Phần trả lời email cho guest đều ảnh hưởng đến ending sau này của các bạn.Bạn sẽ trả lời tối đa 3 email/1 guest.Nếu trả lời đúng hết 3 ý sẽ được tính là "Complete",nếu không thì sẽ "Failed".Nhưng cái này là tùy thuộc vào mỗi người.
Cách nhận biết được khi bạn trả lời đúng hay sai:
Mũi tên màu xanh nghĩa là trả lời đúng ý khách.
Mũi tên màu vàng nghĩa là trả lời sai ý khách.
Nếu có nhiều mũi tên màu vàng sẽ có nhiều khả năng bạn thất bại trong việc mời khách đến bữa tiệc nên hãy suy nghĩ cẩn thận trước khi chọn nha.
Và đây là những câu trả lời mà bạn cần phải chọn(câu trả lời đúng sẽ được mình đánh dấu ❤ cuối câu)
1. ~Rui (@rui)
It’s an extravagant and elegant party. ♥
It’s a lovely and cute party.
Olymbus X20 ♥
Sonya CP160
I recommend the Olymbus X20
I recommend the heavy professional Ganon camera. ♥
2. ~Romance Novel Company (@romance)
Of course. ♥
Jane and John
Your One and Only Top Star ♥
Kiss! ♥
A hug.
3. ~LOLOL Association (@lolol)
Dia ♥
I’m a noob…
Of course lol ♥
Play LOLOL together. ♥
Stop playing and take the call. Lmao, what every girl wants their boyfriend to do, amirite? :’)
4. ~Cultured Citizens Organisation (@culture)
Borborry~ ♥
FOREVER 27! I really wanted to choose this, because Jumin’s age is 27… LOL
It is Verragamo ♥
I don’t know…
Swamped with couples.
Flower bed of pretty boys. ♥
5. ~Lady of Bracelets Maker (@bracelet)
Don’t worry! ♥
Not sure about bracelets…
Lock U Up Silver Bracelet ♥
Shiny gold bracelet
Claw machines at the mall ♥
Flea market.
6. ~Meteor Study Club (@star)
I calculate the star’s life span.
Memories of my first kiss✩ ♥
I want to eat it! ♥
I calculate the harvest calendar!
I have to make a wish! ♥
I calculate whether or not I can go pick up the meteor!
7. ~Women Artists (@artwomen)
Van Gogh
Monet ♥
The Louvre ♥
Metropolitan Musuem
8. ~Barista Association (@barista)
Arabica coffee! ♥
Robusta coffee
Drip brewing ♥
Italian ♥
9. ~Modeling Agency Representative (@model)
Of course. ♥
A lot of women will be there.
The chance to discover a gem! ♥
Don’t look forward to it.
That’s not possible for anyone but Zen~
Your face reflected on thy eyes~ ♥
10. ~Oil Prince … (@oil)
Oil truck? lololol are you showing off?
Fancy party! Lots of parking space! ♥
Of course! ♥
Of course not.
Bald. ♥
Credit delinquent.
11. ~TOEIC (@toeic)
Filled with big feet!
Everyone has small feet! ♥
Chinese ♥
Nimtendo ♥
TOEFL practice book
12. ~Youngest College Students (@education)
There’s this person called Yoosung.
There’s this person called Jaehee… ♥
Games that give soda as prizes ♥
You don’t need to know.
Because you’re a baby.
It’s because you’re too smart. ♥
13. ~Lady of the Work…baskets? (@niddle)
Green ♥
Sewing machine
Long enough to do it with my eyes closed ♥
Use a sewing thread
Try to get a camel through a needle eye ♥
14. ~Drop the Beat~ (@tradition)
Cause, I’m slim lady, yes I’m the real lady, all you other slim ladies are just malnourished.
Whoopee~~ Beat the drums~~ ♥
Oh my dear sun~~ Lay your passion upon us~~ ♥
Ohmydearsun. Layyourpassionuponus.
15. ~LOLOL Guild Officer (@lololguilde)
Karaoke mic
Headset ♥
Christmas Tree
Focus on balance. ♥
Blood Dragon ♥
J Beaver
16. ~Homeless Rescue Team (@homeless)
Lots of people with warm hearts! ♥
Don’t mess up the party.
