We got into the small holding room, the inside just sprinkled with other students that had already passed the exam, everyone talking together and amongst themselves, a calm atmosphere. Todoroki had already left my side, seeing that I had headed a different direction than he wanted to, so I was freely roaming around, saying the occasional greeting, chatting along with people from the other schools.

Until I spotted Inasa walk through the door, I was fairly bored on my own, but then saw an opportunity to finally have some social interaction with a friend when he did. I bounded over, happily beaming at him, eyes full of life.

"Inasa!" I exclaimed, clasping my hands together. "You made it!" He smiled brightly, scratching the back of his head.

"I did! It was a good effort, I believe!" I laughed and nudged his shoulder, a kind of difficult task, considering my height compared to his. We walked towards a seating area near the back, one of the many scattered around the room, chuckling and talking about what had happened while we were in different schools. He rambled on about his friends at Shiketsu, while I just listened, as he had a lot of things to say.

"My classmates are exponentially nicer than I could've imagined! They're the best people to learn and grow with, and they've really helped me improve as a hero, and a person!" I nodded, happy for his achievements. I opened my mouth, about to speak, when another wave of students came in, Inasa immediately jumping up to go to some of his classmates, grabbing my wrist and dragging me along with him.

"There they are! You have to meet them! They're really nice!" He whisked me away, and suddenly I was in front of a few students, each bearing the iconic Shiketsu school cap.

"Everyone, this is my friend, (Y/N)! I used to go to school with them!" I waved as Inasa introduced me to the group, a bit awkward at first, but we all eventually warmed up to each other, even to the point of asking if we could all possibly hang out if we had a little free time.

I then spotted some of my friends near the entrance, and I had to bid Inasa farewell in order to go talk to my other friends. I started to walk backwards, still gazing at him, preparing to yell in his direction.

"Let's meet up soon! I'm looking forward to it!" He nodded and gave me a thumbs-up, a giant grin plastered on his face. I snickered at his expression before I sped off, joining the small group of UA students.

"Hey guys, congrats on finishing." Too tired to speak, the boys and girls gave me sighs and weary smiles, mustering the smallest "thank you" before plopping down in a seat.

"The course wasn't the easiest on you, huh?" They all groaned, half lidded eyes dull and emotionless, busy rubbing their sore joints and muscles. Seeing that they weren't in a mood to talk, I meandered towards Bakugo and Kirishima, who had entered the room a little bit before the others, already situated in a corner.

As I approached them, Kirishima perked up and waved to me, a sharp grin displayed on his face.

"(Y/N)!" he called, beckoning for me to come over, "Over here!" Bakugo's expression was ashy, his eyes glued to the ground as I walked up to the pair.

"What's up?" The red head gave me a small look of embarrassment, pointing to his friend.

"Bakugo here won't bother talking, and I don't exactly know why." I raised an eyebrow, bending down to have a glimpse at the blonde's expression. My eyes widened a little bit and my mouth formed an "O" shape as I finally saw what he looked like.

"That's-" I chuckled, stifling a loud laugh, "that's pure unadulterated rage, my friend." Kirishima's expression shifted to mirror mine, not knowing what to do next. He awkwardly patted Bakugo's shoulder, trying to consult him.

"Hey man, everything's going to be okay, we passed the first phase of the test, it's alright-"

"I don't need your damn comfort, shitty hair! Those Shiketsu bastards don't know what they're up against-"  He suddenly stood up, face in front of him, and started power walking. Both Kirishima and I started to tail behind him, our complaints falling upon deaf ears.

"Bro, you can't just walk away like that-" Katsuki stopped all of a sudden, almost causing us to crash into him. I bit my lip to stifle a string of curse words, but also noticed where his attention was pointed to.

A new Shiketsu student had approached us, with a stone-faced Shoto in toll, Inasa just behind him. I couldn't really see anything behind his hair, but he seemed to be quite nice, nevertheless. What I presumed to be his head was turned towards the fiery blonde in front of me.

"You're Bakugo Katsuki, right?" 

"Damn straight. I'm the one and only." The student had a little laugh, cleared his throat and continued.

"I'm Nagamasa Mora. You met my buddy Seiji before, right?"

"You mean the purple haired guy with the tacky mask? Yeah, I knocked the bastard right out." Mora sighed, using a visible hand to scratch his face, awkwardly standing.

"Sorry for his behavior. He can get a little riled up sometimes." Kirishima butted in, waving his hand, as if to dismiss the thought.

"It's no problem! His quirk is pretty great, and it was a manly fight!" Nagamasa seemed to brighten up a little, the bundle of hair shifting up.

