96. James- The Hate U Give
oof not the actual book, the original book is so much better
for this oneshot
it's centered around the epitome of all bully themed thing
aka bullies become friends
Also! Sort of an AU when you meet an old love.
"I know you're mad and frustrated, but can we talk it out?" I tried to reason with him. I knew what he was going through. I understood him, and yet he blocks things out. He's looking through a keyhole when I'm holding the door open for him. There are just so many opportunities out there but he refuses. Time and time again it's always his way. I doesn't matter if he's the bad guy, what he thinks is right is that other people have to suffer because he did.
But if it's at the expense of my pride, so be it. I was willing to give up everything for him.
I became a Special Ed Teacher. I dropped out of the Garrison and started to pursue something better to me. I was an anti-bullying specialist and helped talk throughout the world about how you can or could handle certain people. But even though I had this, one question still lingered:
How is James?
I had still wondered about that brunette who was always so special to me. I didn't keep in contact with him after I left. That was one regret. But somehow the students I taught helped to mend that hole. They were the smartest, happiest people that I had ever met, despite being in their condition.
I walked into my classroom one day and smiled, greeting everyone in the room.
"Alright class, today is job day! We will have special people from around here, with different occupations come and present themselves. We will also have people from different spectrums come here as well!" The whole class cheered and clapped, giggling and grinning at the thought of being able to see what it was like experiencing different jobs.
The first person who came in was a policeman, then a designer, a writer, and a scientist. The stories and questions, then answers continued on for hours.
"Now please welcome our final guest, Commander Iverson from the Galaxy Garrison. He's a senior officer of the establishment and teaches cadets to pilot." I looked at the door as he came marching in, a few people with helmets walking behind him in perfect lines. Those must be the MFE Pilots. I've heard a lot about them on the news.
"Hello everyone," he greeted, waving and smiling lightly at me. I smiled back, looking at the class. Their expression were flawless, pure childhood joy captured in each individual face. Eyes wide, mouths slightly open. I remember when I was like that.
"I am Commander Iverson of the Galaxy Garrison, where we train our students to become the best interstellar pilots the world has ever known." Greener, one of my students, raised his hand. Iverson nodded towards him.
"Who are those people?" he warbled, pointing a finger towards the four masked ex-cadets. The Commander nodded and grinned, glancing at them and motioned for them to take their helmets off. I curiously held up my notepad and looked through the names one more time.
James, Ina, Nadiya, and Ryan. My eyebrows were furrowed, trying to remember the last three names.
"Officers, this is Professor (Y/N). They teach this class and run a campaign for specials needs kids." I looked up and locked eyes with these pools of brown.
Euphoria hit me like a tidal wave as orange, pink, and red hues engulfed my vision, where only he was, and I was staring directly at him. White lines started to crease the frame, and the moment shattered when Iverson began speaking again.
"It's to my knowledge that you, (Y/N), have attended the Garrison at a point in time, correct?" I stuttered, and looked at the older male, surprised that he still remembered.
"Yes, I actually have been at the Garrison, taking courses." My whole class gaped and started to shout.
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"Man, that's not fair!"
"But we're better than those science people, right?" I started to laugh out of sheer joy. I felt a warm feeling inside of my, my heart almost bursting from bliss.
Man, I love these kids.
James looked at the unfamiliar plain laid in front of him. He sighed and checked the time.
"When are we going to be there?" he complained, slumping down in his seat. Ryan sighed and patted his shoulder.
"We're almost there, don't sweat it." The bus finally pulled up to the school parking lot with a small 'skreet,' and the passengers unloaded.
"Now," Iverson chided, pointing at the four pilots. "I want you all on your best behavior in this class. You need to set a good example for these kids." We all nodded and saluted, our Commander turning and walking us to the front.
Big, black framed glass doors greeted us on our way in. The lobby was homey, a receptionist sitting right in front of a glass wall that previewed the mess hall, raising her head the slightest.
"Oh, you must be from the Garrison, is that right?" She smiled and shook hands with all of us, getting up from her seat and guiding us around the building. I looked around at the framed paintings that students drew and smiled to myself. This school was bursting with creativity that I only wish I had when I was younger.
"...and here is the annual winner for the t-shirt competition." In front of me, all spread out, a fantastically detailed design of a panther. A checkerboard pattern was drawn in the background, simulating the envision of a checkered flag waving in the wind.
But in the middle stood a fierce panther, large and muscly, meat almost bulging out of it physique. Jaws bared, saliva was dripping down its chin and almost to the floor. I shivered and grimaced. This was why I was never a fan of cats.
Nadiya nudged me and pointed to the shirt.
"Pussy," she whispered, referring to my fear, and the shirt on the wall. I pushed my shoulder on hers as she laughed quietly.
"What?" I could hear the teasing in her voice. Huffing, I decided to ignore it and continue on with the tour.
