3 Truyện
FOG (1-200)

FOG (1-200)

554 1 200


Hwangdeep - [Series ONESHOT]

Hwangdeep - [Series ONESHOT]

1,411 126 6


Llewellyn's Little Book of Unicorns - Angela A. Wix

Llewellyn's Little Book of Unicorns - Angela A. Wix

91 13 13

Llewellyn's Little Book of Unicorns - Angela A. Wix (Bản gốc)Contents:List of ExercisesList of TipsList of FiguresIntroductionChapter One: The Fabled CreatureChapter Two: Tools of the Unicorn: Vision & ReflectionChapter Three: Additional Unicorn Tools: Color & VibranceChapter Four: Being Awake to the MagicChapter Five: Finding What Makes You SparkleChapter Six: Calling In the UnicornConclusionBibliographyRecommended ResourcesAcknowledgmentsExercises:1: What Makes Up Your Unicorn?2: Tune Into the Meaning of the Unicorn3: Seeing Your Reflection4: Watch for Distorted Moments5: Opening to Your Intuitive Sight6: Meditation after a Visitation Dream7: Find Your Unicorn People8: Acknowledging the Unicorn and the Rhino9: Find Your Unicorn Crystal10: Make Your Own Unicorn Energy Mist11: Alicorn Meditation for Single-Pointed Focus12: Actively Catching the Unicorn13: Learning to Trust Your Inner Wisdom14: Decluttering Your Environment15: What's Blocking You?16: Mindfulness for Finding Where Your Sparkle Is Stuck17: Unicorn Chakra Energy Clearing18: Your Strong Senses19: Meet Your Bridging Guide20: Defining Your Unicorn21: Calling In the UnicornTips:1: What Unicorns Are All About2: The Different Forms of Mirrors, Moons, and Reflecting Ponds3: Trusting the Message of Synchronistic Events4: The Different Forms of Unicorn Dreams5: Discovering Your True Passions6: The Different Forms of Your Unicorn People7: Choosing Stones Like a Unicorn8: Learn the Meaning of Your Crystal9: Finding Where Your Sparkle Is StuckFigures:Figure 1: The Seven ChakrasFigure 2: The Chakras and the Auric Field***Warning: Vui lòng không mang đi đâu khi chưa có sự cho phép của dịch giả***Note: Phần Exercises và Tips sẽ có những bài viết riêng để tổng hợp lại!…