"I'm glad to hear. I hope in the future, UA and Shiketsu can build a positive relationship with each other. At least, that is what I, and many others hope to do." Immediately, I looked towards Yoarashi, who wasn't facing me with one of his signature giant smiles, but instead was looking straight at Todoroki, his eyes like daggers.

The hetereochromatic male was looking straight back, his face displaying confusion.

"Do you... have a problem?" I winced. Not a very good start to building a good relationship. Though I know Shoto was referring to if he did anything wrong, I could tell Inasa had a problem. A big one. I haven't seen him look like this ever.

"Well I'm sorry, son of Endeavor," he began, lips curled down, eyes slits, "but I hate you guys." Shoto looked stunned, like someone had punched him in the stomach. My friend from Shiketsu continued, a small explanation towards his hatred.

"You, Todoroki Shoto, have changed, I suppose... considering you talk to me in such a calm manner." Inasa looked disgusted towards Shoto's burn mark. "But your eyes are still the same as his." He walked away with a flourish of his cape, brushing past me as he made his escape.

"I'm sorry you had to see that, (Y/N)," he murmured, gently patting my shoulder as he carried himself away. I watched the scene with sad eyes, uncomfortable that two of my close friends had such a division between both of them.

I don't know what's going on, but it's best to let them solve it on their own.


I whipped my head up, hearing a long and dangerous ringing that sounded like a purge buzzer. A man's voice came through the intercom. 

"This is a rescue scenario. Due to heavily damaged roadways, the first group of rescuers have been delayed. Until they arrive, the heroes in the area will lead the rescue efforts. Save as many lives as you can. Well then..." The walls collapsed again, revealing the run down city, a battlefield that wasn't that easy to navigate.

"Start!" I bolted off, hurrying with my group to quickly navigate towards any potential victims of the "attack." We reached our first victim not far away from the starting point, a boy who was heavily wailing about his grandpa.

Izuku jumped into action, analyzing the situation at hand, but failing to consider the conditions of the boy and his grandfather. The man-child who was playing the role of the kid started to lecture him about the test while I tried to come up with a plan, to maximize our efforts.

While Deku picked up the guy, I started to give a plan.

"Alright! Why don't we separate into smaller groups, up to four people in each one. We'll spread out based on our abilities and make sure that every single area in covered!" Everyone seemed to like it, so we went off, quickly deciding what to do, and how to do it.

I heard from some students that a first-aid area had already been established, so all we had to do was find people that were injured. Along with Uraraka, Momo, Sato, and Sero, we scoured the area and found loads of people that were trapped under debris, stuck, or hurt. 

"Help! I'm injured badly!" I rushed over to the fallen victim who was clutching her arm, with a little bit of fake blood spilling out of her head.

"Miss! Are you alright?" She howled and whimpered, dramatically pointing my attention to her wound. I carefully wrapped an arm around her waist, using my body as a brace for her. 

"Can you walk?" I asked, hauling her up. She shook her head, eyes as wide as saucers. I sighed, gently cradling her, her good arm slung on my shoulders.

"Listen, it's going to be alright m'am. I'll get you to safety soon." I carried her towards my friends, seeing if there was any other information that she could give me.

"Do you know any other injured people in the vicinity?" She sobbed and pointed towards an area of rubble, close enough to where I was standing.

"My husband," she wailed, wiping tears away from her eyes. "He's crushed under the stone!" I nodded, knowing that it would be best if I left that job to my teammates.

Turning to my small group, I alerted them that there was another man near them, and that I was going to be gone for a few moments, but I'd return soon. It seemed like they understood, so I ran off, being careful not to bounce the injured person in my arms too much.

"Your husband is going to be just fine, and so are you. We will be arriving at the first-aid area soon, don't worry." Some students gathered around, tending to the injured, while others quickly rushed in with wounded people.

There was a guy in green commanding everyone around, and told me where to drop the woman I carried in my arms off to. I gingerly placed her down and gave her a thumbs-up, signing that everything would be alright. She gave me a small smile, returning the gesture. Before I could go, a loud explosion rang through the area. A large hole in the wall had appeared, and along with it, our "terrorist."

My eyebrows raised as I saw a familiar face, many footsteps thundering on the ground as his sidekicks ran out, like a small army. Everyone gave a collective gasp as the dust settled, revealing the one and only Gang Orca.

"Rescuing and fighting," he growled, looking up at us, red eyes glaring at the still standing, as well as the disabled. "Can you do everything at the same time?"

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