I'm tired, nene
"I like sweet"
Nene: "You like sweets?"
*Her voice was filled with shock.*
Nene: "Do you have a preference? Like anything specific?"
*Her voice was filled with a hint of seriousness, her eyes were wide and she looked excited at the thought of making snacks.*
"Anything is alright"
Nene: "Okay! I'll buy some good snacks then, I promise I'll make sure they're good!"
*Nene said, excited, her tone was filled with kindness, and care. She wanted the food that she got to be good.*
*Kou looked equally as happy, he was thinking of the snacks he liked, and his mind was racing, he had a wide smile, filled with delight and happiness.*
*She was happy that you were happy, she liked seeing people happy.* "I'll try my best to find you the best snacks ever!"
*She paused.*
"What about drinks? You like any drinks?" *She asked, wanting to add a cherry on top by getting drinks that you liked, so you can enjoy your time.*
*Nene was happy, she was excited, she wanted to spoil her new friend with delicious snacks, because you deserved it.*
"I like strawberry smoothie"
*She smiled.*
Nene: "Okay! I'll try to make sure there's strawberry smoothies there, then!"
*She said, with a big smile on her face.*
Kou: "She's really excited, isn't she?"
*Kou said, smiling, his tone filled with kindness and joy.*
*Nene laughed a bit, her tone was filled with happiness.*
*Her eyes also lit up at the mention of strawberry smoothies.*
"A-and i like strawberry daifuku too"
Nene: "Strawberry Daifuku?"
She asked, tilting her head slightly.
"I've never tried it, but I can try my best!"
She sounded determined, she wanted to do a good job for her new friend.
Kou's eyes widened a bit. "What's that?" He asked curiously, even though he had a guess of what it might be; he asked anyways just to make sure.
"It's a japanese traditional cake"
Nene: "It sounds delicious!"
Nene: *She paused for a moment.* "I'll try to make sure I find that too! I'll check the nearest Asian grocery store to see if it's there."
*She sounded determined, she wanted to do a good job for her new friend.*
*Kou also sounded quite enthusiastic, and he was happy that his friend liked it.*
*She smiled.* "I bet it'll be good!"
*She tilted her head a bit, not sure how to respond.*
*Nene looked kinda worried, wondering why you had gone silent.*
"Are you okay..?"
*Nene asked, trying to hide the concern in her voice.*
*Kou also looked worried, he was silent, you could tell he was concerned.*
"Yah im fine"
Nene: "Are you sure?"
*She sounded a bit concerned, worried that you weren't actually fine.*
*Kou was silent, he looked worried about you, but he didn't ask anything yet.*
Nene: "Because you seemed so happy at the beginning, and now you go quiet. Are you sure you're alright?" *She asked, her tone was filled with a bit of sadness.*
*She wondered if she accidentally did anything wrong, or said anything wrong.*
*She seemed worried about you, the look of concern on her face made that obvious.*
"Are you sure...?"
*She asked, worried.*
*Kou also looked concerned, his eyes were slightly wide.*
"Are you sure you're okay? I'm just worried about you..."
*She sounded sad, confused, and a bit worried. You could tell she honestly cared.*
Nene: "Are you feeling shy? It's alright to feel that way, it's only natural..."
*She said quietly, trying to say it in a comforting voice.*
"If you don't want to talk, then I completely understand."
*She took a deep breath, trying to sound understanding.*
*Kou also stayed quiet, concerned, and worried. He wanted you to know that he's here, if you felt comfortable enough to talk, he was here. He wanted to comfort you.*
"Nene, I'm tired"
Nene: "Okay.. I understand..."
*She said, sounding understanding.*
"Let's go home then!"
*She said, giving a small smile, trying to sound comforting.*
"Want me to help you up?"
"I want to go to sleep"
Nene: "Alright, I'll take you to your room so you can sleep!"
*She said, as she got up; she gently took your hand, and she held onto it.*
*She helped her friend off the ground, she started walking towards the direction of your room.*
*Her voice was filled with kindness, as her voice was soft.* "Let's put you to bed, okay?"
*She could tell that you seemed to be a bit tired.*
*She stayed quiet, since she doesn't want to talk too much while you are getting ready to go to sleep.*
*After a while, she got to your bedroom, and she helped her sleep, she laid her friend down on her bed, gently.*
*She tucked her friend in, and she gave her a light tuck on the head.*
*After that, she got ready to walk out, she stayed quiet, and turned off the lights.*
*She closed the door gently.*
*She closed your door gently, and she went back into the common room, closing the door gently as well.*
*Nene and Kou both sat down on the sofa, and they both went completely silent, they just looked at each other in concern, not sure what to talk about.*
Nene: "Do you think she's okay..?"
*Nene asked, her voice sounded worried.*
Kou: "I think so, as long as she gets some good sleep.."
"I don't know."
Nene: "Hey, don't worry. She's just tired."
*She said, trying to comfort Kou.*
"People need good sleep, and she seems quite tired."
*She paused, thinking a bit.* "Sometimes people just want to sleep, it's not necessarily related to a bad, sad, or dangerous thing."
*She paused, before smiling.* "Maybe I could get you some tea, to calm your nerves, would that help?"
Nene: "She probably isn't going to answer."
*Kou chuckled quietly.*
*Nene also chuckled.*
Nene: "She probably just wants to sleep."
*She paused.* "If you want, we could talk in here, we could wait in here if that makes you feel better?"
*She smiled softly, as she sat down on the sofa in the common room.*
*Kou just chuckled again, and he went and laid down on the couch.*
*Nene tilted her head a bit, confused as what you were trying to do.*
*Kou chuckled quietly, he was confused as well.*
*Nene stayed silent, thinking that you wanted silence.*
*Kou's eyes widened as he quickly realized what you might've been doing.*
*Nene and Kou both had different expressions. Nene had a blank and confused expression, her eyes seemed slightly opened.*
*Kou had an understanding and amused expression, his eyes were wide, and he had a small smile.*
*a loud noise*
---------------------- Next Chapter -------------------------------
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