41. Lotor- The Guardian



I watched patiently as the crew decided what to do. I suddenly felt a signal.

"Could it be? The chosen?" I thought, sending waves of power out. I gasped.

"It is... They are the chosen ones..." I activated their markings so they would know.

"Now then, let us see what travelers we have to ward off this time." My eyes widened as a figure came into view.

"Voltron?" I thought, "Is Alfor still alive?" I sensed the presence of Alfor... But not quite. It was... different.

"He is dead. This is his daughter, Allura, (Y/N)."

"The... Blue Lion?"

"Yes. The Yellow, Red, Green, and Black lions are also here, waiting for your command." I nodded.

"Good. Send them out. I will fire beams, so make sure to dodge. I do not guarantee the safety of the ship, however."

"That is fine. As long as our paladins are alive, it is okay."

"Very well." I sent a blast of energy by flicking my finger. The lions dodged until they were separated.

"Next time they will think more carefully, and take notice of the details around them."

After a bit, I watched as the two chosen ones passed through the gate. I guided them to the temple where they figured out the passageway. I sensed the Galran would not pass, but gave him a chance.

I sent them to the dream realm, facing them off. I smiled thoughtfully as the Galra killed part of my spirit. The girl went on to embrace the knowledge of life. I sent them both to the top of the building. I prowled around them in a lion form.

"You have done well," I spoke, my voice bouncing off the walls of the world. The girl smiled and bowed.

"The Spirit of The White Lion, the Guardian of this world, thank you for all that you've done for us."

"Who is... this us?" I mused.

"My people, my planet, my father, and my team." I smiled.

"You are indeed wise." I looked at the Galran, who had a slight grimace on his face.

"Rise, Lotor." He looked at me in surprise and rose.


"Do not speak," I said, looking at the blue and yellow eyes, "You are brave. However, your instincts did not lead you to victory this time. I have to admit, I've taken quite a liking to your kind. Reckless, yet skillful. You really are one of the chosen." I revealed my true form, an Altean girl no younger or older than they both were, with a billowing light blue dress.

I opened my cerulean blue eyes and smiled warmly, my clouds of white hair waving in the wind. The bright, white marks shone proudly under my eyes.

"Come forward, warriors." They stepped before me. I lifted the male's chin up so that his eyes were level with mine.

"Lotor, is that right?"


"And Allura."

"Yes, White Lion."

"It is good to see old friends again." They looked up at me.


"Honerva and Alfor, is that not correct?"

"I-It is."

"I see Alfor has finally learned to manage the spirits of the others in robots?"


"Ah, yes. He would always ramble about that to me." I laughed at the memory. I turned my attention back to them.

"Notify your friends that I will be coming along with you. I have something to discuss."


I had left most of my being on the place, so it could still ward off invaders just as well. I looked at the magnificent ship that was before me, while latching onto Lotor's back. Once we got into the castle, I unmasked myself.

"Greetings, paladins."

"Who are you?"

"How dare you ask-"

"Lotor. It is alright. The Earthlings do not know of our culture. I am the Spirit of The White Lion."

"Woah, I didn't know she was this beautiful~" the blue one flirted. I folded my arms across my chest.

"I had no knowledge of Earthlings being this close-minded," I shot back, smirking. The others were fighting to keep in laughter. I settled down and looked at the paladins seriously.

"I may need to call upon your lions for this meeting." I pointed my finger towards the hangars, drawing lines to form a summoning circle. With a wave of my hand, five figures solidified.

"Oh, how long has it been since you called us, (Y/N)?" Myza (Yellow) yawned, stretching out her limbs.

"It's nice to see you again," Liore (Green) said, yawning a bit.

"You look as stunning as always," Gunter (Blue) flirted, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Why am I even here?" Byna (Red) grumbled, folding his arms.

Kinta (Black) only nodded, smiling at me. He was mute.

"Meet your paladins." I gestured to the awe-struck humans. I giggled as they all gathered together, all of them bonding miraculously. Something was wrong with the black paladin, however. Kinta was mute, yes, but he refused to even touch the human. I too, did not believe that he was the true paladin. The other one was still out there.

I lightly touched Lotor's hand.

"Shall we go somewhere private?" He nodded.


I placed a gentle hand on his back.

"Lotor..." I whispered. I couldn't believe I was doing this. Me, (Y/N), the holy spirit of the snow, was comforting a Galra. He was a chosen one, however.

"I just feel like... I'm weak sometimes," he whimpered, clutching his head. I narrowed my eyes and slapped him.

