Oh darling
If you were the sun, I would vow to be a mere sunflower.
Every day, waking up to silently admire you from afar until the day I wither and die.
Call me dim-witted, you may, but oh love it is because you have never loved anyone so dearly.
I have always waited so patiently for my feeling to be returned, but all I have from this silent one-sided love is just pain.
Maybe, if I have the gut to tell you how I feel, you will accept?
Ah, but how can a mere sunflower, ignored by others, reach the bright sun, adored by others?
I am not worthy to stand by you
The best I can do is to wish you a happy life, alongside the ones you cherish the most.
If you were the earth, I would vow to be the groundwater artery.
I would always be there, silently helping you take care of everything you hold dear to your heart.
Even under to fiery sun, throughout the devastating drought.
Without asking for anything.
Because to me, your happiness is everything.
This is the author's note: No, I'm not in love with anyone.
This chapter is dedicated to the kind of love I like the most, but one-sided love is also the one I hate the most.
Ironic, isn't it?
I mean, the one-sided love I portrayed in this chapter isn't toxic (maybe it's toxic to the one who has to endure it) since he/she isn't possessive and truly wishes the other to live a happy life. But at the same time, he/she has such a weak personality and looks down on himself/herself.
I love the characters and people who have to go through this, they are usually very kind and noble. They deserve better.
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