him.
"She's fine, Harry" Root said swiping up her new identity off the table and glancing back at Shaw. "I'll see you later."
Shaw watched Root leave. It annoyed her how much she hated watching Root leave the room. It's not like she wanted to be around Root constantly, but it's not that she particularly liked the distance either these days. She was just used to it, having Root there.
Shaw sighed and Finch turned towards her.
"It warms my heart you know" he said and Shaw just stared at him.
"What does?" she said monotonously.
"The two of you" Finch said. "It's remarkable, to say the least"
"That we haven't killed each other?" Shaw asked and Finch smiled.
"She never wanted to kill you, Sameen" Finch said and Shaw rolled her eyes. "And there was only ever one moment when you wanted her dead, but you didn't even know her yet."
"Your point, Harold?" Shaw asked.
"I was going to say, that it's remarkable that in this vicious and hard world we so often find ourselves caught up in, you two have found a peace within each other."
Shaw stared at him.
"Who would've known, right" Shaw said eventually and Finch smiled.
"I'm glad you found each other." Finch said and Shaw looked down at her hands.
"Yeah, she's..." Shaw paused and shook her head a little. "She's the heart I never thought I had."
Finch stared at her, shocked by her words, her softness. He hadn't seen this side of her, like Root had. He wasn't used to the fact that she wasn't built entirely off sarcasm and coldness. As Shaw looked up at him, Finch quickly looked away but not fast enough for Shaw not to see the look on his face.
"You know," Finch said shuffling some paper on his desk. "I wish you'd had a ceremony."
Shaw rolled her eyes.
"Don't tell her that."
"You know there's no reason why you still couldn't..." Finch said and Shaw just folded her arms.
"No way."
"Have you ever talked about it?" Finch asked and Shaw just stared at him.
"We haven't, and for good reason..." Shaw stopped. "She'd probably want to come riding in on a horse or something." Shaw shook her head, almost smiling. "It's not gonna happen."
Shaw decided later that night that another gun pointed at their numbers head wouldn't be a bad thing. Especially since he seemed more like the perpetrator than anything. That paired with the fact that Root was now spending the evening with this guy, was more than enough for Shaw to want to point her 37 mil at his head.
She was perfectly positioned on a rooftop, with a clear shot into the hugely expensive hotel restaurant they were in. Shaw looked through the scope while she ate a burger, she almost hadn't recognised Root when she had sat down. She was wearing a dark red dress that hugged her hips, the colour of her lips matched. She was in tall black heels and had a black coat draped over her arm. Her hair was falling perfectly over her shoulders, and she had smiled as she had sat down in front of him. Shaw had looked closely, seeing the smile just fall short of reaching her eyes. Either way, she was still charming him.
He laughed, he smiled, he reached across the table and touched her hand, Shaw felt her chest tighten, her finger itched to pull the trigger. She watched as he moved closer to Root so that he could whisper something in her ear, his fingers picking up a strand of her hair and grazing across her chest as he did so.
Shaw's jaw tightened. She watched Root. Root turned into him, they were talking closely. Shaw could feel the frown forming on her forehead. She was just doing her job, Shaw reminded herself. She could tell Root was uncomfortable, despite appearing like everything was fine, it was just the little things Shaw noticed. The rigid movements, the fact she kept looking to the side, the small gap of distance she kept at all times between them.
Shaw saw him move his hand toward her leg and immediately swivelled the gun so that it was focused on something else, leaning back and taking a breath.
Maybe this had been a fucking terrible idea, she thought and leaned back in looking through the scope. It was still focused on the restaurant but on the far side. And as her eye focused she realised who she was looking at. John and Zoe.
An amused smirk spread across her face as she watched them staring at each other, Zoe was touching his hand across the table. He was smiling.
"Oh John," Shaw mumbled with an entertained grin. She watched, realising how normal they looked, how unnoticed they were together. And she wondered if it was like that with Root. If it just made sense to anyone who looked. Moving the gun back towards where Root had been sitting, she frowned. The table they had been at was empty.
