Meeting Raven chapter 1
Hey! Ok so I reacentaly got obsessed with the Teen Titans show the original version so I am going to do a fanfic on them! I'm also going to try to make another version like this one.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Ravens pov
"Baby you know you have to go to Earth for your own safety. I can feel his presence getting stronger every day! This is very hard for me, but I will tell you something be good, help others that need help, and don't be afraid to use your powers, ok?" Ravens mom said hugging her daughter.
" Ok mom, I will go but I will miss you, good bye," Raven said as she headed into a portal to Earth in tears.
End of flashback
"And that was the day I left my home Azarath, and my mom. Now I am just stuck running streets, helping people like mom said." Raven said to herself.
No ones pov
Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Cyborg are fighting Doctor Light, and Doctor Light is winning. Then Doctor Light blasted Robin making him scream. Then Doctor Light had blasted Robin once more and making Robin pass out. The rest on the Titans ran over to Robin and Doctor Light thought he could escape now that no one was watching him.
Raven who was in an ally near by heard someone screaming so she floated quickly there and saw someone passed out, and Doctor Light getting away so she chased him, catching him and making him pass out with a simple power blast.
"That's that," Raven said, grabbing her suit and started to float to the Titans.
When Raven got close enough to hear them she heard this, " Robin your awake!" (Starfire)
"Where's Doctor Light?" (Robin)
"He got away."(Cyborg)
"No he didn't," said a voice.(Raven)
" Wow, you caught him! We have been after him for months, and he always gets away! He is not the easiest villain to catch, you know." (Beast Boy)
"Ya, um, actually it was kind of easy, I'm Raven." Raven said.
"Cyborg," Said Cyborg.
"Starfire " said Starfire.
"Beast Boy" said Beast Boy .
"Robin were the Teen Titans." Said Robin.
Then Doctor Light woke up. "Oh great, the Titans and you, wait, who are you!?" Doctor Light said when he could see clearly.
"I'm Raven, but I'm afraid we not going to get to close though," Raven said with a smirk, then said, "Or you can call me your worst nightmare."
"Ya I think I'll stick to Raven," Doctor Light said.
Then Doctor Light blasted the Titans knocking them out leaving him with Raven. Then in the distance they heard sirens going off.
"Shoot," Doctor Light said.
"Let's get you to jail," a cop said.
Then another cop said "You know you five would make a great team!" Just as the Starfire, Robin, Beast Boy, and Cyborg woke up.
"Well Raven you have saved our buts for the second time in a row," Cyborg said as Starfire, Beast Boy, and him got up. Robin tried to but he just fell back down.
" Hold on Robin, were getting you to the infirmary," Cyborg said, "Raven you want to come?"
Raven is quite. "I'll take that as a no," said Beast Boy.
"Actually I do I am just not to a home anymore," said Raven.
Cyborg just gave Raven a confused look, but shook it off, and gave Raven a come on hand motion.
At Titans island
"How bad is he hurt?" Raven asked Cyborg.
"Not much, why?" Cyborg answered.
"Set him down I can heal him, I have magic powers," Raven told them.
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos, Azarath Metrion Zinthos, Azarath Metrion Zinthos," Raven began meditating.
In a few minutes Robin was healed. Then the Titans (Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy) huddled up and began whispering about something, then they all nodded.
Raven was about to leave when Robin turned around and asked Raven, "Hey Raven you have helped us more than once, do you want to become a Titan?"
"Ya it would be nice to have some sort of a family again, and a home," said Raven.
"What do you mean?" Robin asked.
"Baby you know you have to go to Earth for your own safety. I can feel his presence getting stronger every day! This is very hard for me, but I will tell you something be good, help others that need help, and don't be afraid to use your powers, ok?" Ravens mom said hugging her daughter.
" Ok mom, I will go but I will miss you, good bye," Raven said as she headed into a portal to Earth in tears.
End of flashback
"And that was the day I left my home Azarath, and my mom. Now I am just stuck running streets, helping people like mom said." Raven said finishing her story.
" Oh I am so sorry, that you had to go through that," Robin said. " Wait didn't you say it would be nice to have a home again?" Robin asked confused.
"Ya well, sense then I been living on the streets for maybe four months, and I haven't eaten anything in two weeks, so I am surprised that I could preform that healing spell," Raven said.
"You haven't eaten in two weeks!" said Starfire, Beast Boy, and Cyborg shocked.
"Come on we need to get you some food," said Robin taking charge of the situation.
"Beast Boy go find Aqua Lad, she isn't going to last much longer she looks like she is going to pass out!" Robin ordered after they couldn't find any food on the island.
" K!" Beast Boy said. Lucky for him Aqua Lad was near by and heard Beast Boy's frantic shots and then when Beast Boy told Aqua Lad 'we need your help!'
Beast Boy and Aqua Lad appeared and Aqua Lad saw Raven passed out from hunger, asked Robin "what happened!"
"She has helped us more than once, living on the streets, and hasn't eaten in two weeks!" Robin said
"I don't like doing this but it doesn't look or sound like I have a choice," said Aqua Lad calling a few fish and explaining the situation to the fish. "They are willing to get eaten to save Ravens life," said Aqua Lad a few minutes later.
"Alright that is great! Thank you Aqua Lad," Cyborg said.
"Wait, how are we going to get her to eat it?" Beast Boy asked them.
"What do you mean?" Robin, Starfire, and Cyborg asked.
"She has passed out," Beast Boy said.
"Oh no worries I have a way," Cyborg said.
Cyborg had a built in feeding tube, and he fed the fish to Raven. "I think I will stay here just in case you need my help," said Aqua Lad.
"ok," said Robin.
"She is waking up!" Cyborg said.
"What happened?" Raven asked.
"You passed out from hunger," said Beast Boy.
"Oh thanks, hi Aqua Lad," said Raven.
"Hey Raven," said Aqua Lad, " you haven't fallen in any oceans again have you?" said Aqua Lad with a smirk.
"Hahahaha no! Thanks again for rescuing me Aqua Lad! If you weren't there I would be dead!" said Raven.
"WAIT WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!???" Said Beast Boy, Starfire, Robin, and Cyborg.
"Guys when I first arrived here the portal dropped me in the deepest part of the ocean and I can't swim," Raven said laughing but also embarrassed.
"Luckily I was there and saw her just in time," finished Aqua Lad.
"Oh," said Beast Boy, Starfire, Robin, and Cyborg as they nodded.
few hours later
"Oh, isn't this a lovely moment, but if you don't mind, I would rather destroy you all," said Doctor Light, "Yes, I have escaped from the police."
"Titans go," Robin shouted.
Doctor Light had already blasted Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy, now he had blasted Robin. Aqua Lad had already left.
Raven said, "Alright my turn," and walking up to him. When she had walked past the other Titans they had started to wake up, a black aura had surrounded a few large rocks and the other Titans saw this.
"Whats happening with Raven," Beast Boy asked seeing that Ravens hands were glowing black.
"Azarath Metrion ZINTHOS," Raven shouted, and then the rocks were hurdled towards Doctor Light making him pass out, right as the cops showed up.
"UM, WHAT WAS THAT," Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy shouted.
"My power," Raven said.
"Oh," they said together, except Raven.
"Then why are you doing that!!!???" Beast Boy shouted and pointed to a black portal thing.
"I don't know, i'm not doing that," Raven said confused.
Then a woman that looked like Raven stepped out and said, "Raven you forgot your spell book."
"Oh thanks, Mom," Raven said, "Because I have a feeling that you are leaving back for home."
"Ya, sorry Raven." Ravens mom said.
What did you think? Should I continue?
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