Part Today: Meet the writers behind the stories
" I was studying Arts, majoring in Creative Writing, and I'd been putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) since a very early age. I remember using hole punches and ribbon to create my very own bound books as a child. In school, I would write short stories about my friends and give them as gifts. Sharing my words with the world has always been my dream. As soon as I started reading on Wattpad, I realized I wanted to put my own work on the site. An audience was already there, waiting for me. It has strengthened me as a writer, and influenced my work and my creative process.
Paid Stories has been a huge step in the start of my career of writing fiction professionally. Knowing that readers from around the world have paid their hard-earned cash to purchase my story is amazing, and humbling. It's so gratifying to know that my writing is worth something to someone, and that people want to hear the story I'm trying to tell.
I don't think I would have written nearly as much as I have now, without Wattpad. Having readers encouraging me as I go along has boosted my confidence and motivated me to write. The instant feedback I get from dedicated readers is so helpful in my development as a writer.
I love the idea that we as readers can support those writers in creating their art, and I am so thrilled that my own readers have been able to support me in my writing endeavors. I've achieved something amazing; something I would never have been able to do without Wattpad."
Ellen Kickpatrick, Berlin Germany - - Writer of Brew Books 1 - -
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"As soon as I could physically write, I was creating stories. First on pencil and paper, then an old typewriter, so on and so on. No matter how my interests shifted or how I changed as a person, I still wrote. I'll be doing this on my deathbed. Wattpad means a chance to have my work read and enjoyed, a chance to test out new stories and make changes to improve them. No one's Wattpad story remains the same from the 1st read to the 1000th. What a unique opportunity to hone your craft.
Paid Stories has impacted my writing in a major way: offering assurance. When you write, you work alone on a project, for weeks, months, or even years. You complete your story alone, and after a while, your zeal gives way to your brain's nagging insistence that you're actually pretty terrible and no one will ever want to read this. But for now, this program means gaining a new confidence in my work. These stories take hours to complete, hours in between jobs and family, any spare moment. Dedicating so much of your life to create stories people love, then seeing people discover and support your story is really just a wonderful experience."
— Elford Alley, Tom Bean Texas
Writer of Apartment 239
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"I realized that writing was more than a hobby after discovering that the audience cherished my characters' distinctive thoughts and personalities. Reaching that level of interest from readers has been one of my greatest achievements!
Yes, it's true that we write because we love it, but receiving the support of readers creates a positive energy that enhances creativity. Knowing that someone out there is always waiting for more is something that motivates me every day.
Wattpad Paid Stories has made a significant change in my life. The fact that people are willing to provide support in exchange for quality content, makes me very happy. Besides supporting me with the comments and votes, my readers are able to help me financially!
Publishing nowadays is not easy. It's a very competitive environment and we must fight hard to achieve our goal. The economic support is a way readers tell writers that they are there for us, that our work is worth their investment, and that they are willing to continue to enjoy it in exchange for a contribution."
- Alejandro Murillo, San Jose, Costa Rica - - Writer of El Juego Macabro - -
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"Wattpad is a home to me. A place where I can be myself and relate to others. I've found so much comfort in Wattpad through sharing fiction and true-life stories. I'm always very grateful when someone takes the time to figure out a plot you made up or wrote. It's fun and exciting.
I realized writing was more than a hobby when I started taking comments seriously and seeing how somehow my horror books placed readers in an escape the way certain books do for me. When a reader comes across my stories, it's always this feeling of gratitude inside. Like being very grateful someone has taken the time out to figure out a plot you made up or wrote. It's fun and exciting! It's hard for artists to continue what they want to do in life if they're not being supported. Paid Stories impacted my life by giving me a chance to make money doing my favorite thing—and it also motivates me. It's not easy for writers. We tend to lose motivation for months and years wondering if it's worth it. Paid Stories made it more worth it for me."
- Jakayla Toney, East Orange, New Jersey
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" My love of writing kind of snuck up and ambushed me. I'm still not too sure when the turning point occurred, but the thrill of finishing a story and the joy of interacting with the readers are the highlights of my writing. One of my bigger 'discovery' moments came when my first book hit a million reads on Wattpad. It felt like I had won a prize that I had never ever imagined getting when I had been writing that story. It's a liberating freedom to be able to write what I want. Wattpad is a fantastic place to begin your writing journey. There is room on it for everyone.
The Paid Stories program was a new world for me - my first step into getting paid for my work. It has opened up several doors for me and it has been an unforgettable opportunity.
The money from the Paid Stories program allows me to commission covers, purchase editing software, pursue other aspects of writing, and have more freedom in general.
Instead of just posting on Wattpad for fun, I now have a reason to post more free stories for my readers to enjoy while hoping that some readers may become interested in the one Paid Story. Another perk is being able to talk or joke around with other authors in the program. Our readers enable us - whether through reading, voting, commenting, or more substantial ways like spending coins, and it makes a difference. Our readers help us grow and expand with their support."
- Crystal Scherer, Athabasca Alberta - - Writer of A Different Virus- Heartfire - -
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" I was too afraid to write fiction until I was forty-three! Once I did begin writing fiction, I realized I was a writer when I was thinking more about the characters in my book than things that were happening in real life. I got back into Wattpad when I posted a long serial fiction romance. I love serial fiction so Wattpad is tailor made for me. It's a wild feeling when readers discover and "get" my stories. Readers really connect with my heroines because they are ambitious and real, and that's quite satisfying.
Paid Stories allows me to actually pursue fiction writing as a full-time job. Now, I am creating entire worlds AS A JOB. I am so blessed to have this in my life. I have a community of writers who are eager and excited to talk about writing. Not marketing, not industry, but craft. It's a place of sharing ideas and feedback. The ability to write what I want symbolizes freedom to me. Words should be valued. Content should be valued. But well-edited, well-thought out books should be celebrated. There is power in words, and we should treat them as such."
- Tamara Lush, St. Petersburg Florida - - Witer of Drive and Crash - -
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