Chapter one: A longing reunion, part 1

In the sky an airship is towarding at to the Beast-Yeast continent, in the airship pilot room is the five cookies who is the young hero Gingerbrave and his friends: Strawberry cookie, Wizard cookie, Custard cookie III and Chilli Pepper cookie coming back to the Faerie kingdom to visit White Lily cookie.

  Custard cookie III: Hey Gingerbrave, your king demands to know, are we there yet?

  Strawberry cookie: Be patient Custard cookie III, it wouldn't hurt if you give a little bit effort to wait~

  Gingerbrave: Yeah, like what Starwberry cookie's said beside we're almost there.

  Chilli Pepper cookie: Uuugh... finally, this trip is taking so long I think I was going die from boredom already.

  Wizard cookie: Oh please, we just parted from the Vanilla kingdom like 2 hours ago, if I remember correctly the last time we go to the Faerie kingdom took us 5 hour to be there. Besides, wer are here to invite White Lily cookie to attend the next Council of Heroes meeting.

  Gingerbrave: Ahem, attention passenger, we have finally reach our destination, please buckled your seatbelt for we are about to land.

After landing the airship on the ground and finally set foot on the Beast-Yeast continent, our heroes take on the road to the Faerie kingdom but during their way to the kingdom they have to face many enemies and creatures of Beast-Yeast making their visit trip more difficult even so they were still able to reach the ouskirt of the kingdom.

  ???: Hey hey hey, look whose finally came back to visit Beast-Yeast

  Chilli Pepper cookie: Wha-who goes there, sh-shows yourself?

  Custard cookie III: Don't tell me it's a g-ghost, if it is... quick, your king needs protection!

  Wizard cookie: Don't worry it's not a ghost, it's just a COWARDICE LIZZARD that just like creep on other peoples.

  ???: HEY! how can you call an old friend and a cutie like me that way!

The mysterious voice shows themselves as a green chameleon, then jumping down from the branch the green chameleon revealed them and transform into it's cookie form.

  Gingerbrave: Carameleon cookie, it's you! So nice to see you again.

  Carameleon cookie: Who else would it be? It's great to meet you Rookies again too and I see you bring some new cookies here.

  Gingerbrave: Well let me introduce you our friends from home, this is Custard cookie III and Chilli Pepper cookie.

  Custard cookie III: Greeting, it is I the great monarch of the Cookie Kingdom Custard cookie III, you may rejoice.

  Chilli Pepper cookie: And I'm Chilli Pepper cookie the swiftest theif had ever been baked, if you have anything that precious or shiny you've better watch out~

  Carameleon cookie: Nice to meet ya'll, I'm Carameleon cookie expert and master of survival in the land of Beast-Yeast.

  Starwberry cookie: Hehe... nice to meet you again Carameleon cookie. By the way did I just here that you called yourself "cute", by any chance?

  Carameleon cookie: Wha... I... you... well... sh-shut up!!

  Wizard cookie: I don't want to break this happy reunion (not really) but can focus and move on from this conversation?

  Gingerbrave: Oh yeah, right. Sorry Carameleon cookie we would love to chat with you a little bit longer but we have to go now, we actually came here to visit White Lily cookie and ask her to attend the next meeting in the council of heroes.

  Carameleon cookie: So you came to visit the Faerie kingdom again, hehe... why didn't you say it sooner. Let me be your guides through the forest safely 'cause I bet that without me you Rookies would be crumbs before you able to reach your destination.

  Chilli Pepper cookie: HEY! Who do you think we are-

  Strawberry cookie: That would be great, with you guiding us through the forest I know will be able to reach the Faerie kingdom in no time.

  Carameleon cookie: Of course, well then what are we waiting for lets go!

Then our heroes continue their way to the Faerie kingdom, on their way they have to face alot of enemies and monsters but those creatures would be defeated easly and so far so good, to good.

  Strawberry cookie: Hey, Gingerbrave.

Gingerbrave: What is it, Strawberry cookke. Is there something wrong?

  Strawberry cookie: It's just that... well... the last time we were in Beast-Yeast, there are alot of monsters back then but now... it's unnervingly calm here.

  Carameleon cookie: Oh that! Yeah, it's been quite peaceful around here lately. All of the big and dangerous monsters are already migrated to the south of Beast-Yeast only left is those Yeast Fungi.

  Wizard cookie: Why's that?

  Carameleon cookie: I dunno, maybe it's climate change or something.

  Wizard cookie: I see... hm.

  Carameleon cookie: Anyway we're almost reach the kingdom's gate, it's right around the corner.

  Custard cookie III: Whoa... oof.

  Strawberry cookie: Custard cookie III, are you okay?

  Custard cookie III: Yeah, I'm ok. Just trip on something, a present?

  Chilli Pepper cookie: Where!? Let me see!

  Chilli Pepper cookie: Ew! What an ugly present it was, who would even give any one this ugly present? But I bet the inside is something very valuable.

  Custard cookie III: Hands off theif, taking a present that ment for someone else is not an honorable act. Besides, I saw it first.

  Custard cookie III: Let see who's this gift for? "For: White Lily cookie"

  Gingerbrave: Hey guys, hurry up, we're almost about to reach the kingdom's gate, come on.

  Custard cookie III and Chilli Pepper cookie after heard Gingerbrave calling, they immediately stand up and goes toward their friends, bringing with them is the present.

                                    To be continued

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