19. Tanjiro Kamado- Eleutheromania



There was a cliff at the very top of a peak that overlooked the countryside, rolling fields and golden wheat fading into the distance, past a dark oak forest that laid below my feet. The ocean was visible just on the horizon, clear waters reflecting the sun every time it rose and set. It was always empty, and although the trek to reach it was long, I found peace in knowing that my journey would be worth it. The spot felt like home, a destination you'd eventually wind up in, no matter what happened.

All I ever knew from home was warmth. I barely recollected any birthdays, sights, smells, or even tastes -- just the feeling of warmness soaking into my skin. The sunlight bathing my body like golden honey, and the lightest breath of wind breezing against me. A certain longing always swelled up in my chest when I got to re-experience the feeling over and over again, each time seeming to not be enough.

Standing on the very edge of the cliff, with toes dangling off the edge made my heart race. If I fell, maybe I would know what it was like to be free. Free, with no boundaries. Free, to be able to move however I wanted to -- twisting and turning in the air, loving the way I flew. I'd be able to pick myself up on the tops of a tree and lay there, relishing the feel of the morning dew soaking on my back.

With Zephyrs playfully running past, the idea was tempting, but I remembered I had somewhere to be, and couldn't risk sky-diving at such an early stage in the morning. Sighing, I gazed longingly at the sunrise and started to walk back to the estate, wondering if I could get the opportunity tomorrow to do the same.

If I die today, maybe I won't have a chance to feel free.

Still, I bit my thumb and cursed under my breath as I broke into a sprint, tearing myself away from the alluring promise of freedom. Was I supposed to feel this way? As a hashira, was I supposed to be like this? I so desperately craved to be free, to be released and saved by the endless sky.

I suppose it was fated for me to end up like this, being an adventurous soul and all. The fact that I never really got to experience what it was like to live on my own didn't help either. The other thing I remembered was that everyone in my past life was so controlling. I just wanted a break from it. The thoughts that would terrorize me at night often left me awake, and I would lie on the floor, thinking about what to do.

Getting into this state of mind was never healthy, so I would call upon my crow and relieve some stress by going demon-hunting. Coming back from my endeavors, I'd perch myself on top of the cliff and relax, meditating until dawn, when the blue moon would be replaced with the glorious, golden sun.

The warmth would return. The warmth that comforted me and tended to me when I cried, or could just be there when I got stressed. Through the aching muscles and horrible thoughts, a sense of nirvana would flow through, overtaking my senses and plunging me into and amber dream. 

But dreams aren't reality, sadly enough.


Today is the day. Today is the day.

I marched impatiently up the mountain, determined to get a taste of freedom, a small bite of what I thought to be bliss. My pace increased as soon as the light on top got bright, rays shooting above my head. With my skin tingling at the anticipation of bathing in the warmness, I started to run, desperate for what the real sun felt like, not the diluted kind I'd get back at the estate.

A couple more steps, then fervor took a hold of my senses. The glow that emitted from the rising star was intoxicating. My feet moved on their own to the edge of the cliff, arms spread wide open, welcoming the golden hour with open arms. I felt myself teeter, then slowly fall forwards, eyes closed.

I could barely feel the wind racing against me, but the coldness felt right on my flushed skin.

It seemed as if the world had been so small before, but now, as I was drifting towards the forest, it expanded tenfold. I glided through the air, weaving my limbs however I wanted, delighted at the feeling of true and pure freedom. My heart raced and my body thrummed with adrenaline.

I was diving headfirst into a cluster of trees, yet why was I so excited? Any rational person would have been screaming, struggling against gravity to lift themselves back up again. But as the Earth pulled me downwards, we stayed ever-connected, silent communication flowing through both of us. We trusted each other, and I knew no harm would ever come to me.

I could move however I wanted, scream whatever I wanted, and would be guaranteed that nobody would hear me.  

The rush, the sensation to be free.

It was something I would never get tired of.


"Tanjiro?" The ravenette looked up from his papers, stopping his writing to glance at me. He hummed, caught off-guard by the sudden comment. I sighed, looking up at the ceiling with furrowed eyebrows, seemingly stressed by something.

