The banquet came to an end but this is never the end, to Greenwich and every world, this is just the beginning of an era of darkness. This attack is nothing more than a pawn move, Ullyss knows that, this is nothing more than an explosive act of the pawn in order to clean up the organization. Anyone participate in this attack is consider as traitor to the organization, if they return from Greenwich they would be killed by elites and grand leaders.
"Those who choose to attack Greenwich is shown to against the will of the grand leaders and they will be executed. That is what I heard when i was kept as an object to them, they want to plant an author inside me, along with an object that one of their elite was sent to retrieve."
"So if the dots connected then their plan should be using you as a vessal to inherit the power of the soul puppeteer - Or then using the Quil - replica to magnify that power on every realm but they will take your free will away."
"They wanted..."
"To control every living creature in every realm."
"But there must be some one who can resist that power, right Master ? There must be someone who can immune to it."
"There is only one person who can resist to that power, even break that power and steal it."
"Then we just need to ask that person, right ?"
"That person is our great teacher, Lady Wynria the wonderful, miraculous weaver. Her power is to taking away power of others and even making them fall on their knee, there is nothing can stop her or any power can prevent her action."
"Lady Wynria is sleeping and only wake up when all nine authors is gathered. I don't have the knowledge about her full power, the only one know about true power of Lady Wynria is Or."
"So we only need to trace the remnant of his existance."
"No, the punishment from quil may already erase that part of his memories, a hole exist in a person's memories may drive them insane. I am not sure the fact that Or still a man who can cling to his sanity. Not the fact he even losing himself, that mind of perfectionism is dangerous."
"This could be a serious situation but don't worry, Greenwich will offer protection for every dimension. As long as we still fighting and Greenwich is not sealed in the chaos then we will keep fighting."
"But why do you try so hard to protect all of us... You could just give up on every world, why do you choose to leave us... Why everyone not save me ?"
"We tried... we sent every agents to every worlds, our first agent came to your world he saw they capture you but that is everything we know, the signal got jammed and later we only saw him return with wound and he felt asleep like an author.... He was so brave but they are just so many, too powerful for him."
"Even the power of a Demonos can't cure him ?"
"I can only heal his wound but there is something inside him."
"Something... May i look through that, maybe there is something record in the book and maybe that can help us defeat them."
Injured agent will stay in a different hall than other resident, the wall and the floor is made of marble, every injured agent will stay in a different room. Because of Luxon's power, most of them is recovered and the hall is empty but the marble always shine, no trace of dust appear in this hall.
"Grand Master Luxon."
"Lumina, it has been a while, is there any improvement on Ragalus ?"
"Master Regalus is still sleeping, no changes in recovery is noticed. And may I ask, who is your guest Grand Master Luxon."
"They are my special guest, they might have something to help Regalus."
"May I learn your name ?"
"I am Yhaovi, this is Ullyss and Kuoni, we want to inspect the condition of Regalus. There maybe something we can do even the chance is small."
"If i can assisst with anything please let me know."
The girl left and from Yhaovi point of view he knows, that girl is a normal human from Kritias. The noble system of Kritias have six races, the deadly Mariposa, the mighty Leonus, the powerful Elfen, the merciless Angelos, the benevolent Demonos and the adored Transcendant. The race have the closest resemble to human is Transcendant but this girl is not a Transcendant.
"Your question must be, why a human from Kritias can stay in this garden, Lumina is not exactly a normal human, she have... hidden talent you may say."
"What type of hidden talent ?"
"Power class: sigma."
"Is that the truth ?"
"I have the record of every power on this world and if anyone enter Greenwich i can know what is their power and the rating, her power is not revealed but the record still give the power rating of sigma."
"I know Regalus may trust her but there is something i don't feel right but right now, i suggest we should help the old agent first."
The door opens and in the middle of the room is a bed, furniture and other detail is made carefully almost flawless. Anyone who design this room have other intention than made it a place for patients to sleep in, the shining marble, the warm light and in middle of the room is a sleeping Leonus.
"To injure a Leonis and put him into this state, these people is not that weak afterall. Got anything Kuoni ?"