Chicken nugget combo?
Rice, soup, green salad, baked salmon, fried eggs. ♥
Selling random stuff in the subway
Selling Small Issue Magazine ♥
17. ~LOLOL Championship Host – (@creamroll)
The rock band Image Mythical Creatures ♥
A quiet, melodic song.
Limited edition title change ticket. ♥
110cm tall doll.
99 tickets for weapon enhancing.
Create a banner of the winner. ♥
18. ~Golf Company (@golf)
Driver shape ♥
Rocket shoes
Shoes that dries fast ♥
Dragon leather
Leather that doesn’t wear out ♥
19. ~Doctors with Conscience (@hospital)
Hippocratic oath ♥
Schweitzer oath
Just trust the doctors and leave it to them.
Request exam results. ♥
Comparing hospitals ♥
Big hospital near your house.
20. ~Commercial Musical Supporters (@musical)
Zen ♥
Zen is good as he is.
This production of “The Red Pepper Was So Hot” ♥
Get the help of college students. ♥
Ask an acquaintance who works in theater.
21. ~Indies Independent Games Organisation (@indie)
How about Scheam? ♥
Nameless ♥
Install it on a computer at an elementary school.
Why don’t you participate in a game convention? ♥
22. ~Floppy Disk Collector (Assisted by Kimchi) (@floppy)
Magnet bracelet
A rainbow coloured floppy disk model ♥
Windows 8.1 3711 disks ♥
It’s only in my memories.
Break his walkman!
Obtain a limited edition cassette and hide it! ♥
23. ~Assistant Human Rights Committee (@secretary)
He is very practical. ♥
Evil slave owner.
More than enough. ♥
A cat instead of a bonus…
Animal onesie.
Just your normal attire. ♥
24. ~Cherry Farm (@cherryfarm)
Green ♥
Poke it with a straw! ♥
Crush it with a spoon!
Diamond ♥
25. ~National Freeze University Tuition (@college)
Noon ♥
When it’s bright (just like your head) LOLOLOLOLOL
Peach and black
Yellow and black ♥
Candlelight ♥
Octopus costume
26. ~Coffee Roastery Association (@roastery)
Antigua ♥
Sean Bean
Whole beans ♥
About 60 days
15 days ♥
27. ~Upcoming Writers Association (@writers)
More science related organisations than ones related to art…
Art organisations will be joining. ♥
XOXOforeverurlovely#1star✩ ♥
Stranger Kid
Flies off to space. ♥
Male lead’s father is her mother’s lost brother.
28. ~Fair Film Festival Committee (@movie)
Rated-R movies u///u
A film about the environment. ♥
Realism ♥
Cannes, Venice, Berlin ♥
Rome, London and Tokyo
29. ~Men of Monogamy (@monogamy)
Personalised framed cross-stitch ♥
Why don’t you try focusing on something else?
Buy her handcuffs. ♥ … Uh. Even if it’s a metaphor… BDSM much?
Give her a bouquet of Jasmines. ♥
Share an honest conversation.
30. ~Tom (@tom)
Just a stupid dream.
Call the zoo! ♥
Stock prices of peach drinks going up. ♥
Pregnancy dream for a beautiful princess.
It means your grades! Two Fs!! ♥
Hire a bodyguard!
31. ~Cat Hotel (@cathotel)
Cat wine bar.
Cat buffet ♥
Cat Moulin Rouge!
How about people putting on a show? ♥
Cat limousine! ♥
Cat Stroller!
32. ~Driver Kim (@kim ?)
Compete with your son. ♥
Trust me with guts!
Drifting! ♥
The car from when you were young Pong! ♥
The new model of Berrari.
33. ~Longcat (@longcat)
Meowmeow, ♥
Miumiumi! ♥
Nyannyan! ♥
34. ~Guards In Taekwondo Uniform (@security)
Korea ♥
Because it’s cool ♥
Gold ♥
35. ~Chef RamG (LMAOOOO) (@chef)
3 cups, chef ♥ Yes, getting cooking lessons on instan- I mean, delicious ramyun.
