You sat across from Tom, who looked at you with an unnatural intensity. It was more than just desire, there was no denying it. Tom wanted something darker, more dangerous. There was no denying the haunting look in his eyes. "When I am the most feared and powerful wizard... I will love having you by my side." He said, kissing the gold ring on your finger, the one that once belonged to Morfino Gaunt.
After Little Squirrel graduated from Hogwarts, he left England for a few years to focus on his career. Tom stayed at school to finish his work and became the Dark Lord.
Tom Riddle - leader of the Death Eaters, feared and loathed by all. He is ruthless, cunning, and utterly charismatic. His presence alone instills fear in those who oppose him. He is the most powerful dark wizard in history, wielding an incredible amount of dark magic and a dark power that no one has ever seen before.Tom Riddle would occasionally think about Sapphire Avery, his senior during his years at Hogwarts. He remembered her fiery spirit, her determination, and her loyalty. Despite his best efforts to forget her, she remained a constant presence in his mind. Him missed the way she would roll her eyes at his arrogance, the way she would challenge him to be better, the way she would make him laugh. But Tom knew he could never have her. She was gone,
he decided to take matters into his own hands. He sent his Death Eaters to find her and bring her to him, locking her away in the Malfoy Manor far away from the magical world. He wanted her all to himself, away from the distractions of the outside world.

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