116. Matt- Not Really


(y/n) has ptsd from being in a war on their home planet. the sky makes them feel calmer, a nirvana in the storm. also, being around matt makes them feel serene.

long story short maxie boy doesn't really have an alien gf and (Y/N) thinks so but they bear it and then yadda yadda yadda boom gasp they make out

just kidding my stories aren't that simple

or are they

jk i'm messing with you

(but my previous oneshots are all GARBAGE LIKE EW OMG)

also, will be finishing my previously requested oneshots and the ones i'm working on now. probably will have 120 oneshots by the time i end this book :)

it's been a long ride, and i'm glad to have you all with me

i'll be posting a long goodbye chapter monologue when everything is complete and will be making sure to try and make you all feel appreciated. truly, it has been amazing


My mouth formed into a snarl as I heard the unbearable sound of laughter from two of my crewmates. Ugh, love. Digusting. Their voices rang down the hall and into my ears as I groaned and shoved a pillow over my head to try and attempt to block out the noise.

"I have a sister, dad, mom, and a dog back home-" He'd never told me any of this stuff. Where he was from, what hobbies he had, how his eyes grew to be that amazing shade of sunset hazelnut. I sighed, and flopped back down onto my bed, making a weak attempt to throw the previous head-pillow to the other side of the room. Rolling onto my back, the chatter from the main room was greeted with silence as I pressed the button for my door to close.

Why am I like this?


Discreetly creeping to the deck, I made sure no one was there before sitting down and admiring the view of the blank, black cosmos laid out before me, splattered with millions of tiny stars. We were on our way to Earth, so I thought it'd seem fit to at least make an effort to think about what it was like.

From what I'd heard before, it was much like my home planet. Many inhabitants, families, children, wars, poverty, trade, development, leaders that look like shriveled oranges that want to make reforms that will plummet our economy so that we'll fall into even more debt. Yeah, I missed home. I thought Matt did as well, and I was right. From what he's been telling his new girlfriend.

My eyes drifted to my hands, which I didn't realize were clenched in tight fists, knuckles turning white because of the pressure. Slowly, I let go and breathed out. Calm down. This is your time for relaxation. Look at the galaxy. That's what calmed you down back home, right? Yeah, do that.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't realize another had stepped onto the same deck and was now behind me. They tapped my shoulder, and my heart-rate spiked up as I wheeled around and locked them in a choke-hold.

"Woah! (Y/N)!" I knew that voice.

"Oh, Lily? Oh my god, I am so sorry." I let go as the female alien giggled and brushed it off. My mouth tilted up at an attempt to smile, but quickly dropped as I remembered she was the one who was now with Matt. I felt jealous. I didn't hate her, she was one of my friends. Just a little envious, that's all.

"So..." I started a bit of conversation. "What brought you here?" She sighed, leaning against the table and twitched her fingers. Damn, even her little quirks are cute. Matt's ideal type, am I right?

"Just want to relax, you know. Focus for a while. I can't sleep." I nodded, wringing my hands together, heart still pounding in my chest. I don't know if I should still be in the room with her. Honestly, it won't be long before primal instincts kick in and I start to go crazy. The only way I'd be able to rest peacefully is if I knew that Matt was happy with her.

"So, how are things going with Matt?" Lily turned to me, tilted her head, looking confused, her big, wide eyes squinted, and naturally trimmed eyebrows raised.

"What?" I felt embarrassed. Had I got something wrong?

"You know... Matt? Your boyfriend?" She kept on looking at me for a few seconds, then started to chuckle. My face flushed, blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Wh-What?" I stammered, my arms folding around my waist in a defensive stance. "You two are happy, right?"

"No, no! I'm afraid that you may have misinterpreted something, (Y/N). Matt and I aren't dating! For a second I thought that you might've found out I was dating Bynel!" After she said that, her eyes widened, and Lily slapped a hand over her mouth. "Shi-oot." I began to wheeze, coughing as my mind raced happily, like a butterfly on steroids. The alien began to slap my back, forcing more coughs out.

"Are you okay?" she sputtered, "Do you need water?" I shook my head and gave one last gasp before returning to normal.

"Wait, wait, wait. You're not with Matt, but with Bynel, right?" She nodded, thought for a second before her face morphed into a sly smile.

"What, you don't... like Matt or anything, do you?" Lily batted her eyelashes innocently as I began to panic. "Me?! No, no, no! Not at all, what makes you think that? I've never heard the name Matt before, whaaat? Patt? Sat? Lat? Cat?" I laughed nervously, backing up. She grinned, but it wasn't usually as lovely. Deviousness danced in between her multicolored irises, flashing different colors by the second. When I began to breath rapidly, she backed away and laughed.

"N-Not funny!"