6 cups, chef
You mix as if you’re cutting, chef ♥
You thoroughly knead the dough, chef
20 minutes ♥
5 minutes, chef
36. ~Banker (@bank)
100% interest rate ♥
Passed down for generations mortgage payment.
Bank of Neighbourhood
Swiss Bank ♥
$1.2 million all in cash. ♥
One card.
37. ~Students Living Alone (@oneroomer)
Keep them in the rice cooker.
To the freezer! ♥
Put newspaper on the windows!
Bubblewrap on the window. ♥
Fried rice. ♥
To the freezer!
38. ~Tiaranol (Is this guy okay? LOL) (@medicine)
Oh yeah, Caspirin!
Maybe… maybe… Tiaranol? ♥
It’s Tiaranol. ♥
TIARANOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥
39. ~Pious Sons (@hyoja)
Filial piety ♥
Fiery passion.
Confuscious ♥
Be healthy ♥
Be rich
40. ~Making Pancakes Cats Can Eat Committee (@pancake)
Silvervine ♥
Salmon fish sauce ♥
Fish-shape ♥
41. ~Hackers Chasing Hackers (@hacker)
Lucky Kim (whispers) ♥
He’s young and bright, 22 years old.
He’s an oldie, 80 years old. ♥
Not Grandma! Grandmother! ♥
Not grandpa.. Grandfather!
42. ~Cat Shelter (@catprotect)
Of course! ♥
To be honest…
Give food and wait. ♥
Share your feelings with them~
Social media sites. ♥
Call people you know!
43. ~Allergy Research Centre (@allergy)
There is no such person.
Cat allergy. ♥
Beef and seaweed soup. ♥
This answer contains “cheese” in it (I forgot the option oops)
I’m allergic to people not attending the party! ♥
I’m allergic to all these options!
44. ~Finance Expert (@frank)
All to the bank! ♥
I just gave it to my mum.
Bank passbook. ♥
Leprechaun’s pot of gold.
We split it up. ♥
We put them all in one bank account.
45. ~Forever Alone Association … (@solo)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Hey hon… Wanna hang with me? Yes bby, I’d love to hang with you.
Hi, I’m Youngsoo. I got your number through Chulsoo. ♥
A watch! ♥
A beret
Asking is not a challenge but a confirmation. ♥
The moment you lay eyes on her! Girlfriend first dating next!
46. ~Lamb Skewers (@lame)
Call the police! ♥
Threaten them with your skewers!
Say hello! ♥
Run away!!
I think you’ll just look down on the ground and pass by.
I think you’ll give them a kick in the butt. ♥
47. ~Wine Owners (@wineowner)
Red wine. ♥
White wine.
Ice wine. ♥
Jumin ♥
48. ~Mr. Choi (@naming)
Luciel. ♥
Jack, Choi
Your selected name ♥
Jihae ♥
49. ~Matchmaker of Love (@uranai)
I don’t have time…
So much time! ♥
C&R Director (something along those lines)♥
(Forgot the 2nd option T_T)
Old man under the moon. ♥
Old man under the sun.
50. ~Keyboard Research Facility (@keyboard)
Ergonomics ♥
Ctrl+C ♥
Movi ♥
Cutie Pie 83
51. ~Doctor Lee (@doclee)
You can’t see very well.
The seal is unlocked!!! ♥
Black ♥
Blood shot eyes.
The rise of the fire dragon slumbering within the eyes!!! ♥
52. ~Cry Only (@emotion)
I wanted to help you. ♥
My neighbours are being so loud I can’t sleep.
I want to go see a movie but I don’t have anyone to go with. What do I do? ♥
I’m hungry. Please order some noodles for me.
Please come to our party and help out with catering.
I really hope you come to our party. ♥
53. ~Quit Smoking Support (@smoker)
A man’s word is his bond! ♥
Me scolding you won’t work. Just take it easy~
Your girlfriend will love that! ♥
If it’s that difficult, ask for your girlfriend’s permission.
