4. Lance- I'll Always Be There (Fluff)
I was pacing the empty deck when I heard a bunch of sniffles and coughs coming from my right. Weird, usually I was the only one up at this hour, since I have insomnia. I looked around and found the sniffles to be coming from Lance's room. I slid the door open and found the Cuban boy on the floor crying into his blankets. The scene broke my heart, well, because I never wanted to see my crush so sad, and for anyone that matter. I slowly approached Lance and put one hand on his back. I gasped in surprise as he pulled my in, spooning my frame. He continued to cry into my shoulder and I gave a small sentimental smile and kissed his forehead, patting his back. He calmed down for a little to finally speak.
"I-I miss my f-family... M-My abuelita, my s-sisters, my brother, my p-parents... I miss them so, so much," he sobbed. I felt tears forming in the edges of my eyes.
"I know Lance, I miss my family too..." I soothed. I felt a small tear drift down my face as the blue paladin cried harshly into my shoulder. Once he finally stopped crying, the poor boy was so exhausted. I pet his head as he slept on my shoulder. I sighed and gently slipped away from his grasp and tucked him into his bed. I kissed his forehead.
"Goodnight you stupid flirt."
I looked at my dagger and turned my head back at the target. Narrowing my eyes, I flung the knife at the mark and hit a bulls-eye. I smiled in satisfaction and threw a teasing glance at my brother, Keith. He rolled his eyes and smiled slightly before crossing his arms across his chest. He took another throwing knife and impaled his target, getting a bulls-eye. He threw another three, all from different poses, and landed the red mark in the center. I huffed and pouted.
"Showoff..." I grumbled, plucking the daggers off of the target and putting them back on the rack. I lightly smacked his arm and he let out a small chuckle as I exited the training area. I jogged to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water as I tied my hair up. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I almost spit out the freshly poured water. I whipped my head around and found Lance, his face red and his eyes glued to the floor.
"L-Lance? What are you doing here?" I gasped.
"I-I just wanted to thank you for comforting me back there..." he stuttered, face still a bright red. I gave a teasing smirk.
"Are you stuttering?" I cooed, inching closer to the paladin, "Aww, wittle Lancey-Lance is stuttering!" I pecked his cheek and smiled again. He gave me a devious smirk then held his hand under my chin, bringing my face closer to his.
"Is your face McDonald's? Because..." he whispered into my ear, "I'm Loving It." It was now my turn to turn red. I looked into his eyes as he pulled my face closer. I felt a pair of velvety lips touch mine as I closed my eyes. My first kiss. With Lance. Fucking. McClain. Kill me slowly.
"MCCLAIN WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING WITH MY SISTER!" Keith yelled, stomping over to us. I yelped as Keith pulled me over to his side, protectively hugging me and squishing my cheek to his.
"Geez bro, calm your tits, it's fine," I ushered as I pushed him away. He glared at Lance.
"But if I catch you doing ONE thing that will hurt my sister... YOU'RE. DEAD. BUDDY. Got it?" Keith threatened, tracing a line over his neck. Lance rolled his eyes and nodded, kissing my temple. I giggled as Keith stomped out of the room, fuming.
"Now where were we?"
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