"Did you really think I wouldn't know you're up here?" Root's voice said from behind her and Shaw spun around. Root was standing on the other side of the roof, her coat draped over her shoulders, a playful smirk on her face.
"What'd you do with him?" Shaw asked and looked back towards the hotel.
"Nothing good" Root said and Shaw just smiled a little.
"Come here" Shaw said and Root sauntered over to her, she smelt like floral perfume. Shaw leaned against the ledge that her gun was propped up on, and Root came straight over to her taking Shaw's face in her hands and kissing her, their bodies pressing together.
"Mm, wait" Shaw mumbled against Root's lips, taking her by the waist and forcing her back. "I wanted to show you something."
Root lifted an eyebrow and looked at Shaw, seeing a lipstick smudge across Shaw's mouth and wiping it away with her thumb quickly.
"Look through the scope" Shaw said and nodded towards the gun, Root lifted an eyebrow and then leaned down looking through the sight, a smile stretching across her face and a small laugh escaping her lips.
"They're not allowed to out couple us" Root said when she finally looked away and Shaw lifted an eyebrow.
"We're married, I'm pretty sure we win." Shaw said. Root looked at her for a moment without saying anything, before she moved closer.
"Are you still upset?" Root asked.
"Kind of" Shaw said "but you also look too hot for me to be angry." she said grabbing Root by the waist and pulling her closer again.
"I had at least 80% less clothes on this morning and you were still mad" Root said nudging her nose against Shaw's.
"That's because you cheated on me" Shaw said with a small smirk.
"Stop it" Root said with a frown "You know I didn't, can you just admit that, please."
Shaw looked at her and rolled her eyes.
"Okay you're not a cheater, but the image of you sitting on that lumpy nerd is still very much in my mind" Shaw said and Root practically cringed.
"At least I'm still a top" she mumbled and Shaw lifted an eyebrow.
"Not anymore." Shaw said and Root looked at her. "You've lost all your privileges of being in control."
"Is that why you wouldn't let me touch you this morning?" Root asked and Shaw looked at her.
"No, I was angry and grossed out."
"And now?"
"I'm going to drive you to the edge and then go drink a beer" Shaw said and Root just stared at her, clearly turned on.
Root stepped off the curb and hailed a taxi, a yellow cab swung to the side immediately and Root scooted in, followed by Shaw. She gave the driver their address and then leaned her head back against the seat. Shaw was staring at her.
She turned her head a little so she was looking back at Shaw.
"What?" she said her voice quiet.
There was something about the look in Shaw's eye that made her realise she was about to get into trouble.
"Figure it out," Shaw said their eyes still locked for another moment before Shaw's wandered down over Root's body.
"Here?" Root asked quietly lifting an eyebrow and Shaw just smirked.
"What are you shy, suddenly?"
Root rolled her eyes and glanced at the driver in the rearview mirror, he had a headphone in one ear and was nodding his head to whatever music was playing, completely oblivious. Root looked back at Shaw before hitching her dress up so it sat near the top of her thighs.
"Are you gonna help?" Root asked and Shaw just looked at her.
"Touch yourself." Shaw said.
"Is this going to make you less angry?" Root asked as she let her hand slip between her legs, her finger hooking into the side of her underwear.
"We'll see." Shaw said and Root let her head rest back against the seat as she started working her fingers against herself.
"Are you power tripping because you know I feel bad?" Root asked turning her head to look at Shaw.
"No" Shaw said.
"Then what is this?" Root asked starting to sound a little breathless, her cheeks flushing pink, her nipples visible through the fabric of the dress. Shaw smirked. Root slipped further down the seat, tipping her legs further apart.
Shaw ignored the question. "What are you thinking about?" she asked noticing the change in Root's breathing.
"You." Root said almost instantly, and slipped a finger inside herself. Her back arched a little way off the seat, and she bit down hard on her bottom lip.
"Do I make you hot?" Shaw asked her voice low as her dark eyes stared at Root through the dim lighting of the cab.
