An experience to remember
"Yo!" – I was surfing my newsfeed on Facebook when suddenly my best friend Franklin's inbox popped up on the screen.
"Sub, Franke?" – I typed.
"Aw, nothing much, just..."
"Tell me bro =)))"
"Well... Sometimes... Like... Do you think life is super unfair?"
"Like what?"
"Girl, people love you! Everyone likes you... You are sociable, easy-going, affectionate, and stuffs and stuffs... Urgh, I don't mean I'm envious but your life is such a wonderful life!"
"Take a look at you, bro! Who is the all-round student here, who gets all the teachers' attention and the highest mark at 9/10 subjects? Come on, bro, if I were you, I would be really happy!"
"But you still have Chemistry better than me? I suck at Chemistry!"
"JUST Chemistry! And you have 9 other subjects better than me!"
"Fine...So, what if we exchange our appearances =)))) ?"
"Stop dreaming, guy! That's impossible! :v"
"Kay, time for extra class! Bye! =) See yah"
"Bye :3"
I wasn't curious much about the topic after that afternoon, because talking nonsense like this is a habit of us. We are young, we don't mind being crazy to each other...
That night, the sky was darker than it supposed to be. The star disappeared and the moon was hiding after the clouds. Some strange noise began to scare me a little bit. I carefully checked whether the front door and all the windows had been closed or not. At last, I went to bed, texted Franklin to say good night to him and fell asleep easily.
The next morning, the sun was shining and the birds were singing again. Nothing seemed to be changed, at least in my life. I, as usual, came to the bathroom to freshen up. Looking in the mirror, I saw myself again. I looked really... OH MY GOD! I look like Franklin, "OH NO, I mean, I AM FRANKLIN. I GOT EXACTLY THE SAME LOOKING AS FRANKLIN!!!"
The doorbell rang, I quickly ran downstairs. Someone looked like me in my real appearance was standing outside, right opposite the front door, and grinned like an idiot. She started to raise her voice: "Going to school, hah, Ray? Oh no, I should say, Franklin?"
Her voice was so deep, really deep, like the voice of an old American man. It made me standstill for a while. I startled. Well, I knew who this voice belonged to... Of course, it was Franklin's...
I plunged into him, I mean, her, gave her a gigantic hug and burst into tears and laughter at the same time. My feeling was such a mixture of stuff... A little bit happy, a little bit worried, a little bit frustrated... A little bit of everything...
But there was no time for feelings anymore. I needed to change my clothes at top speed to be on time. None of us wanted to miss the first period which is Mathematics. Our Mathematics teacher that time – Mrs. Lily was really strict to us, especially two of us. Since Franklin was the best student in class, she really wanted to gave him bad scores so that her other lovely students could beat him. Anyway, she hadn't been able to do so... She was still trying...
That day, she came to class with some hard exercises for Franklin, again.
"Mr. Franklin! It's high time you came up here for some warm-up tasks! Hurry up!"
The real Franklin tickled me and whispered: "Hey dude! Stand up and come to the board! Remember who is Franklin now!"
I nodded my head in agreement and smiled at Mrs. Lily anxiously. Oh God, that was the first time I had been to the board, where students in the whole class could see and comment and even give scores to me. I quivered while I was doing the task and hoped Mrs. Lily would take no notice of Franklin's changes that day. Finally, after 30 minutes long, I could finish her "warm-up task for Franklin". While I was coming back to my seat, Hans looked at me arrogantly and told the whole class: "Hey looser Franklin! You are such a turtle today!"
Katherine added: "No, in comparison to Franklin, the turtle's speed is like lightning speed! He is actually a snail!"
The whole class burst into laughter, except for Franklin and me... It seemed like I had just ruined everything.
The bell rang. "Break time!!!" – Students of all classes shouted excitedly. I came to my friends, which was a group of cool and sporty guys in the class.
"Hey guys, let's go to the school yard for a basketball match!"