We stopped at room 419, seeing a lot of different people out in the hallway, chatting at an "inside-voice" level. Policemen, firefighters, soldiers, doctors, nurses, and even scientists that worked at the Garrison were there, telling stories about their lives. When I got closer, I noticed a drag queen with a fedora and a pink feather boa, a burn victim, a student about 16 years old, and a person in a wheelchair all conversing with each other.
A smile lit up on my face. It was good that kids were being exposed to this at such an early age. They need to learn about this, because it's not everyday that you meet new people like this.
I greeted every one of them as I entered the classroom, slipping on my helmet. After ten minutes, I finally noticed the teacher as Iverson introduced them. I felt like I had met them somewhere before, but couldn't quite put my finger on it. I was in the middle of taking off my helmet when I heard their name.
"This is Professor (Y/N)." I shifted, freezing, and looked at them. (Y/N) glanced up, my eyes meeting theirs. Oh god, what is this feeling?
"Thank you for presenting, Commander Iverson, and the Officers." I gestured to them all and smiled, turning back to the students.
"Everyone is in the hall, after waiting so patiently. They took time off their day to do a meet and greet with us. Please show respect and make sure to ask anyone if you're interested in being in a job like them, or just want to know them better." As the students happily rushed outside into the main concourse, the pilots from the Garrison stayed behind, approaching me.
"Commander Iverson," I noted, shaking his hand. "It's nice to finally meet you again, sir." He hummed and smiled, looking at me intently with his one eye.
"It's nice to see what a such fine young adult you've become." I laughed and scratched the back of my neck.
"You flatter me, sir." He shook his head and stepped to the side so I could see the pilots' faces.
"This is Ina Leifsdottir, Nadiya Rizavi, Ryan Kinkade, and James Griffin. I'm sure you've all met before as well." I kept a smile on my face, shaking their hands as well.
"It's so nice to see you guys again," I chuckled, clasping my hands together. "Honestly, I thought you forgot me all those years ago."
"How could we? You were part of the group, right?" Nadiya giggled, winking at me. I laughed along with her, feeling a tad bit stupid.
"Yeah, yeah, I was." A smile kept on my face, but in my mind I was wincing at the memory forever etched into the very stone walls of my brain.
James didn't consider me part of their group. At the time, I didn't even think I belonged in the clique of multi-talented folks. All I was, was an outcast, honestly.
"Why don't you all go outside and talk with the kids? I bet there's one little fellow who really does want to be a pilot when he grows up," I interrupted, grinning. The five looked confused but obliged.
"Yeah, we should go out and meet the kids. They seem like a lively bunch." Everyone but James left. I finally turned to him, my smile dropping as soon as the others stepped out of the room.
"Why are you here." The seeming question was more of a demand, venom laced in my voice while brown eyes stared back at me with with same amount of intensity.
"Am I not allowed here?" he pondered, prodding at the reminiscent memory. "I am a pilot, after all." I sighed and sat on a desk.
"This is only for the kids. They filled the hole you left 10 years ago, James. I know who you are, and what you do, and how important you damn are, but I'm not going to let you ruin my life here." My heart felt a pang saying that, my mind completely going against my will, replaying the moment of euphoria I'd felt not too long ago.
"Come back and ruin your life? Who said I'd do that? I was childish, but still have grudges now. You aren't one of them. Matter of fact, I do like you." Nani?
"You think I'd actually believe that?" I scoffed. "We're both children at heart, but to think you have the audacity to say something like that-" I got up, clenching my jaw and getting closer to his face. "Is just low."
"But how low is this?" James leaned forwards and pressed his lips against mine. I yelped and pulled back, covering my mouth.
"James Tyler Griffin! What-"
"The teacher's kissing Mr. Griffin!" I heard a shrill shriek outside as the horde of kids came barreling in, laughing and screaming. I had my eyes wide open, trying to stop them, failing as some of them tackled me to the ground.
"Oh no, are you guys hurt?" I panicked, helping them up. The whole room was filled with happy giggles and screams of joy.
"Mr./Ms. (L/N) kissed James!" Greener shouted, waving his hands in the air excitedly, jumping up and down. I blushed, covering my face with my hands as the adults walked in, trying to figure out what was the source of the commotion.
"Who kissed who?" some wondered. I looked up and tried to deny, but was met with the sight of tens of shit-eating grins.
"Dammit," I whined in my head. "I'm done for, my reputation is ruined, Jesus take the wheel." The rest of the day went by, as people started to nudge me and wink, referring to the whole kissing fiasco.
By the end of the day, the whole school knew, and students from all the classes laughed whenever I came by, and the fangirls started to tell me they shipped it. I waved it off until James came one day in a suit, holding a bouquet of roses, hair slicked back and face almost glowing.
Everyone screamed when he went into the classroom then asked me out on a date.
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