My big FGO haul!!!

(psst I wish lmao ain't nobody have that kind of money)

(also this is going to be all about books)

(wrote this while watching Enkidu destroying springgan and playing interludes)

(this happened a few weeks ago, who knows what fahasa has become ◔̯◔ )

(pic from Apocrypha manga, edit by me. Honorable mention: whatever the heck is messenger editor)

Fahasa (Aeon Mall Long Bien, for example) is a gold mine. I can never thank them enough for their Kinokuniya collab ~ I have a place to buy manga in thier OG form now ≧ω≦ (now do Animate collab)

The only complaint I have would be that they arrange their books by publishers, or in case of manga, by magazines. So with Fate and their who-knows-how-many titles getting published each year, it is very difficult to find them all. 

The Shimosa manga that cameos up there was sandwich-ed between Owari no Seraph and Koe no Katachi, I passed by that shelve thrice before noticing it. Note to self: Look up books' spines before going shopping.

Fahasa has both Chaldea Ace issues and a few artbooks by Fate artists, but we all know how pricey those are ಥ_ಥ

(The last one cover art is by Atalante's artists, but I don't remember if there's any Fate's content inside) 

In conclusion: The trip was fun, I enjoy reading and/or guessing all the kanji on the spines; and exploring new books (⌒▽⌒)My wallet's suffering will go to good cause (read: Moesashi catalyst) I swear (⌒▽⌒)

P/S: I started my 3rd(?) JP account, cuz all the shiny newbie bonus, and Arthur's banner. I missed free 4* and Skasi banner tho (ㆆᴗㆆ)

So far (22/11/2019) I got 2 Arthur CE and some spooks (ㆆᴗㆆ)

Just started Okeanos, nothing too tough yet. Might make an JP adventure series in the future haha. 

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