"Ew! Franklin is here! The nerd is here! Get away from us, Franklin! We don't want to play with you!"
I realized that I was Franklin. I came to my sit, quietly took out my Chemistry books and read page to page. Just like a nerd...
"Hey, Ray! Want to join us? Why our basketball team leader is being too quiet today?"
The real Franklin answered: "Oh... That's OK... I just wonder whether I can play with you guys or not... I'm not very good at sports... So..."
"Come on! Let's go! You are the team leader, why are you being so weird?" – Harry (my boyfriend) said – " Or are you having something which is hard to say in public?"
"No... I'm fine" – Franklin said.
"So let's go!" – Harry took Franklin's hand (which is supposed to be mine) and both of them quickly got out of my eyes. I wished Franklin would be OK. "At least he can play a little bit basketball" – I thought.
While reading Chemistry books, some girls in the next-door class came to my class' window and gossiped: " Look at Franklin, he is so intelligent and hard-working!"
I was pleased for that...
Bell rang again. I then saw angry basketball team players came up to the class and swore badly : "Ray was so useless today in the match! How could she standstill just like a stupid rock! Ray sucks!"
Harry was the only one who didn't say anything, he was sad, actually, he asked Franklin whether she was OK or not, he encouraged Franklin and warmed her up a lot. "HEY! I SUPPOSED TO BE THAT ONE WHO RECEIVED HIS ENCOURAGEMENT!"
There soon was the end of the day. I came home with Franklin, again, like we usually had done before.
On our way home, we gossiped.
"Hey! Why were you so slow today on the board! Speed up! Did you see how they called me "the snail"? It was so funny!" – The real Franklin said.
"What about you? "The stupid rock" ? Captain of the team, the soul of teammates, is a stupid rock! Can you explain that?" – I replied him.
"Ray! I didn't know how to play basketball! I haven't joined a basketball team before! It was your position. But anyway, it was my mistake... I'm sorry."
"And coming to the board is your duty, as a habit of our teacher. When I sat down at my seat, I didn't care much of the speed and the pride and stuffs. I just did the task carefully and neatly. I'm sorry about that Franklin..."
"No, that was just fine, because you know what? Those guys and girls who annoyed us today by their jokes! They are always jealous of me and they wanted to beat me, to pretend like they're humorous several times ago! I just don't care much of them! And please, you shouldn't care of that kind of people!"
"OK... And you know, because I'm the basketball team leader, I need to be really fast in both thinking and moving my body. People seemed to respect, to like me a lot but I really need to be careful in my speech and the way I play sports, especially in a team... Anyway, just forget it! I'm delight that you did try your best!"
"Thank you, Ray! You are my best buddy, ever!!!" – Franklin said while giving me a huge hug.
"Aw, that was so cute Franke!"
"Kay, come into your house first! I'll wait here till you close the front door."
"OK. Bye!"
I came into the house, closed the front door and fell into my bed. It was so comfortable after a long pretending day. I just wanted to fall asleep.
The phone rang... I ran into it: "Hi! This is Ray!"
"Oh my little girl, you should say you are Franklin!"
"Who are you? Why do you know it?"
"I'm a mysterious guy, just don't care about me! By the way, I made all of this!"
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I really have my meaning behind this situation. I thought you always want to be in Franklin's position, and so does he?"
"So you changed our appearances?"
"Yes! So what do you think after a day being Franklin – your best buddy?"
"I am just tired! Really, really tired! People called me "the nerd", my basketball teammates and many other students didn't like me! I just made a mistake while doing warm-up task then people laughed at me, blamed me! It was so hard to be Franklin!"
"That was Franklin's day! To receive all the attention and respect, Franklin needs to be a nerd, to study all the time and to have no time for sports. Do you choose to be him?"
"Oh no, not again dear Mr. I really want me to be me, as usual... I want to be such a tomboy girl like I did before. I don't need to be a nerd to get respect. I want to live my real life, not to pretend to be other people... I finally know that everyone has his/her own troubles and everyone needs to face it everyday, nobody is perfect... So you should be happy in your own position..."