"What is it like to be free?" He set his pen down, considering the question, wiggling his fingers as if he was imagining the sensation. I waited patiently for him to respond, hands neatly folded in my lap. He finally stopped thinking after a couple of minutes, regarding me with a warm smile.

"I think being free is feeling like you're on top of the world, like you can do anything without any repercussions." Of course, I'd never known the feeling -- I imagined I had little to no freedom in my past. Sighing, I pressed my lip together, wanting to forget that I had ever asked. My mind drifted immediately to the cliff, and the longing sensation came back. I fought the temptation with every ounce of my being, struggling at keep still.

Suddenly, I felt his hands clasp mine and I stared into his maroon eyes, surprised. The boy kept smiling at me, eyes creased and sparkling at the joy of my company. My face started to get red as he inched closer, scooting forwards until our faces were mere centimeters away from each other.

"I feel free when I'm with you," he said softly, "I feel like I can be myself around you. When I see you out there, fighting, it gives me hope. It brings me pride to call you mine." He gently squeezed my hand, tilting his head. I laughed a bit at the sentiment, half-lidded eyes landing upon his lips. 

I kissed him, melting into the moment. Tanjiro chuckled and fluttered his eyes shut, breaths tickling the tip of my nose. He cupped my cheek, leaning in to deepen the kiss. We remained that way for a few minutes, the sweet sound of love filling the room, until I broke the lip-lock, fingers still curled around Tanjiro's. 

"Your touch is my salvation, (Y/N)." Kamado wrapped his arms around me, enveloping me in the scent of pine and smoked wood. He pecked my forehead over and over again, and with every touch of his lips, a thousand words seemed to be spoken. The feel of his skin rubbing against mine was heaven. My muscles relaxed and I could almost hear his heart pulsating within his chest.

Though I wasn't physically falling, I felt as if I was. My stomach was light and butterflies threatened to spill out of my chest at any given moment. It was so invigorating, being with him, yet it felt so calm. Sinking into my love's chest, I placed my hands upon his shoulders, nuzzling up to him.

Falling deeper and deeper into his arms, I slowly drifted off into a much-needed slumber.


Opening my eyes again, I'd nearly forgotten I was falling faster and faster towards the ground. Sighing, I knew moments like these could only be enjoyed for short periods of time, and reluctantly drew my sword, its beige sheen glinting in the dawn. 

Breath of Earth, Fifth Form: Tearful Nature -- Weeping Sigh

I pointed the tip of my blade downwards, and a gust of wind and leaves came, propelling me towards the top of the cliff again. My feet found themselves upon solid ground again, the dirt providing the stability they needed to stick the landing. After I thanked the breeze for the trip, I turned on my heel and started to make my way down to the foot of the cliff, but noticed a figure at the very bottom of the peak.

Tanjiro was waving at me, waiting for me to arrive. A delightful smile made my eyes brighten and my cheeks turn as red as a cherub's. I somehow felt my heart soar even further when I was with him. As my legs sped up, the breeze brushing against my face and the burning of my muscles felt familiar. No opportunity of jumping off into the unknown would do that.

Maybe it was the excitement of not knowing that kept me so enticed with the chance of being able to fall. Perhaps it wasn't freedom after all, just a mild curiosity of wanting to know what it felt like. But that didn't mean I wouldn't stop seeking the cliff, and hopping off it every once in a while. 

Running towards Tanjiro, I felt myself chuckle at my own antics. 

 So desperately had I wanted to be free. I could explore the whole world in a pursuit to find what the feeling was like. I thought it was to simply be alone, to go with no holds barred into somewhere no one has gone before. To let loose your voice and scream until your lungs go numb. Your breath would be taken away, and your heart pounding into your ribs.

Spreading your wings and flying in the air -- I thought that was freedom.

Finally reaching the bottom of the mountain peak, I tackled Kamado and giggled into his shoulder, feeling his warm body press against mine, heating my cold figure up. His strong arms enveloped me in a hug and we laid on the ground together, happy.

Yet, when I'm trapped in your arms, my spirit skyrockets and I finally know that I can be free around you.

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