"Sorry, sorry. It's just that you're being so silly about the whole situation. Matt likes you too, can't you see? We were talking about it in the living room a few hours ago!"


"Sweetie, it's obvious. Haven't you seen the way he looks at you? He even grew out his hair when you mentioned how hot Blake Anderson was. Literally, I've heard him substitute your name in covers he does of love songs. And now he even takes pride in the little scar on his cheek because you said it looked cute. God, you guys are so oblivious." I started to twiddle my thumbs and look down.

"You think?" Lily nodded, smiling. I blew air out of my nose and groaned.

"Now what, though? Ugh, I've tried flirting with him, but that's just flown over his head... I even tried to communicate by leaving messages in code, but his thick skull just won't get it!" The she-alien giggled again and walked over to the door, the metal chamber sliding open.

"Hun, I'll let you decide. You need some alone time."


"One more thing: please keep the thing between me and Bynel a secret. The crew would go wild if they knew. They've been shipping us for eons on end." I shared a laugh with her.

"Alright. You have my word."

"Thanks." With that, she left me to think about the sandy-haired guy I called cute.


"Hey... Matt, I need to tell you something." I sighed, rubbing my arm. "No, that's not good enough." Yes, like a cliche love movie I was standing in front of a mirror, practicing confessions.

"Matt, how's it going? No... Hey old buddy! Goddammit." I leaned against the sink and intently stared into the mirror, the door to the bathroom open, sure that no one would come in.

"Matt, I need to get this off my chest. It's been bothering me for a while now, but I think I'm ready to tell you something."

"Tell me what?" I screamed at the top of my lungs and almost shot myself into the ceiling.

"Matthew mother-of-god Holt!" I shouted, smacking his head. "What the absolute heck!" He laughed loudly, blocking another hit.

"Hey, I just wanted to see if you were okay!" he chuckled, eyes brightening. "And I brought water. Your lips were chapped. Also, what did you want to tell me?" My chest tightened, eyes averting down. I could sense the atmosphere dampen. Beginning to walk past Matt, I curled my arms over my chest. He grabbed my shoulder.

"Hey, hey, (Y/N), what's wrong? Did I do something bad?" I sighed, forcing myself to look up. "No, no, it's not you, it's me." He snorted, releasing his grip from my shoulder as I turned my body towards him.

"If that's not a line from a love story, I don't know what is," he joked, grinning. As he saw I didn't smile back, his eyebrows furrowed together, like two caterpillars. I almost cried.

"(Y/N), you can tell me what's on your mind, okay?" He set the cup of water down and started to guide me to my bedroom by my hand. My subconscious fell down, bleeding once I felt his skin touch mine.

"I'm sorry, but I love you," I blurted. Matt stopped walking. "I'm really sorry, I know you probably don't have feelings for me, and I can live with that, and I want you to be happy no matter who you're with, but I can't keep it in anymore, and your eyebrows look like really cute caterpillars and that makes me want to cry sometimes-" His lips brushed against mine, eyes closed, arms suddenly around my waist.

I was going to fucking explode.

Matt Holt. THE Matt Holt, Nerd Bird, defender of long-ass Rapunzel hair, cute scar boy, singer, artist, pilot, and all time hottie was... kissing me.

Before I could move, he pulled away, golden eyes fluttering open again, cheeks stained a red that I don't know would ever come off, and hand still holding mine, except for the fact that his fingers were intertwined with mine, like little lovey-dovey snakes.

"If you didn't know already, I kinda love you too." I almost fainted right there and then, but mustering up all my courage, heart beating at one million miles per freaking second, I shook off his hand, scooped his cheeks, and smashed my lips onto his again, eliciting a surprised grunt from him. I could feel my balance shift sideways, and before I knew it, we were on the ground.

My eyes were still closed, and the wind had been knocked out of me, but somehow I still managed to cry. For the first few seconds, they were light gasps, but as seconds flew by, they turned into tiny little sobs. I was afraid that everything went wrong. He'd never like me. Matt groaned, then noticed my shaking figure.

"Oh my god, are you hurt? (Y/N), speak!" I looked up, nose snotty and gross, a bit of drool in the left corner of my lips, and eyes red, watery, and glistening.

"Babe, come here." He pulled me into his chest, arms wrapped around my back, shoulders, and leaving me more safe than I had ever felt before.

"You didn't do anything wrong, okay? Don't cry, shhh..." Rubbing circles along my back, I eventually started to calm down and breathe regularly, hands clenched into semi-fists on his shirt.

"It's kinda hard to confess to someone, I know, but honestly, I would've gone through this one hundred times more," he murmured, resting his chin on the top of my head. I laughed lightly and tilted my head up to face him.

"I love you so much."

"I love me too."


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