"Yes! That's what I want to tell you!"
"Dear Mr. What about the changes to be me again?"
"Dear Mr. Where are you???"
A light chopped the air after I put my phone down. I just felt really dizzy and hard to breathe. Then I lied down on the floor and just fell asleep...
"Ding dong!" – Somebody is calling me outside the front door. I sat up and shouted on them: "Sorry! Hold your horses!"
Then I quickly got into the bathroom to freshen up. Coming out to open the door, I realized that was Harry holding a bunch of red roses.
"Ray... I got something for you..."
"Oh thank you! But why... today is just a normal day..."
"I think you are tired today, or maybe you caught a cold... I really worry about you..."
I startled. "AM I SUPPOSED TO BE FRANKLIN NOW?" - I thought.
But then I replied him immediately: "Aw, how sweet! Thanks, Harry."
Caressing my hair, Harry said: "Now my little girl, just come inside to avoid getting cold. And promise me to go to bed early, don't you? By the way, if you need anybody to help, just call me, I'll be right here for you."
"Thank you so much."
Harry said whilst hugging me tight :" Bye."
I closed the door and quickly found a vase. After organizing my roses, I came back to bed and continued sleeping.
The next morning was Saturday. I woke up at 9 A.M, brushed my teeth and washed my face for half an hour. Whilst coming to the kitchen to make brunch, I saw a letter on the floor, right next to the door, so I picked it up in amazement.
"Dear Ray,
I'm pretty sure that you are curious about who I really am. I am the fairy who changed you and Franklin's appearances yesterday. And you may think that I'll mention my name here, right? But no, I won't. The game will be continued, maybe forever, unless you find out who I am. Keep finding me, but I'm afraid you'll be surprised. So let the game begin and may the odd ever been in your favor.
Yours sincerely,
I was speechless. Totally speechless. We were being controlled by a witch (maybe let's call that one fairy, because he/she introduced so. But how do you call a bad fairy? That's the point.)
My doorbell rang continuously whilst I was still frightened of what had happened so far.
"Coming." - I whispered to myself because I couldn't shout any more.
Opening the door, I saw Franklin wearing his blue-stripe pyjama with messy hair held something in his hand: Another letter. Fear started to cover our eyes when we found out 2 letters had exactly the same meaning, but different handwriting.
"There must be 2 fairies!" - Franklin shouted in anxiety.
- It means that our situation is getting worse and worse!
- Exactly!
- So let's start identifying right now, Ray. We have no time! Firstly, I think we should base on their handwriting.
Franklin stared at my letter in doubt,
- This one is really close to me. I knew this.
- But whose?
- Don't remember! But I swear it's really close! Really close! Like friends or even family members!
- You sure?
- Yes! Definitely!
- OK. So the area is "Friends, family members or somebody close". - I noted down.
- So what else? We don't have any other clue, right?
- We will find out.
- But how?
- Don't know, just think about it before asking me like that, Franklin!
- But I think we're wasting our time! Don't you remember that we have to prepare for dinner as well, because our parents are going to come to "check our lifestyle" tonight?
- But...
- And what if those letters are prank? What if someone wants to distract us from our daily habits?"
- But...
- Just stop this time-consuming activity, Ray! I think it's useless!
Franklin grabbed the letters in my hand, "I'll put it in the trash bin, I'm sorry."
- Are you listening to me, Franklin! Stop interrupting me when I'm speaking. Do you know that they called me yesterday? Do you remember our experiences changed? Do you? Or you just ignore them! What if they make fun of us in the future? Franklin, they have incredible power of myth. They are supernatural. But we are just normal students in secondary school. And you still don't seem to care about our safety. Give me back our letters, please!
- Sorry, Ray. However, we still don't have enough clues.
- Fine, I'll take it.
