Them 1 dong' trong table: Alter Table Nhanvien Add HSLuong real
Su dung lenh Alter de chinh sua du lieu bang
+Thêm 1 cot vào bang :
Alter Table Nhanvien
Add Madv int Not Null
+Loai bo 1 cot trong bang :
Alter Table Nhanvien
Drop Column Madv
+Xoa bang voi lenh Drop
Drop Table Tenbang
1.Doi ten cac cot khi truy van :
2.Tu khoa Distinct
Select Distinct Cac cot
From TenBang
3.Xac dinh bang trong menh de from
VD: Select N.Hoten,N.Ngaysinh,N.Diachi
from Nhanvien N
4.Manh de Where
Xac dinh dieu kien cac ham duoc truy van,Bieu thuc trong menh de Where xac dinh theo bieu thuc logic
- Cac phep toan
+Phep toan so sanh =,<,>,>,<,!>,!<
+Tu khoa xac dinh pham vi Between, Not Between
+Danh sach In , Not In
+Theo mau dinh dang like , Not like
+Gia tri Null :is null, is not null
+Phep toan logic : And , or
- Tu khoa Between
Select * from Sanpham
Where Dongia Between 15.000 And 25000
- Tu khoa In
Select * from Sanpham
Where Masp In ('2','4','6','8')
- Tu khoa Like
Select * from Sanpham
Where Tensp like '%kem%'
5.Toan tu Union
Select * from table1
Select * from table2
6.Truy van du lieu tu nhieu bang
* Theo Dieu kien lien ket :
- Lien ket bang nhau
VD:Select S.TenSP,S.Soluong,S.Dongia,D.TenDM
From San pham S, Danhmucsp D
Where S.MaDM = D.MaDM
7.Cac loai phep noi
-Phep noi bang va phep noi tu nhien
* Select * from Nhanvien N , Donvi D
Where N MaDV= D MaDV
* Select MaNV,Hoten,Ngaysinh,Diachi,HSLuong,TenDV from Nhanvien N, donvi D
Where N.Madv - D.Madv
-Phep noi voi cac dieu kien bo xung
Select * from Nhanvien N,donvi D
Where N.MaDV = D.MaDV AND N.HSLuong>2.10
- Tinh' luong : Select Hoten,HSLuong*1250000 As Luong, TenDV
From Nhanvien N,Donvi D
Where M.MaDV=D.MaDV
-Phat bieu Inner Join
Select * from Nhanvien N
Inner join Donvi D
On N.Madv= D.Madv
8.Thong ke du lieu voi Group by va Having
Cac ham :
Sum = TInh tong cac gia tri
Avg = Tinh trung binh cua cac gia tri
Count = So cac gia tri trong bieu thuc
Max = Tinh gia tri lon nhat
Min = Tinh gia tri nho nhat
VD:Tinh he so luong trung binh cua cac nhan hieu theo tung don vi
Select D.Madv,tendv,Avg(HsLuong)
From Nhanvien N,Donvi D
Where N.Madv=D.MaNV
Group by D.Madv,tendv
Having Avg(HSLuong)>1.92
Chu' y' :Danh sach ten cac cot trong danh sach chon cua cau lenh Select ca group by phai giong nhau
neu khong cau lenh se khong hop le
Ket hop 3 bang :
VD: Select P.Name,C.Name from Product P,Category C,ProductCategory PC
Where C.CategoryID=PC.CategoryID AND P.ProductID=PC.ProductID
Ket hop 4 bang :
VD: Select As Departmentname, As Categoryname, As Productname
from Department D, Category C,Productcategory PC,Product P
Where D.DepartmentID=C.CategoryID AND C.CategoryID=PC.CategoryID
AND PC.ProductID=P.ProductID AND D.DepartmentID=1
Xoa 1 ban ghi :
Delete Product
Where ProductID In(Select PC.ProductID
from Department D, Category C,Productcategory PC
Where D.DepartmentID=C.CategoryID AND C.CategoryID=PC.CategoryID AND D.DepartmentID=1)
== Khung nhin View ==
2.Tao View
Create View tenview As
Cau lenh Select
Create View vm_categoryProduct As
Select C.Name CategoryName,CP.Name ProductName,P.Description,P.Price
From Category C,Product P, ProductCategory PC
Where Pc.ProductID=P.ProductID AND PC.CategoryID=C.CategoryID
VD2:tat ca cac lop
Create View vm_Lophoc As
Select C.masv,C.ten,C.hodem,C.ngaysinh,C.noisinh,C.cmt,c.malop
From Sinhvien C,Lophoc P
Where C.malop=P.malop .
+ Su dung View
2:36 AM 6/20/2011 Vm_CategoryProduct
== Thu tuc Luu tru == Stroe Procedure
Thiet lap thu tuc luu tru :
+ Thu tuc khong co tham so :
Create Procedure Tenthutuc
Cau lenh T-SQL
VD: Create Procedure au_pro_CategoryProduct
Select C.CategoryID,C.Name CategoryName,P.ProductID,P.Name ProductName,P.Description,P.Price
From Category C, Product P, ProductCategory PC
Where C.CategoryID=Pc.CategoryID AND P.ProductID=PC.ProductCategory
Exec au_pro_CategoryProduct
+ Thu tuc co tham so :
Create Procedure Au_SanphamtrongDanhmuc @tendanhmuc varchar(50)
Select C.Name Category,P.Name ProductName
From Category C, Product P, ProductCategory PC
Where C.CategoryID = PC.CategoryID AND P.ProductID=Pc.ProductID
AND C.Name=@tendanhmuc
EXECUTE Au_SanphamtrongDanhmuc 'Birthdays'
Create Procedure Au_Sanphammoi23 @tendanhmuc varchar(50),@tendanhmuc2 varchar(50)
Select C.Name Category,P.Name ProductName
From Category C, Product P, ProductCategory PC
Where C.CategoryID = PC.CategoryID AND P.ProductID=Pc.ProductID
AND C.Name=@tendanhmuc OR C.Name=@tendanhmuc2
EXECUTE Au_Sanphammoi23 'Weddings','Cartoons'
Create Table Phongban
MaPhong char(5) not null,
TenPhong nvarchar(50)
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