"Don't you DARE say that." I pointed a finger towards him. "Having weaknesses doesn't make you weak."

He looked at me as if he had just seen a ghost. I sighed and pressed my lips to his forehead.

"Do not say that you are weak. If you are, what does it make me?" I got up and walked away, feeling my face heat up. He got up as well and walked besides me.

"W-White Lion-"

"No need for formalities, Lotor. Please, address me as (Y/N)." I smiled, looking at his beaming face, dusted red.

"A-Alright." The rest of the walk was in silence, with occasional glances at each other. I blushed a bit as he slipped his hand in mine. Our walk was cut short by Myza and Liore stopping in front of us, smirking.

"Well, well, well," Liore started.

"What do we have here?" Myza finished, casting a wicked smirk our direction. I quickly let go of his hand.

"What are you doing here?" I said calmly, walking towards them.

"We came to check up on you and lover boy,"

"But turns out you already had plans of your own." I blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Be quiet, you two." I socked them both in the arm. I sighed and walked along the path again. Lotor caught up with me.

"I've heard you are now the new head of the Galra empire." He sighed and played with the tips of his hair.

"Yes, so to speak."

"Whose side are you on, Lotor?" I stopped to face him. He looked at me in confusion.

"The paladins, of course."

"Are you sure about that?"


"Hmm." I continued to walk. He's not telling the full truth. Even with my power diminished this much he wants to gain control. Victory or Death, as he said fighting my spirit.

"(Y/N)... I must ask you something." I turned to him, my eyes piercing his.


"Do you have... Emotions?" I cocked my head.

"Why yes, yes I do. May I ask why are you asking me this?"

"Well... Don't emotions get in the way of protecting, doing your duty?" I sighed.

"Sometimes. I see these wary travelers, and have to obliterate them. I cannot let anyone but the chosen ones have the knowledge of my ancestors. The ones who are worthy. This is my duty. I have been doing it for many millennia." I projected a small image on the palm of my hand.

"This is what my ancestors gave me. The ones who came before were hostile. More hostile than the Galra. They died, putting their lives on the line for their kingdoms. I am the only sworn protector left. The only descendant of the White Lion." I felt tears start to well up in my eyes. No. No one can see me like this. I felt a hand placed on my back.

"Should we go somewhere separate?" I nodded.

"Very well."


I have stayed with the paladins for the past 50 Spicolian Movements. It was relatively fun, and amazing to bond with such wonderful people. Lotor was... special. He was the one who had captured my heart.

Even though he did not make it through the temple, that did not define him. He was brave, encouraging, and an important asset to team Voltron. Of course, I helped a bit, shooting down Galra fighters and assisting the paladins on where to go.

One day it was just Lotor and I in the castle. Alone, together. I walked along the halls, admiring the architecture.

"(Y/N), there you are. I was looking for you." I turned to Lotor.

"Oh, did you need to see me?" He nodded, nervous somehow. I placed my lips on his forehead.

"Do you have a fever? Your face is red and your forehead is warm." His eyes widened in surprise and inched back a bit, his ears folding a little.

"Lotor? Is something wrong?" He breathed out.

"(Y/N)... There is something I wanted to talk to you about for a while now..."

"Go on. I'm listening," I said, sitting down.

"I know you are a divine spirit. I also realize that you are the only one left. And if something were to... happen to you, I would never forgive myself, and your race would be detonated."


"I-I have also... Developed feelings for you. Together, we could make beautiful children, that could carry on the strengths of both of us, ensuring that Oriande would be safe, and the universe to prosper." I stood up, letting his hand cup my cheek.


"I understand if you don't find me a suitable mate. I, after all, failed the te- Mmph!" I kissed his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck. He relaxed and began to kiss back.

"Lotor, you're the ideal mate and so much more," I whispered, smiling. He laughed back and swung me around by my hips, lifting me into the sky.

"Lotor!" I squealed happily, "Put me down!" He chuckled and placed his lips on mine again.

"You have no idea how happy I am, to hear those words, (Y/N)."

"You are the only one in the universe that's suitable. You've proven that you can change. Work together. As a team. That's what the white lion is for. Healing yourself, and healing others. Working alongside others instead of stealing and forcing them to work for you. Caring about others, Lotor.

"That's why your mother, Honerva, was never able to reach Oriande. Quintessence plagued her mind. But you, you are different. You willingly worked together with the people around you. Lotor, you didn't double cross, you forced yourself to work together for the greater good." I smiled through tears, cupping his face.

"That's why I love you." He smiled and kissed me again.

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