Chapter 22: I love you.

Y/n's POV:

I stood on my feet wondering what to do. My head was blank of plans. I turned my look to Will and saw him in a serious face. I have never seen him like this before, but wish to see it more.

He look so... beautiful and, still, cute at the same time, as always. I couldn't help but to touch his face and play with his hair.

"Y/n?" Will surprised.

"It's gonna be okay. I will never leave you alone." I said in no controll of myself.

Will's eyes were wide open. Like I was strange, but then he smile, a weak one but nice. He hugged me tightly and whisper into my ear the loving words.

The moment could not last forever, I suddenly saw Dipper behind us.

"Will! It's him!!!" I shout and held his hand then we ran away. My feet were in pain. I could feel it breakdown as I sliped.


"Y/n!!!" I heard a female voice, so familiar... could it be... Pacifica? What is she doing here!?

"Pacifica! What are you doing!? It's not safe here! Go away!" I tried to shout with my sour throat.

Pacifica seem not to listen, she ran straight to me and put something in my hand, like a stone... what i could imagine of was the amblet. But i would be impossible now but... it is true! Pacifica has the amblet.

"It's a present from Mabel. And this is mine" Pacifica gave me a golf stick. She help me up and carry Will along. She is so strong. And I am not. I wish I could be strong to protect Will, and this will be my change.

I told Paz to take Will to a safe place and wait for me. Paz was worried but listened at the end.

"Be safe!" Pacifica smile and gave me a friendly punch.

"I will" I turn and ran torwards Dipper, facing him.

"Dipper! Don't do this!" I said.

Dipper looked angry but he calmed himself down and listen to me.

"If you don't hurt Will, I will... will go with you..." my heart was shattered for what I spoke. Dipper was wide surprised and the pride took over his carefulness.

"Prove it!" He said.

I took a deep breath and walk to him. My head remind myself i do it for Will..., my heart beat fast. And i kissed Dipper.

What a pain. I hope Will doesn't see this.

"Y/N!!!!" Will shout. Oh no.

"Will, it's over and I have won." Dipper held my whist and draw a winning smile on his face.

"NO!!!!! SHES MINE!!!!" Will was full of jealiousy. It's hurt me as it's hurt him, I looked away, putting my hand on Dipper cheast.

Will screamed and ran to us. It is now or never.

I, with all the streight I had left, pull the amblet from Dipper's tie and ran to Will.

"No! My power!" Dipper shout as I escaped.

I threw the two amblets to Will and he destroyed it. A big radio-like wave spread around as the two explosed, I fell and fianted. Everything was so fast.


Where am I?... my head... it's hurt...


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