My SQL 2

Create table Lophoc


Malop char(5),

Tenlop nvarchar(50),

Makhoa char(5)


Create table Sinhvien


MaSv char(5),

Ten nvarchar(50),

Hodem nvarchar(50),

Ngaysinh datetime,

Noisinh nvarchar(50),

CMT char(15),

Malop char(5)


Create View vm_Lophoc As

Select C.masv,C.ten,C.hodem,C.ngaysinh,C.noisinh,C.cmt,c.malop

From Sinhvien C,Lophoc P

Where C.malop=P.malop

Select * from Vm_Lophoc

Create Procedure au_pro_lop2


Select C.masv,C.ten,C.hodem,C.ngaysinh,C.noisinh,C.cmt,C.malop,P.tenlop

From Sinhvien C,Lophoc P

Where C.malop=P.malop AND P.tenlop='quantrimang'

Exec au_pro_lophoc


Select P.Name,C.Name from Product P,Category C,ProductCategory PC

Where C.CategoryID=PC.CategoryID AND P.ProductID=PC.ProductID

Select * from Category,Product

Where CategoryID In ('1')

Select As Departmentname, As Categoryname, As Productname

from Department D, Category C,Productcategory PC,Product P

Where D.DepartmentID=C.CategoryID AND C.CategoryID=PC.CategoryID

    AND PC.ProductID=P.ProductID AND D.DepartmentID=1


Create View vw_CategoryProduct As

Select C.Name CategoryName,P.Name ProductName,P.Description,P.Price

From Category C,Product P, ProductCategory PC

Where Pc.ProductID=P.ProductID AND PC.CategoryID=C.CategoryID


Create Procedure au_pro_CategoryProduct


Select C.CategoryID,C.Name CategoryName,P.ProductID,P.Name ProductName,P.Description,P.Price

From Category C, Product P, ProductCategory PC

Where C.CategoryID=Pc.CategoryID AND P.ProductID=PC.ProductID

Exec au_pro_CategoryProduct

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Tags: #tonyan