Chapter one: The forgotten dream

White Lily pov: After the crisis that occured recently with the rises of the Beasts, all of kingdoms in Earthbread already on high alert for the possible danger even the Faerie kingdom right now is preparing for any Beast attacks and as the leader of the Faerie kingdom also as the Guardian of the Seal I too must prepared, right now I'm at the libary looking through the books, tomes and scrolls for a way for me to seal the Beasts again but till this point I can't find anything useful, (sign) it's been the fifth day now and I haven't take rest or even eaten anything 'cause I was busy too finding a solution for this Beast crisis and on top of that Dark Enchantress cookie is scheming something that would surely not good (urgh) just thinking about these kind of problem already giving me a headache (sign) now I feel really tired maybe I should take a rest for now and keep looking fir the answer tomorrow. Outside of the libary I walking down through silvery road and was looking out at the silver court yard reflecting the moonlight, the faerie of the kingdom dancing and singing the melody of flower, the soldier marching in a perfect harmony and the floral scent of lilies in the air all making me feel calm and peaceful as I walking to my room down the kingdom's path, in my mind I was thinking about Elder Faerie cookie a very dear friend of mine who have pass away just before passing on his responsibilities as the Guardian and his kingdom to me but I still wonder how did Elder Faerie able to sealed the Beast I just learned that information when Shadow Milk, one of the Beast wreak havoc after he was free from the Silver tree and put on his show of Deceit even though his show is full of lies but it still has some truth in it, Elder Faerie cookie might have some help, but who, the Witches? But I'm not sure if they would directly assist him or did he has some outer help...if so then who could it be? All these question is surouding my head until something cut off my line of thoughts.

  ???: White Lily cookie!

A silverly white faerie cookie with a gentle smile approach me with a bit worried look on his face.

  White lily cookie: Silverbell cookie, what are you doing here.

  Silverbell cookie: I came to give you some food cause I haven't seen you eaten anything lately, it's making me very worried about your health.

  White Lily cookie: Thank you, Silverbell cookie.

  Silverbell cookie: By the way, where are you going?

  White Lily cookie: I'm going to my room, I also didn't have enough sleep either.

  Silverbell cookie: Okay then, I'll be heading back to guard the outskirt of the kingdom's gate and if you needed anything you can always call me if you need any help.

  White Lily cookie: Oh, there's something want to ask you.

  Silverbell cookie: Huh? What is it, White Lily cookie.

  White Lily cookie: The day of the Calamity, when Elder Faerie cookie sealed the Beasts...did he had anyone help him sealing the Beasts?

  Silverbell cookie: I don't know, I hadn't been baked at that time but I did heard that he DID had some help, I just don't know who would be powerful enough to assist his majesty sealing the Beasts away.

  White Lily cookie: Thank you, Silverbell cookie... that is all I wish to know, I'll be heading to my room now and I'll find more clues to solve this problem tomorrow.

  Silverbell cookie: Ok bye, White Lily cookie. Goodnight~

I parted Silverbell cookie and heading off to my room. Opening door to see the room I use to stay on my first visit to the Faerie kingdom it was the same as I remember, I sat on the bed and it was soft and comfy as ever. After settling down I started wonder how can I find the way to sealed the Beasts again, if there is someone who able to assist who could it be? Did the Witches help him, if they did how can I able to convince them and if there's someone else then where can I can find them? "(sigh) I wish Elder Faerie cookie was still here..." a thought came into my mind if his majesty was still here he'll know what to do and all problem would be solve in no time but it will never came to be, putting that all a side I need to take rest for tomorrow. Then close my eyes and enter my sleep.

As I close my eyes and entered my slumber I suddenly heard something or someone is calling me, I don't know what but as I opened my eyes, all that I see is just a white blank space of void and there's nothing else around.

  White Lily cookie: Wha... wh-where am I?... Is this somekind of dream?

As I stand up and look around but all I see is white then in the distance there's something small up ahead, a dot? I had no idea what is it but there is somekind of magnetic pull making me goes toward it. As I getting closer, I can make out what it was, it wasn't something it's someONE! It's s cookie, but there's something off about them because as I look down I notice that they had a tail, are they a MERMAID!? They were just sitting there in this white void and singing a song that I've never heard of before, I can't make out who are 'cause their back was facing me then for a moment I feel a familiarity from them but could've swore I have never meet them before, I tried to getting closer to them and wanted to them where am I and who are they but before I could get any closer there's something blocking me.

  White Lily cookie: OW! Huh... a wall? No, it's invisible...

Suddenly, darkness start to formed from where that cookie is sitting and spreading all across the white space plunging it into blackness, that cookie is still sitting there and singing not notice of their surounding while the darkness's malice tendrils start to wrap around them. Up above, glowing in the blacken space a pair of gigantic periwinkle-blue eyes with sharp pupils start to appeared and looking down at the cookie infront of me. Scensing something wrong I tried to shout and banging on the invisible wall try to get their attention.

  White Lily cookie: HEY! CAN YOU HERE ME?!! RUN... GET OUT OF THERE!!! Ugh... no good, they can't hear me, I have to use my power to break this invisible wall and save that cookie.

As I was about to use my power, suddenly there's something holding me back not letting me do anything. I look back and saw that those dark tendrils has got me and was holding me down, then I look back at that mermaid cookie in front of me to see that they were almost got swallowed by the darkness, in my last attemp I lift my staff and repeatedly hit the invisible wall as hard as I can, and finally the wall was starting to break then one last hit I was able break it. The shattering sound of the wall was loud enough for that cookie to notice and they finally turn around but I can't make out who they were it's like something is blocking my vision, then that mermaid spoked:

  ???: Lily?

My name? They know my name but we clearly never met before, but before I could say anything the cookie in front of me was got completely engulf by the darkness then those menacing gigantic eyes start to look direckly at me, a bone chilling voice whispering in my ears:

  ???: Traitor.

Then a horrifing scream shouting at me, it was so strong that it blew me away right into the pitch black abyss.

  White Lily cookie: AH!!... what was... all of that?...

After waking up, looking at the window a bit of sunlight shining through the glass and entered the room, it's finally morning. I pondered to myself about what just happened and ask: "That dream... what does it means".

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