66. Shiro- Preppy


College Student! Shiro x College Student! Reader

Keith is a first year in college, Allura third, you and Shiro in your fourth years (last year).

(Keith will be with you in the college. Lance, Hunk, and Pidge are all still in their last year of highschool.)

*cough* longshot *cough*

It will be long.

Long + Oneshot = Longshot



Takashi Shirogane. My best friend, quarterback of the college, straight "A" student, and trying to get a Doctorate Degree in the near future.

And then there was me.

A trashy, low-profile nerd. Sure, I got the sames grades, maybe even better than Shiro, but that still didn't make up for my lack on popularity.

People teased me a lot, but frankly, I couldn't care less. I was the kid mixing energy drinks with coffee to stay awake.

Eat it, bitch.

"Hey Shiro," I yawned, gulping down some of my drink for the morning. He chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"Don't drink that. You'll get heart disease," he chided, tapping my nose. I rolled my eyes and sipped the drink again.

"Don't care."

"Hey, isn't today the math exam?"

"Don't care."

"Did you even study?"

"Don't care," I deadpanned, reading a book. The black and white haired man sighed next to me.

"You never study, and yet somehow you're second in class." I shrugged and got out my bag, and slipped my book in it.

"As I said, I don't care. I just want to graduate and get out of here." Shiro laughed in amusement.

"You never do change, do you?" he huffed, smiling. I gave him a crooked side-smile.

"Have I ever?" I scoffed, eyes glinting in amusement. He ruffled my hair again.

"C'mon, we're going to be late to homeroom."


"Miss (Y/N), didn't study again, I'm guessing?" the teacher mused, looking at my test paper. I nodded tiredly.

"Well, you must be a prodigy, since I see no error on your paper," he chuckled, winking. I smiled.

"Thank you Mr. Alfor."

"See, I really don't get it. Why aren't you trying? You could easily be the top student here, if you just put your mind to it." He leaned on the table, inclined to hear my answer.

"I just don't see the point of having to do all of this. Sure, I put time and a bit of effort into my studies, but that's basically it," I said, shrugging. The teacher's eyes lit up in amusement.

"Simplicity. Reminds me of myself when I was your age." He placed my paper back on his desk.

"Now off you go." I smiled and went back to my seat.

"Did you get in trouble?" Shiro whispered, nudging me.

"No, we just had a little talk. I think I like Alfor better as of now."


"Shoot, my drink's all gone..." I whined, tasting no more bitter-sweet energy drink infused coffee. Shiro sighed in mock disappointment.

"You could just sleep like a regular person does."

"No way, I don't want my student loans to take control of my life, you sucker," I muttered, socking his arm. I saw a familiar mullet in the crowd.

"Hey, Keith!" I called, waving my hand, "Over here!" He walked towards me and smiled a bit.

"Hey (Y/N)," he greeted, high-fiving me.

"I seriously can't believe they haven't dress-coded you yet for that mullet of yours," I joked.

"They have," Keith said. "So I just pulled up a picture of all of them in the eighties. Mullets galore." I snickered.

"Nice one. Why don't we get lunch?" We chatted as we entered the lunchroom where we found Allura.

"Hey Allura," I said, waving. She smiled and waved back.

"Hi everyone!" We got out lunches and sat down in a spot.

"So... Did you ace the math test again, (Y/N)?" Keith asked, chewing on a sandwich. I nodded, my mouth filled with food.

"Alfor praised you again?"


"You ran out of your fountain of youth drink?" Keith mocked playfully. I glared at him.

"Don't mess with me, mullet," I retorted, taking a bite of my pasta. Shiro looked at my face for an unusually long time.

"(Y/N)... You have a bit of tomato sauce-"

"Where?" I asked, turning my head.

"Here, I'll get it." I froze up when I felt his thumb scrape against my cheek. He licked the red paste off his finger and gave my a wide grin.

"There, it's all clean now. Sorry, it was kind of bothering me for a bit."

"(Y/N)~" Allura cooed, grinning evilly, "Is there a reason why you're the same color as the tomato sauce Shiro ate off your cheek?"

"Shut up!" I said quickly, turning away from her. Allura and Keith both giggled to themselves silently.

"You got a plan?" Keith whispered.

"Hell yeah."


I looked around in the boys locker room, trying to find Keith.

"Keith?" I called. I thought he would be here, after football practice.

