Jasper and Alice's daughter

Y/n pov

I am at soccer game and I am one of the captains of the team or one of the co-captains... leaders maybe... Anyway I am not bad but I could defiantly get better tho so I give it my all in practice if effort to get better. The ball was passed to me to get it in the goal I pivot to catch the ball and after I pivot I feel excruciating pain in my knee and I drop to the ground clutching my knee screaming/crying. My teammates, coach, and my parents run over to me asking if I am alright I can barely speak so  I shake my head no. Oh by the way I am Y/n Cullen, my parents are Alice and Jasper Cullen but a lot of people think that my grandparents Esme and Carlisle adopted me. Only my parents could come as the rest were hunting and Carlisle had work but my now they probably were done hunting. 

I feel myself being put on a stretcher and into a ambulance, my parents following me into the ambulance. My dad knowing that Carlisle was almost done with his shift at the hospital, called him telling him to stay, while my mom called the rest of my family telling them to get to the hospital and also told them what happened although there not sure what is wrong with my knee. The whole time they were holding my hands and I knew that everything would be ok.

We arrived at the hospital a little bit later and Carlisle was waiting for us. He got me in a room, mom helped me get into one of the hospital gowns, and then Carlisle started to get me set up for an x-ray. During that time the rest of my family came and asked how I am feeling, both emotionally and physically, of course my dad knew how I felt emotionally and helped me when I needed it. 

Carlisle and a few nurses came in and told me that it was time for the x-ray. They had gotten me into the room and Carlisle had told me that I am going to be fine... he knew that I was scared... Anyway I stayed as still as I could for the x-ray when they were taking the pictures, when they weren't taking an x-ray I was talking with them... they were distracting me...

After a little while I was back in the hospital room with my family and Carlisle  had came in and told us that I had torn my ACL and that I need surgery to fix it.  

'Great' I think, 'I'm for sure out of the rest of the season'. I suddenly feel a cool calmness wash over me and I smile and thank my dad.

The game is over by now so I call the team and tell them what has happened and that I'm out for the rest of the season.

I got preped for surgery and a while later I was out and loopy from the medicine, and my Uncle Emmett filmed it! After my surgery and my knee was healed it was off to physical therapy so I can get used to using my knee again. By next soccer season I was ready to play again and were going to win the championship!


So I googled and watched recovery videos  on youtube, and thats about it on my knowledge of the subject... Hope you enjoyed!!

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