And so it's begin

I was born in Vietnam, and as far as I know, people only know it because of a little war back in the Cold war, the Vietnam war.
Even though not many people know where we were on the map but, I can guarantee that everyone out here in California knows that they shouldn't mention "cong san" in front of their grandparents. Y'all will get shot down by them and they gonna yell out "guerilla down". Alright enough with the war and shit back to my life now.
I'm a Vietnamese that is currently living in L.A, hell Imma tell you the whole story of my life not in order so forgive me if shit kinda got carried away sometimes.

Alright, Vietnamese, living in L.A so what's special bout that? NOTHING!
But I got to say that after a month or two being here I feel like I'm kinda in the superior one the purer phase of Vietnamese, all the American born Vietnamese I see or encounter both online and in real life are "tryhard" kids and adults want to be Vietnamese all of them keep ramming about "phở" and shitty memes about all the food they can see everywhere in California. Such phonies like that party all night speak broken viets and try really hard to look like they are not whitewashed but you know what? They are, they freaking are. Sonavabitch I know lots of people are reading will be pissed off and such but this story bout me and I can say whatever I wanted that's why America has the right for freedom of speech eh? Ok, I gonna give it to them though, you guys, viets or trying to be viets have too much damn patriotic spirit inside you guys seriously! I have never seen a Vietnamese in Vietnam say that they are Chinese even though their grandparents are Chinese but you guys really went in with it, "I am Vietnamese" even though your parents can't even speak Vietnamese fluently, well at least you guys have that fancy "quốc tịch" though. Ahhh I wished that one day I can say in confidence that I am a citizen of the United States but for now I just gonna stay away from white people in fear that I have a slight chance of causing my whole family to be deported back to Vietnam :)

Okay even though I state my case but I have no problem with you guys it's just funny to see you guys doing that, I meant it is so extra you know?

Back in Vietnam, hell people even pay with their lives to become a U.S citizen, I remembered one time in my first grade my parents look me straight in the eyes and tell me, "P, you are going to be a U.S citizen one day and don't you forget that it is also our duty to maintain our Vietnamese nationality" hmm now think about it what do you say that is? IT'S FKING NORTH KOREA WAY TO TEACH THE YOUTH "one day you will get out of this hell hole but remember that you once starved, worked almost to death back in our country and you have to be proud of it alright?". Anyway, back there schools sucked seriously, the teacher who gives not a shit about what they teach, and don't give me the bullshit that there is this kind of teacher and that kind of teacher, no no no they are all the same, bunch of phonies whom say to you that you are a disgraceful creature but to your parents "he is a nice child, kinda noisy but overall ok" but in their heads are words like "I hate this job and I just want your money and all" shit they even give out private tutoring that played as their main income source, and poor those who don't go to the tutoring program because your grade gonna drop nonstop. Ok, lemme ask you guys one thing, it is just me or all the teacher in Vietnam acted differently based on if you are enrolled in their private class or not? Because shit my first experience was math, I have a teacher who I actually remember that basically starts acting like he's my friend all of a sudden after mom and dad decided that my grade needs improvements and send me straight to the concentra... Private tutoring class... Phew almost die there. The worst part is we are there but learning nothing, we were doing out homework and playing cards while our teacher, play games on the phones shit my teachers sucks.

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