113. James- Bottom's Up (Part 2)

James and I had decided to exit the bathroom when Nadiya was completely knocked out, and should be sleeping for the next couple of hours. My nostrils flared as the scent of weed and alcohol hit my nose again, causing more color flashes. Fuck.

Both of us jumped when suddenly someone started to yell through the megaphone. Don't know where the hell they got that from, don't want to know. I sighed and leaned on a bar stool and just watched the chaos unravel.

"Y'all ready to get high tonight big titty bitches?" Lance screamed, whooping and laughing, raising a beer bottle. Rubbing my temples, I groaned and tried not to look at Griffin, who was chuckling at my side.

"So this is your friend."

"Yep. Sure is. I'm so proud," I replied sarcastically. "'Big titty bitches,' why Lance, why?" James laughed and kept looking at everyone, who either was screaming, keg standing, drinking, or dancing drunkenly, merrily, in a way, if you count it. He suddenly grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the mosh pit of college students.

"James!" I shrieked desperately. "What's happening?" I faintly heard his laugh over the EDM playing full blast through the speakers. "Might as well enjoy it, right?" I heard him shout, letting go of my hand, then disappearing from my sight, the feeling of his skin touching mine replaced with the coldness of a beer bottle. Panicked, I tried to look around, only to start being lifted into the air.

"Help! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god-" People were carrying me around, on the top of their heads, hands being where I didn't want them to be, the smell getting stronger and stronger, my vision blurred with so many colors I couldn't even see anymore. I tried to let myself relax, cracked open the beer, and drank, whooping.

"We got (Y/N) floating on top of the crowd!" Lance hollered, pointing at me, "Let's get this party started! Bring 'em over here so they can turn it up!" I was carried to the elevated booth and helped up by Lance, who gave me the megaphone with a smirk. I grinned, chugged the rest of my beer and let my subconscious take over.

"Are. You. Ready?!" The crowd screamed and I turned to the DJ booth and spun the track, watching as everyone jumped and danced to the beat thrumming through the house.


I was still on the booth, controlling the music when someone took over. He said to not worry about the music and go have fun. I gladly took the opportunity and went down the steps to go grab a drink. Surprisingly, James was as well.

"Miss me?" I teased, giggling, getting a non-alcoholic beer. "How're you holding up?" James rolled his eyes and leaned against the table, shrugging, brown eyes glittering from the lights.

"So-so. I was expecting to be a tad bit more drunk than this, but I'm not complaining. You don't want to see drunk James Griffin, right?" he responded, cracking open an alcohol-free beer. "Besides, the party is almost going to die down. Soon enough people will start to get in their vans, drive home, and some will crash here. I really don't have anywhere important to go."

I hummed in response and took a sip of the flavored beverage, thinking, swishing the tin can around for a few moments while lost in my head, I responded simply, "Yeah. I think I'm gonna stay here for the night too." Grabbing chips and candy from off the table, I started to snack and counteract the one beer I had.

James did the same, and while we were eating peacefully, often starting small talk, then going back to chewing, someone approached me. My adrenaline was dying down, and I was starting to feel a bit tired, but not wanting to be rude, I looked up from my plate.

"Hey cutie, wanna dance?" I couldn't see them that clearly, since my synesthesia was still on full throttle. I was still pretty sober, and the fumes that radiated off them weren't that promising, so I declined. Their voice sounded weirdly familiar.

"No thank you. I'm probably not worth your time," I chuckled jokingly. They laughed along with me and stuck a hand out, inviting me to the middle.

"C'mon, it'll be fun. You can even bring your food." I considered it for a second, started to step out, but froze when a light hit their face. What. The. Hell. The purple and red lights had started to seep into my vision as their features became more clear. Long hair cascaded down their shoulders, and a sloppy grin was slapped onto their face as they just looked at me in confusion.

"So you wanna dance or not?" I sighed and rolled my eyes, looking at James to come. He quickly shoved all his remaining chips into his mouth and threw out the plate.

"What's up?" His eyes scanned Matt warily, not sure whether he should trust the guy or bail. Matthew just grinned and slung an arm around James's shoulders, startling him.

"Dude! My bro, we should totally hang! You know 'em too? That's dope, dude!" I wanted to die from embarrassment when Griffin shot me a questioning glance. Feeling blood rush to my cheeks, I pulled Matt off the brunette and steadied him.

"Matt, you know me. I'm (Y/N). You know, your like, 13 year best friend? The one became your friend because I accidentally broke the door handle of your classroom when I entered the wrong one back in grade school." He squinted his eyes for a second and leaned in really close to my face.

"You don't look like (Y/N)," he grumbled, pulling my cheeks. Sighing, I slapped his face and made him look at me again. "Matt."

"Yup, you're definitely (Y/N)," he whistled, rubbing his cheek. "Jesus, your slaps are always so strong." At this time, James decided to interject, obviously semi-uncomfortable with the whole "third-wheel but not really" scheme.

"So are we dancing or not?" he questioned, a sly smirk making its way onto his face. Matt whooped and grabbed both of our arms, yeeting us into the middle of the rave, and left to do another drinking game. Though there was blaring music, alcohol, weed, I somehow felt safe near James.

He looked down at me and smiled, holding out his hand.

"Let's enjoy it."

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