Exercise1-38;ConsistentNounStressinChangingVerbTenses CD2
Thisisacondensedexerciseforyoutopracticesimpleintonationwithawiderangeofverbtenses. Whenyoudothe exercisethefirsttime,gothroughstressingonlythenounsDogseatbones. Practicethisuntilyouarequite comfortablewiththeintonation.Thepronunciationandword connections are on the right, and the full verb tenses are on the far left.
eat 1. Thedogs eatthebones. the däg zeet thebounz
ate 2. Thedogs ate thebones. the däg zεit thebounz
are eating 3. Thedogs're eating thebones. the däg zr reeding the bounz
willeat 4. Thedogs'll eat the bones (if...) the däg zə leet the bounz(if...)
wouldeat 5. Thedogs'd eat thebones(if...) the däg zə deet thebounz (if...)
wouldhave eaten
thathave eaten
6. Thedogs'd've eaten the bones (if..) the däg zədə veetn thebounz (if...)
7. Thedogs that've eaten the bones (are..) the däg zədə veetn thebounz
haveeaten 8. Thedogs've eaten the bones. the däg zə veetn thebounz
hadeaten 9. Thedogs'd eaten the bones. the däg zə deetn thebounz
willhave eaten
10. Thedogs'll've eaten thebones. the däg zələveetn thebounz
oughtto eat 11. Thedogs ought to eat the bones. the däg zädə eatthebounz
shouldeat 12. Thedogs should eat the bones. the dägz sh'deet thebounz
shouldnot eat 13. Thedogs shouldn't eat thebones. the dägz sh'dn•neet thebounz
shouldhave eaten
shouldnot have
14. Thedogs should've eaten thebones. the dägz sh'də veetn thebounz
15. Thedogs shouldn't've eaten thebones. the dägz sh'dn•nə veetn thebounz
couldeat 16. Thedogs could eat the bones. the dägz c'deet thebounz
couldnot eat 17. Thedogs couldn't eat thebones. the dägz c'dn•neetthe bounz
couldhave eaten
18. Thedogs could've eaten thebones. the dägz c'də veetn thebounz
couldnot have19. Thedogs couldn't've eaten thebones. the dägz c'dn•nə veetn thebounz
mighteat 20. Thedogs might eat thebones. the dägz mydeet thebounz
mighthave eaten
21. Thedogs might've eaten thebones. the dägz mydəveetn the bounz
musteat 22. Thedogs must eat thebones. the dägz məss deet the bounz
musthave eaten
23. Thedogs must've eaten the bones. the dägz məsdəveetn thebounz
caneat 24. Thedogs can eat the bones. the dägz c'neet thebounz
Стр. 47 из 185
can'teat 25. Thedogs can't eat the bones. the dägz cæn(d)eetthebounz
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