I quickly plunged into him and we scrambled for the letters. Then the envelopes were split a bit so I realized that was NOT the formal ones. That was flower bills, actually RED-ROSE BILLS.
- Franklin! Look at those bills! We'll find out more than just one clue.
- Fine. I'm with you this time. But how can this help us?
- Well, "Friends, family members or somebody close", just like what you've just told me. I think I know who is one of them.
- Who?
- My boyfriend, Harry. Yesterday he bought me a bunch of red roses. I think this is his joke to make me feel better. How cute!
- Urgh, Harry! He is not cute at all! Why is this guy so troublesome? And why both of us but not just you? I'll ask him about this!
- Let's go to his house now.
We came outside of our house and got on to our car. That time, I drove because I knew exactly Harry's address. Franklin was definitely not comfortable and pleased. But I felt fine.
"Is anybody home?", I raised my girly voice.
Harry shouted to us, "I'm coming!"
"Hurry up! So slow a snail you are! Learn to fasten your speed!", Franklin shouted angrily.
Opening the front door, Harry said, "Oh I'm sorry Franklin. I thought you are quite and reserved in public. That makes me..."
- Shut up! Why do you make fun of us?
I glanced at Franklin seriously, "Hey Franke! Stop being so impolite! Now just please be quiet so that I can talk to Harry about this."
"Fine.", Franklin said.
- Harry, you have made all everything just to cheer me up!
- Oh, I still think that those red roses aren't enough. I wish I would do something better than that, but...
- Oh come on Harry, not just those red roses, there is some other thing, right?
- Actually... No?
- What about the fairy stuffs and changes and letters?
- What... actually what are you talking about, Ray? Oh my little girl, you still believe in fairy in this modern life? At this age? You're cute!
- So that's not you?
- Who?
- Oh no, ah, It's quite late now so we must come back home to prepare for dinner, because our parents are going to visit us. Hey Franke, come on! Let's go! So bye, Harry! See you later at school!
- Bye! Remember to pass your seatbelt!
- OK! Bye!
All the way home, both Franklin and I are so confused of what happened. "The fairy is not Harry. There are two fairies. The fairies must be our relatives or friends. One of the fairies bought red roses." Our clues are not linked to one another at all. How frustrated!
We reached home at 3 P.M, still hadn't started to cook dinner. Maybe Franklin had been right! We were wasting our time, a huge amount of time on this useless activity! So we stopped identifying right then and started to do the housework.
Cooking dinner and tidying up the houses took us almost 4 hours. 7.30 P.M, the doorbell rang. Our parents were there. Both of us had been ready to receive criticism from them. But luckily, this time Moms and Dads gave us huge hugs without saying anything.
Mrs. Alice, my Mom gave each of us a kiss on our cheek whilst Franklin's Mom, Mrs. Helen were asking us some random questions about schools and friends. My Dad, Mr. Tom and Franklin's, Mr. Jarvis were coming around to take a look at the plants around our house and overview our decoration.
Then we all gathered at the living room to have dinner together. After dinner, our parents decided to come back home instead of staying with us. They said they were happy to see that we had grown up a lot and maybe they weren't suitable with the lifestyle in our place. We hugged them really hard and kiss all of our parents. We loved them really much.
"Remember to have enough sleep, darlings!", Our Moms shouted to us.
"Yes love you guys!", we replied.
After coming back into my house and cleaned up the mess, Franklin said goodnight to me and came back to his house. We then fell asleep.
I saw black, just black and I felt lost. I knew that was just a dream, but I couldn't sit up to escape from that whole-black dream. I was scared. Then someone started to raise his voice, a familiar voice which is really, really close to me. He used only choppy sentences but strangely I remembered all of them.
Suddenly I woke up, really exhausted and terribly hot. I ran into Franklin's house without permission. He was there in his bed, too, frightened of something.
We both opened our mouth and said: "Find us, near, daisy, masjov tris, succulent, artistic."
That was exactly what the guy said to us.