You’re doing fine now 🙂
You’ll be useless if you give up now. ♥
54. ~Detective Sherlocking (@detective)
Please find my socks my grandma’s dog ate.
I know the vanished seven treasure islands. ♥
A mystery on Zen’s musical scripts!?
Yoosung’s LOLOL exploration. ♥
Chief Assistant Jaehee Kang ♥
55. ~God (@god)
Wow! Amazing that I get to talk to God! ♥
I pray… for God to come to the party.
Please let me be rich.
I am your daughter. ♥
I think you’ll ride the winds, carry a long cane, and wear sunglasses.
I think you’ll walk into the party room like a normal person ♥
56. ~People Affectionate Towards Cats (@catlovers)
Head meow! ♥
Odd eye meow! ♥
One eye
Playground sand
Crystal litter ♥
57. ~CEO of BIC Pens (@monnami)
BIC Pens ♥
Chep… something.
Replace the tip of the ballpoint.
Sear the end with a lighter. ♥
Classic is best. ♥
How about a design similar to Monc Blant?
58. ~Fair Reporters Association (@press)
Netizens ♥
Social media
Law to protect reporters ♥
You have to leave it up to their conscience
Persian cat.
That is private. ♥
59. ~Wedding Planner (@marc)
Bae character ♥
Advertising balloons
Tripter invitations ♥
Hand-written invitations.
Hire a famous photographer!
Screenshot function! ♥
60. ~Wrong Majors (@wrongmajor)
What are you interested in these days? ♥
The confusing period will pass.
It is too late…
Who said it’s too late? ♥
Convince your parents. ♥
Well, yeah… They pay your tuition…
61. ~VFC (Fried Chicken) (@chicken)
Flyers distributed everywhere.
Commercial on YouTube ♥
A magical Phoenix.
Use a grandfa- Your face~ ♥
Cheese sprinkled. ♥
Fruit sprinkles.
62. ~Stock Know-it-all (@stock)
Invest in stocks. ♥
Don’t give them the bait! Just ignore those people!
Never get greedy. ♥
Get rich
Chief Assistant Jaehee Kang ♥
Yoosung Kim who entered a prestigious university
63. ~Tetris Champion (@tetris ?)
You want to bring Nimtendo to the party?
Of course! ♥
Stick ♥
At the party. ♥
It hasn’t come out yet…
64. ~Narcissist Clinic (@narcissist)
Treatment of shoving your face in sand and swimming.
Treatment of getting locked up in a room of mirrors. ♥
He takes a lot of selfies. ♥
He takes a long shower.
Lake Na ♥
65. ~Love Commenter (@badcomment)
My IP is VIP. ♥
This video is total trash lol
I’ll look forward to your next video! 🙂 ♥
Report them ♥
Have mercy.
66. ~Netizen (B1ack*Cat) (@netizens)
Yes, there is injustice going on so please come to our party and help us! ♥
You should be honored that you’re invited.
There’s no story of a magic girl who’s not violent. ♥
I think I know… When you’re hopeless about life,,, you have to drink a beer and play a round.
It’s cool… Completely suits you♥
Is your pet cat black?
67. ~Christmas Nolan (@nolam)
Avatardy 3D
Baleman ♥
Wonder Kitty
Onthestellar ♥
Leonardo Dicapuccino ♥
Audrey Heartburn
68. ~Smartphone Addiction Prevention(@smartphone)
Leave the phone outside. ♥
Forgot 2nd option
Leave battery half charged ♥
Place your charger next to you in room.
Popcorn brain ♥
Forgot 2nd option
69. ~Mummy @mira
Sturdy bandage
Pink bandage ♥
Coffin with lace all around ♥
Sparkling gold coffin
Life size figurine of Zen
Life size marble statue of Pharaoh ♥
70. ~Generic Fan Club (@genfanclub)
Tei’s tea leaf
Jumin’s cat ♥
Jalapeno’s Photobook ♥
V’s Photograph
Jumin’s autograph
Zen’s underwear ♥
71. Andre Kim (@designer)
Hawk Pose ♥
Create a heart shape with your arms over the head.
Shiny White ♥
Silk underwear with scarf ♥
Classic coat
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