"Yeah" Root said her voice practically a whisper. Pulling her hand out from between her legs and reaching for Shaw's arm, grabbing it Shaw could feel Root's wet fingers wrap around her wrist and force her arm between Root's leg. Root pressed Shaw's hand between her legs so she could feel the soaking wet patch on her underwear. She jolted a little in pleasure as Shaw pressed her fingers into the wet patch, feeling as though if Shaw touched her anymore she would come undone right there and then.
"You're so easy" Shaw said with a smirk pulling her hand back and Root just stared at her.
"I find it kinda hot when you're mad" Root said and Shaw just stared at her.
"I have a lot of things to be mad about" Shaw said "You dream cheated on me, my brain simulated a feeling that I'm not even meant to have, and you got touched by some old creepy guy at dinner, and I had to have an actual conversation with Harold today."
"What did you talk about?" Root asked and Shaw rolled her eyes.
"Shut up and finger yourself" Shaw said and Root let her fingers wander back into her panties, moments later the tiniest gasp escaped her mouth before she quickly bit down on her lip.
"H-how is this helping you?" Root asked and Shaw just stared at her, before pulling Root closer to her.
"Because," Shaw said with a small smile. "You haven't looked away from me once, I know you're thinking about me."
"And I told you" Root said. "Is that reassuring enough?"
Shaw just rolled her eyes wrenching Root's hand away from between her legs and replacing it with her own. Her fingers snaked down the front of her underwear and Shaw looked at her.
"Spread 'em" she said and Root's legs immediately fell apart, her eyes locked on Shaw's.
"When did you get so obedient?" Shaw asked and Root smiled a little.
"I know I'm in trouble" Root said quietly, the taxi driver still completely unaware of what was happening behind him.
Shaw slipped a finger inside Root and immediately her body reacted. Root's lips parted and Shaw just watched her, their faces inches from each other.
"You know what finger this is?" Shaw asked and Root just stared at her. "It's my middle finger"
Root smirked. "Ironic."
"Fuck you."
"You are."
Then Shaw's mouth was on Root's, she kept just one finger inside Root and worked her thumb against her clit letting her mouth catch Root's moans.
Root's fingers were digging into Shaw's leg, and the other hand was above her head wrapped around the headrest, using it as support as her back arched into Shaw's hand. She could feel herself building and fast, everything inside her was tensing, soaring, ready to send her into the spiral before she storm...and then the calm.
She tried to keep looking at Shaw but her eyes were fluttering shut at the feeling, the pleasure that was rushing through her body making her toes curl.
Shaw stopped kissing her, but she didn't care, she was right there just about to tip over the edge...and then she felt Shaw's hand leave her underwear. The car rolled to a stop.
"Thanks man" Shaw said throwing the car door open and handing him some money as she got out of the car.
Root sat there dumbstruck, unable to move, unable to even think. She stared at Shaw who was standing on the sidewalk looking at her with the most wicked smirk plastered on her face.
"Come on, sweetie" Shaw said tucking her hands into her pockets as she waited.
Root stared at her, she opened her mouth to speak and then closed it again when no words came out. Then slowly she shuffled towards the open door, swinging her legs out one at a time and tugging her dress down. Shaw grinned seeing Root struggle, stepping forward and grabbing her arm pulling her onto the curb before shutting the door, the taxi driving off. She let go of Root's arm.
"You can't..." Root said standing there watching as Shaw hopped up the steps towards their front door.
"I did." Shaw said opening the door and turning around to look at Root. Root glared at her, the sensation between her legs still yet to fade, she took a step forward and then growled slightly.
"Are you gonna have an orgasm on our porch?" Shaw asked from the door and Root pulled her jacket off her shoulders, before sucking in a deep breath and slowly storming up the stairs. She stopped in front of Shaw before she went inside, pushing her against the doorway and sticking her tongue straight into Shaw's mouth letting it fight against hers, deeply, roughly, before she pulled back and walked straight inside without a word.
Shaw just smirked, shutting the door behind them going into the kitchen and grabbing a beer before following Root upstairs and finding her leaning with an arm against the doorway to their bedroom.
"You mad?" Shaw asked cheekily and Root turned to look at her.
"Mildly infuriated." Root replied and Shaw smirked.
"At least I didn't cheat on you." Shaw said and took a sip from her beer.
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