"You did remember it!", said Franklin.
"No Franke! That was scary! It reminds me of the letters they gave us yesterday morning!"
"Where is it?", said both of us.
My face turned green. I quickly ran into my room, mixed up everything to find the letter, in hopeless. Those letters had disappeared.
"Hey Ray! Hurry up! I found something!"
I ran at top speed to Franklin's house. Then I saw him holding a letter, which was covered by a flower bill, again, but not roses'. It's daisies'. And they had bought them in the same shop - "Chrysanthème", a French flower shop.
"Ray, I've got an idea."
"We will come to the shop and ask for more information."
"But where?"
"I knew this shop. When I was younger, we used to live in that neighborhood so my parents took me there every weekend. But whatever, just leave it aside. Now let's go!"
"I'll drive.", said Franklin.
We kept being quiet all the way there, because both of us need thinking...
We entered the shop. It was a large flower shop with blue stripes on the white wall. There was no single noise in the shop, because everybody was quiet. Everything reminded me of my childhood, fresh and free...
But then I startled. I meant to be there to find more information about my situation! Suddenly I turned back and Franklin was not there. He had disappeared.
I was totally frightened. Despite the quiet of the shop, I called his name continually. Nobody replied. I came around once, twice, but I couldn't find him. I burst into tears right there. Then I sat down on the floor and kept crying. Thinking about Franklin that time made me feel so bad, maybe it was the worst feeling in my life. It was...
"Come with me.", somebody whispered, but I was sure that that guy was not Franklin. I turned around but couldn't find anyone. Everything was just deathly quiet. The lights went off. I felt terribly scared and hurt.
I raised my voice anxiously to the dark: "Where?"
"You'll know."
Everything was dark again.
I opened up my eyes in a white room, while wearing a white dress, holding a bunch of white daisies...
Looking around the room, I found a letter on the dressing table. I opened it and read carefully words by words.
"Dear Ray,
This time is white daisies, not red roses, as you can see. You're getting closer and closer to us. But not enough to find out who we really are. Keep going, because you have subsided. Once you chose to play the game, there is no way back.
By the way, at 7 tonight, there will be a prom on top of this villa. Please choose the most gorgeous dress inside the wardrobe and put on make-up as well. Harry will be waiting for you there. Hope you enjoy yourself!
Yours sincerely,
I glanced at my watch, 4.30 PM. I had 2 hours left for all the preparation.
Opening the wardrobe, I saw wonderful dresses in different styles. But I chose for me a simple black ones. Putting on red lipstick and eyeliner as well as painted my nail red, I let my hair down. As usual, I chose a black Converse Classic because it was the most comfortable thing I had ever had. Everything was ready, I came to the top of the villa and then I saw Harry. He was there, just in front of me. I was about to be happy when I saw him holding another girl's hand and dancing with her. Words failed me. I couldn't even say anything. I was just standing there, staring at him quietly. Then suddenly he turned back, we faced each other.
"Just let me explain what happened. I was...", Harry tried to explain away.
"Stop, Harry! You have been acting for too long!", somebody raised his voice in the crowd. Since he got closer to us, I realized him - Ryan. Ryan was an elder friend of mine, who had won the first prize in Physics Specialized Test of the entire District. I used to be really close to him but had been so long since our last conversation, so I was really surprised to meet him there.
"You're such a jerk, Harry!", he said.
"Listen, I don't know who is this guy but Ray, you must listen to me. It was just...", Harry kept insisting annoyingly.
"Stop Harry, I've been listening too much.", I interrupted him, "I will leave...".
"Let me take you home!", Ryan said in worried intonation.
"Thanks", I replied.
We came down to the basement. Getting into Ryan's car, I felt safe. Tears started to fall down on my face. I found my eyes hard to open then what I saw was whole-black, again.
Somebody called my name continually.
I opened up my eyes and found Franklin sitting next to me, in a surgeon, actually in an emergency room. I was about to sit up and hug him tight when he told me to keep lying down.