"Kei-" I stopped mid-sentence when I saw Shiro, shirtless and looking at me with a blush.

"(Y)-(Y/N)?" My face erupted into red.

"Sh-Shiro, I-I'm sorry, I was looking for Keith-"

"Keith told me that the coach wanted me to stay late."

"Wait, Keith isn't here?"

"Keith told me he's needs to meet someone."

"Yeah, but... It isn't me, since he told me he'd be waiting here."

I heard the door slam and lock from on my left.

"Wait... Sh-Shiro... I-I think we're stuck in here."

"Hold on, let me just put on my shir- Where the heck is my shirt." Shiro was rummaging through his sports bag as he tried to look for his shirt.

"What. WHAT," he groaned, stretching. "I swear I had my-"

"Sh-Shiro..." I squeaked. "Th-This might not be the best time to get flustered, b-but..." I pointed to his torso. He gave a nod of understanding.

"Also, I uhm... Kinda need to go to the... You know..." I muttered, clutching the edges of my shirt. "I got totally dirtied on the way here, so I need to go to the bathroom to change."


"Silly, I know where the bathroom is," I giggled, winking. His blush increased noticeably.

"R-Right." I smirked and cocked a brow.

"I'm going to... Go inside now." I opened the door to the bathroom and started to change into a fresh new pair of black clothing, when I heard the air vents open and something crawl out of it.

"What the hell-" The small things snatched up all of my clothing and my shoes then crawled back into the vents.

"Damn Allura and her mice..." I growled, balling up my fists. Then I realized I had no clothes on. Except for my undergarments.

"Fuck." I peeped my head in the crack of the bathroom door.

"Sh-Shiro..." I called sheepishly.

"Yeah?" he responded, popping out of nowhere. I yelped and jumped back.

"W-We have a problem..." I slipped out of the washroom and blushed immensely, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Y-Yeah... I see..." he stammered awkwardly. I laughed nervously and shivered.

"I-It's pretty cold, now that I'm not... covered," I commented, rubbing my neck.

"I could... Help you warm up..." he offered, flinching as he said it.

"... S-Sure..." I awkwardly maneuvered to him and gently wrapped my arms around his torso.

"How are you so warm?" I giggled, subconsciously snuggling into his chest further.

"A-Ah, (Y/N)?" Shiro mumbled, flustered. I winced and retracted myself.

"I-I'm sorry, I just-"

"Wh-Why don't we find a place to lay for the night?" he suggested, pulling me towards the bench. I blushed, but followed.

"Shiro, are you sure we should be doing this?" I whispered, sneaking into the coach's office. He nodded. I gave him the stink eye.

"I swear, Takashi, you're going to be the death of me one day." He chuckled and sat down on the chair. He patted his knee.

"Come on. It's the only place with a comfortable spot." Words got caught in my throat as I choked and almost fainted.

"Do you even know what the hell you're pointing to?" I demanded quietly, blushing still. He raised a brow.

"No?" I sighed and reluctantly sat on his lap, biting my bottom lip.

"Shiro... Look. After this experience, I still want us to be friends..." I flinched at my own words. Of course he doesn't want to be friends...

I don't want to be friends. I want to be more...

But he won't want that.

"Can we continue out friendship after the night?" I said, smiling. He furrowed his eyebrows and chewed on his lip.


"Sorry if it feels awkward for you, I just don't want to lose you."

"No, no, no, (Y/N). You misunderstand. I want to be more. More than your friend." Before I could react, his lips were on mine, his beautiful grey eyes closed, and his two fingers holding my chin. Slowly, I started to lean into the kiss, my hands making their way up into his hair.

"Mmph~" I hummed, feeling his arms wrap around my waist. I started to lightly tug at his locks of hair as the kiss became more heated. I felt his tongue trace my bottom lip. I opened my mouth, allowing the wet, pink muscle to enter.

"M-Mmm!~" I lightly moaned, his arms now pressing my body against his. We both broke away, panting.

"Shiro..." I breathed, my face breaking into a smile. He grinned and cupped my cheek, sliding his warm hand across my left cheek.

"G'night, love."

"Good night Shiro," I yawned, falling asleep in his arms shortly after.


Keith and Allura both high-fived each other like immature fifteen year olds watching their favorite anime couple finally get together after five seasons of waiting. (That's oddly specific...)

"Hah! Got 'em!"

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