

abandon verb

1 leave sb/sth

• ADV. hastily The village had been hastily abandoned.

• PHRASES be found/left abandoned The car uiasfound

abandoned in a nearby town.

2 stop doing/supporting sth

• ADV. altogether, completely, entirely, totally The government

does not propose to abandon the project altogether.

I effectively, largely, virtually This principle

has now been effectively abandoned. I simply Traditional

policies were simply abandoned. I formally I quickly I

quietly The plans for reform were quietly abandoned. I

temporarily I voluntarily

• VERB + ABANDON be forced to I decide to

• PREP. for He abandoned the army for politics. in favour

of She abandoned teaching career infauour of sport.

abashed adj.

• VERBS be, look

• ADV. a little, slightly I suitably Heglanced at Juliet accusingly

and she looked suitably abashed.

abbreviation noun

• ADJ. common, standard

• ABBREVIATION + VERB stand for The abbreviation

PC stands for 'personal computer'.

• PREP. - for A/ C is the standard abbreviation for

'account'. - ofAd lib is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase

'ad libitum'.

abhorrent adj.

• VERBS be I become I find sth

• ADV. totally, utterly Ifind the idea totally abhorrent.

• PREP. to Such a savage punishment is abhorrent to a

civilized society.

ability noun

1 skill/power to do sth

• ADJ. exceptional, extraordinary, great, outstanding,

remarkable, uncanny I inherent, innate, natural discovering

the natural abilities of each child I proven I

academic, acting, artistic, athletic, creative, intellectual,

linguistic, mathematical, musical, reading, technical

I mental, physical

• VERB + ABILITY have I demonstrate, show Both

players demonstrated their ability to hit the ball hard. I

acquire, develop I lack I lose I seem to have lost my ability

to attract clients. I appreciate, recognize Fox's abilities

were soon recognized.

• PHRASES to the best of your ability We will keep you

informed to the best of our ability.

2 speed with which sb learns

• ADJ. high The school does nothing for children of high

ability. I limited, low I average, mixed It is much more

difficult to teach a mixed-ability class.

• VERB + ABILITY assess, test

• PHRASES a level of ability There was a high level of

ability among the schoolleavers. a range of ability/abilities

I taught a wide range of abilities.

ablaze adj.

• VERBS be I set sth Truck after truck was set ablaze as

thefire spread.

• ADV. well By the time firefighters were called the house

was well ablaze.

able adj.

1 able to do sth having the ability to do sth

• VERBS be, feel, prove, seem

• ADV. perfectly, quite, well He is well able to take care of

himself. I better, more Onceyou've had some sleep you'll

feel better able to cope. I justI was just able to make out a

dark figure in the distance. I barely, hardly, only just,

scarcely I less

2 clever; doing your job well

• VERBS be, seem She seems very able.

• ADV. extremely, very I fairly, reasonably

abode noun

• ADJ. humble (humorous) Welcome to my humble abode.

• VERB + ABODE take up your (formal or humorous) I

had been invited to take up my abode at Government


• PHRASES of no fixed abode (law) (= without a permanent

address) An l S-year-old man of nofixed abode appeared

at Teesside magistrates court yesterday. the right of

abode (law) (= the right to live in a place)

abolish verb

• ADV. altogether, completely, totally Some MPs want to

abolish the tax altogether. I Virtually I largely Foreign exchange

controls were largely abolished.

• VERB + ABOLISH seek to I decide to, vote to

abortion noun

• ADJ. back-street, illegal I legal I induced, spontaneous,


• VERB + ABORTION have When she got pregnant at 16

she decided to have an abortion. I carry out, do (informal),

perform Some nurses wanted the right to refuse to

perform abortions.

• ABORTION + NOUN law, legislation the country's

strict abortion laws I clinic, counselling

• PREP. - on He carried out an abortion on afifteen-yearold


• PHRASES abortion on demand (= the right to have an

abortion if you want one) Women's groups are calling for

free contraception and abortion on demand.

abscess noun

• VERB + ABSCESS develop, get I developed an abscess

on my neck. I burst, drain, lance I treat

• ABSCESS + VERB burst Once an abscess has burst it

should be bathed with antiseptic liquid.

absence noun

1 fact of not being present

• ADJ. lengthy, long, prolonged I brief, temporary I


• QUANT. period, spell You will not be paid for the full

period of absence.

• PREP. during/in sb's - (= while sb is not there) My

father did all the cooking in my mother's absence. I -frorn

absencefrom work

• PHRASES conspicuous/notable by your absence (=

very obviously absent when you ought to be present)

When it came to clearing up afterwards, Anne was conspicuous

by her absence. leave of absence (= permission

to be absent) He asked for leave of absencefrom the army.


• ADJ. complete, total I virtual I conspicuous, notable

a conspicuous absence of evidence

• PREP. in the-of In the absence of stone, most houses in

the area are built of wood.

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