"Thanks God, you're safe.", he said.
"But what happened? Why am I here?"
"The guy who took you home made all of this. The police told me that he was intended to anaesthetize you, and I believe he is one of the fairies. But don't worry, he was caught red-handed and now he must be laughing in jail!"
"But where have you been, Franklin?"
"I didn't know. Dark dreams appeared continually and they took me here. They told me that somebody important was in here. And I realized that was you."
"Okay, let's sleep. Tomorrow when we wake up I'll tell the doctor about my recovery. And maybe I can get out of here. Goodnight."
"Oh Ray..."
"They reminded the choppy sentences again yesterday in my dream : Find us, near, daisy, masjov tris, succulent, artistic."
"Oh fine let's go to sleep first!"
The next morning, I asked the nurses to have a permission to get out of the hospital. The answer was no, so I escaped.
Franklin took me back home. On the way home, I was thinking about the words and trying to find a link between them.
"I'm thinking of France.", I said.
"Me, too!"
"Masjov Tris may be a name."
"But what does it stand for?"
"I don't know, maybe it was one of the..."
"Ray, look! Our houses' doors are opened!"
"Who are those guys getting out of our houses?"
"I have no idea! They are getting on their car. Right, let's follow them!"
"Hurry up, Franklin."
Then Franklin drove at top speed. We followed them to a desolate house. They got out of the car and got inside. We walked quietly right behind them, but they seemed not to realize that they were being followed.
The lights went off. And the door behind us were closed. I held Franklin's hand anxiously because separating from him was the worst feeling of all. I just wanted to make sure that he was there, next to me.
Then suddenly neon lights went on while someone was playing "Stand by me" of Imagine Dragons. That was our favorite song...
Somebody knocked the door. We both came out to open it. In front of us, Moms and Dads were smiling gently.
"Can you guess who the fairies are now?"
We startled. Those guys must have been Moms or Dads.
"But why? Why did you make all of this?"
"Kids, let's sit down and discuss about this."
"Firstly, the fairies are two of us. Can you guess?"
"Moms, are you?", I said.
"Ray, Masjov Tris.", said Franklin's Mom.
"Oh! Masjov Tris! Jarvis Tom!", Franklin shouted.
"Right.", Mr. Jarvis replied, "Tom and I were best friends from the very early ages, just the same as you. Then one day, we realized that we had got secret magic of a witch, making illusion."
"But we didn't want to be witches, of course, we wanted to be fairies so we had been thinking the way how to use our magic for many years. Then finally we came up with this idea.", my Dad said.
"Maybe 3 previous days were terrible to you guys. You thought that you had faced the most terrified things in this world, but after more and more situations, you found out a worse things than the previous one.
Remember when I swap your appearances? That was the first trouble. I wanted to teach you about attitude in your own life. You must be grateful of being a person in this world, and you must live your way, don't pretend to be other people.
Sometimes you might argue with each other, but each of the arguments helps you to open up a new detail, or maybe helps you close up to each other, remember the red-roses bill? And by the way, I bought red roses to your Mom, Franklin.", said Mr. Jarvis.
"The daisies problem might have hurt you a lot, Ray. That was the first time you have come to a party without Franklin, then found out the person who you had trusted the most lied to you all the time, believed in an old friend then almost fell into a trap...
But after all, Franklin was there again for you.
Anyway, we wanted to teach you about reality, independence and friendship. When you lost Franklin, you should be more decisive because you are standing there all alone. Bad guys may bully you, but you should be much stronger than ever!", said my Dad.
And finally, Ray and Franklin, you guys mean to have each other. Please don't let your best friend go, because friendship is magic.
'"'Chrysanthème' means Chrysanthemum in English. That flower stands for friendship, trust and happiness. So please keep this event in your mind forever, as an experience to remember."
We hugged each other tight. Then suddenly we found ourselves home, again to continue our normal lifestyle.
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