"Yes, this seem to be a type of poison, there is two ways, cure it or we can extract the poison. Yet we still not know what is this type of poison so extraction seem to be a better choice, this seem to be a better job for you teacher."
"Just like before the first awakening afterall."
"I never know the next author is a painter and carry the ability of a doctor as well."
"World full of potential you see."
The talent of a weaver from Wynria, Yhaovi can control the thread and other talent allow him to perform surgery. The poison not traveling in Regalus's body but they converge in a place, to poison an Transcendant and made him fell asleep like this, the poison is extracted by the thread. The substance is strange, black as ink but there is nothing else about it, maybe the Elfen know something about it.
"Regalus should be fine but this substance is something not recorded in the record. This may take sometime to know what is it."
"Then one of my agent should take care of that. Can you go with them Kuoni, this could be a good source of information to you and i want time with two authors."
Regalus still sleeping and in the room only Luxon, Ullyss and Yhaovi are those who awake, the pure white world but there is not just white. The color of a garden blooming, a splash of red to bring in the vibrant color and all of that shine bright under the starlight of celestial cosmic. Their appearance in this room is already the vibrant color to it, the white marble only help with their appearance.
"Ruled by the divinetic silent, isn't this a marvelous world."
"If you are Lavern~"
"A silent world... I think i endure that for one hundred years already."
"Mood killers. It could have been so cool !"
"Now see who is acting like a child."
"This is strange, isn't it ? I find myself a desire to destroy all of them, those who dare to threaten my star map."
"The fate of this world doesn't mean much to me, all i ever wanted is to make them suffer as i am. My selfish desire please understand that."
"Hundred years of suffering would turn anyone into that, so i think you should go with Luxon, i will be fine on my own."
"No, i will go with you. Even in my mind i want to make them suffer but i don't want to leave you alone, we are the same person afterall, there is nothing can make me happier than fight with you."
"We even can turn this into a wonder circus."
"So it is decided then, Greenwich will attack the enemies base, you only need to defense that dimension. But if we fail then, i entrust Greenwich in your care Yhaovi and later author."
"Don't worry, even if i commit the sin like Or, i won't let anyone else become their victim but Ullyss, the part of my memories saw what they done to us. Is that our link or our memories we shared during that pain."
"I don't know but i know we are together again, we will make so much memories together."
"There is the result teacher."
The fluid inside Regalus don't have a certain name, but after a few test on mechanical structure its effect is disfunction any structure it touch include organic or metalic structure. To organic creature, it will put subject into a deep slumber no matter any race but there is something else about it, a deep slumber that appear to be the same as the slumber of other author. There must be some one who know about the author or they got that from Quil himself.
"This could be a serious problem."
"This could mean they will target you and your apprentice or they could target on other dimension or even use their own base as a bait."
"But they do need to inject that poison into me isn't it then there is nothing to be worried about, even with the restriction from the rule of Sheer, my pure power and Ullyss are still powerful."
"If anything happen please tell us, we will retreat and come to assist you."
"We should be leaving now, teacher. Emperor Yeon is still waiting for us."
"You seem to hold a very important position in that dimension, but you know the rule, no matter how we hold dear to our present, you are the author, you are eternal and everything surround you isn't."
Being an author is being immortal, an eternal cage to become a salary man to the creation of everything. The journey to look for the next inheritor is just a process of hiring another person for the spot and you get a temporary sleep before wake up and do the job over again. But the author is the only one who can witness the beauty of every world, to them that is the best reward for every pain they have to endure.
"Grand Master Luxon, a letter send to us a black dimension gate."
"So they want a showdown and they thought i would believe that. Well, since they are those who lied in the first place, retaliate should be done with grace."
This is Malcion, our order have a name for it, this time let's settle our war we don't want to harm any other world and i guess you don't want any of your agent to be in danger. Those pawn attack your garden you may ask ? We apologize for their behaviour, i hope we can have a fair duel. May the better person win.>
"This is a lie, nothing better than a trick. The only thing our agent want now is destroy Malcion and all of their remnant. This is nothing more than a way to make Greenwich not focus on you, Yhaovi."
"That could be a possibility but we will prepare everything."
"I am a stargazer, everytime i look on the sky, the star map that she created i felt in love with her creation, even i am not an author, i will protect that sky."
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